Update notes:
- Updated for OXCE 8.1 and 40k039.
- Merging of Therons Chaos Cult path submod. Arbites faction selection is now renamed Adeptus Terra, allowing more branching Strategy choices (including Chaos).
- SOB OST, IG OST and Chaos OST soundtrack submods now available on mod.io. With Sisters, Guard and Chaos themed music selection to replace the default tracks. You can switch to whichever:
https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/sobost-rosigma-40khttps://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/igost-rosigma-40khttps://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/chaosost-rosigma-40k- SpaceMarine Tweaks 40k submod updated to 4.5.0.
- CRASH: Steel Legion rocket Sentinel causing a crash on the battlescape relating to SL_HSENT2_ROCKET_BS.pck "missing" (renamed).
- GSC no swipey Monoliths anymore.
- MAP: Missing tiles in "hell tear" ufo and its variants
- MAP: Passable wall on the Luminous Complex Tzeentch ship upper floor.
- MAP: Height crash in city and rig terrains with valkyrie drop craft.
- MAP: Unit falling into and getting stuck inside a solid stone block in a common tileset used in various maps (bunker hill map block, forest).
- STR_SILACOID_TERRORIST height set to normal values for a biped humanoid. This applies to Bloodletters, which as a result used to have a rather short hitbox.
- 0'ed PsiSkill for some Death Skull Orks who could use their big brains to bully guardsmen on occasion.
- Heavy Webber ammo given X1 hit graphics animation.
- Improved sound quality for GMTACTIC 9 and 19-23
- Under the Hood: More OXCE 8.0 code updates and linting fixes.
- Stand/kneel height for AI cultists sorcerers.
- Everyone can now see the Solar Pattern Heavy Bolter codex article (article was gated behind playing Guard).
- Bug Fix For Mend Inflict Spell via script change. Added Heal cap text string.
- Geminae Soul Shard recoverability via corpse item.
- Handob sprites using same index (Solo Bolter)
- Fix wrong position for a slot in the adeptas rhino convoy
- Chance of Alpha Legion Infiltrator Reveal Halved on Nonplayer Turns.
- Added escape tiles for the GSC subway base (HIVE).
- Personal light lowered to 5 from 6
- 1 radius for the Boomer poxbursters explosion.
- Adjusted position of topmost rhino and spawn coordinates in the Adeptas Rhino Convoy to allow 2x2 units to get out in certain map spawns close to the NE edge.
- The random Vindicare Event now Unlocks Exitus Ammo.
- Added a Induct Cantus (promote Novice to Adeptas) Codex help article to explain the requirements.
- Added STR_ADEPTAS_SOB_MOBILIZATION to ceramite tier for novice path for direct recruitment for the late game.
- Fixed dependencies for ceramite adeptas weapons (Stormbolter deaz, Galgalim assault cannon and Dominion Bolter) to unlock AFTER researching relevant unlocking TIER.
- BUFF: Handflamer fuel now as effective as normal flamer fuel vs armor (was 50% less effective).
- Raised Devotion stat caps from 80 to 100 for Sisters
- Playable Chaos Cult available with the "Adeptus Terra" umbrella faction selection. Selected instead of going Arbites. They have a couple of different mission types and random events than the imperial side.
- Adds starting month Ganger Hideout missions for the Chaos cult and the Arbites to tackle.
- Adds a new monthly special chaos mission, assaulting an intercepted PDF Valkyrie.
- Initial implementation of armory raid mission for chaos cult faction.
- Added monthly missions with random chaos themed unit recruit chance to replace the Imperial version.
- CRAFT: Starting chaos trucks, armored trucks, Chaos APC and Valkyrie options unlocked via special missions.
- CRAFT: New Ceramite Tier transport option: Chaos thunderhawk heavy, which deploys 2xPredator/"Reaver" tanks equipped with battlecannons, coax heavy bolter and two sponson heavy bolters.
- ENDGAME CRAFT: The special endgame Chaos Transport Craft requires a special mission to acquire.
- ARSENAL: Makes Undivided chaos weapons accessible to players with STR_ALIENS_ONLY, adds new flag research STR_IMPERIAL_WEAPONS to flag weapons as inaccessible to chaos players. Weapons have generally been disabled if a chaos equivalent is now available and that weapon is not found on AI chaos units.
- Replacement Chaos Retributor Bigob so it at least looks different in the inventory.
- New weapon: Iron Warrior Combi-Bolter and Combi-Melta.
- ARMOR/UNIT: Added player Plague Ogryn soldier type and armor.
- Added Greater Plague Toad HWP to Player Nurgle access.
- Added Inquisition Bases to oppose the Chaos Player.
- New nurgle pistol sprite.
- Enemy Inquisition Bases and HQs can now launch a terror type mission, Inquisition Purge.
- Added Chaos Fanatics and Witches for the Chaos Player to rescue from Inquisition Purges.
- Chaos Final Mission Now Has GK Reinforcements.
- Updated Inventory Art for Tyranid Warriors with rending scythes.
- Updated corpse art.
- New Warrior Devourer and Rending Claws weapon art.
- Updated Warrior battlesprite by Brenshar.
- Updated Termagant battlesprites by Brenshar.
- New deathspitter hit animation art.
- New purple claw hit animation art.