Hi, Meridian I apologize in advance if I write in the wrong topic, I only registered today, although I have been on the site for several months now.
In general, I wanted to offer one idea (I do not know how much you will not like it)) I will try to be brief.
My brother and I love to play X-Com and I like to play, say, PERFECT.
When I speak perfectly, I mean that not one of my soldiers died (and did not receive serious injuries), and in the process I like to fantasize in my head how this could have happened in 3D (I have a lot of imagination, and therefore the gameplay produces more pleasant impressions)
Of course, this requires constant Save / Load, but it does not bring me much discomfort, because I can do quick save and load.
So what am I talking about? Oh yes, I wanted to propose the idea of recording a battle in which the battle will smoothly take place, beautifully and spectacularly (as part of a normal battle, just a smooth repetition without too much).
Of course, the proposal to save the battle record in the results after the battle, and the ability to download and view in a separate menu, choosing records.
I know that the idea itself smacks of at least strange, but it's just an idea and I wanted to know what you think about it.
Yes, just your thoughts about it will be very interesting to me. Thank you in advance for your response. (I hope this is not a short no answer)))