I like how careful your question is 
I've put it on the todolist... if there is a "non-disturbing" way to sneak it into the existing GUI, I'll try...
... one more question though... can you describe in which situations would this feature be useful to you? So that I have an idea how it will be used...
My day-time job deals a lot with "minefield" questions, so it came "naturally" at the time of posting (yes, I'm at work ATM).

As per situations. I'm playing Piratez at the moment and my interaction comes from OXCE+ and the mod. I see a pull down menu on the top left that allows the filtering of items based on all sort of categories. I see also pull down menus on the craft inventory screen, like the one that says "equipped", where one can "top-off" items as needed. A similar feature may come useful for bases.
My intended use is for example, if I have assigned certain satellite bases to store each different class of items, like one base for craft parts, another for raw materials, another for surplus weapons, etc. Then after a mission where my local storage is overflow, or any other time, I can dispatch the excess to each of the corresponding bases. The ability to filter and show only items existing at the destination (from the pull down menu, for example), would come very handy.
I guess this may not be an issue for other mods, but for Piratez and its hundreds of different items, this would easy the pain a bit