
Author Topic: [ADDON] ROSIGMA  (Read 179173 times)

Offline Regulain

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« Reply #360 on: September 18, 2023, 01:48:03 pm »
I'm beginning to think that that GSC Cult base was deliberately disabled by the 40k team because it is rouggghhh, at least with the Space Hulk you get a nice little warning about what you have to destroy

I can say the same about traitor guardsmen bases, I went in with drop pods and the first thing I see is like 10 sentinals all armed with missiles, with all the explosives that slam into my landing zone, I would be lucky to have 3 marines alive by my 3rd turn.

Offline EleriumWard

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« Reply #361 on: September 24, 2023, 05:06:10 am »
Any plans to add music from Darktide?

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #362 on: September 26, 2023, 02:12:19 pm »

where can I find the ruleset for the Skaven?

thank you

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #363 on: October 02, 2023, 04:30:37 pm »
the Rosigma mode was updated yesterday, but the release log is from there anything new?

people are confused! such a hard thing to answer...the mod was upload 5 days ago but the notes are from August...what in the holy Emperor is going on here ?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2023, 03:53:11 pm by Simi822 »

Offline noflic

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« Reply #364 on: October 26, 2023, 02:05:12 am »
Liking the latest version a lot - though not run into any Hrud yet (alas), and while the modular turret system's very cool and a good late-game money sink, I can't figure out how to get particular turrets on particular vehicles; is there a particular set of turrets (not sponsons) that only the Leman Russ can mount? I'm assuming the craft weapon mounts can't be used as turret slots, so just knowing if there's x turret it will definitely go to y tank would help to parse what I'm up to on the equipment screen. Also, <yells at cloud> the Armoured Convoy still starts four hapless guardsmen standing on top of a Chimera waiting to catch reaction fire instead of being tucked safely in the four empty spaces in the middle vehicle. It isn't quite as lethal as you'd expect, weirdly, but it's still a pretty reliable game of "use the guardsmen to stop those bolter shells scratching the paint".

That aside, had an unrelated question that I'll spoiler in case anyone hasn't seen the research in the UFOpedia:

If I want to
do a renegade/traitor run
, what's the best faction to start as? They all have research routes for it, it looks like, but it also looks like Sisters/Marines might get the most unique recruitable units, with the Inquisition subfactions coming in after (and themselves having different options to each other, AFAICT). So, I wondered what route gives me the most options, as well as if there's any important research/units that should get done before

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #365 on: November 01, 2023, 07:15:39 pm »
ROSIGMA 2.4 is now live.
Grab it here:

- Fix for Chimera Heavy Bolter Turret not reloading.
- Light Bolter Kraken Ammo Manufacturing to produce the right type of magazine.
- Updated requirements for the Codex articles on the Jove and Dominion boltguns to match newer research requirements.
- Updates to Ripper Pistol Auto-fire stats and damage type.
- Slaanesh Gas Grenade fixes to not operate on a random delay fuse.
- Various updates to Necron scripts
- Updates to the Dodge script.
- Standardize Intelligence Stat (knows your units exact location for this number of turns after spotting). Lowered a few outlier 5-6 int to lower levels. Standard is now:
complete chaff/penitents/soldiers(cultists)/ogryn/brain scooped servitors/mutants =0 int
trained soldiers, sisters = 1-2
basic CSM = 2
officers 3-4
and a few high end daemons/psykers 4-5
- Gave the Mend Wounds Spell a Custom Action Name.
- Fixed some visual errors in half a dozen codex articles.
- Fixed some spelling errors in the Medikit fire-fighting codex.

- Added a Codex article briefly explaining Vision modes (Light/Darkness, Camo and AntiCamo, HeatVision) and default OXCE toggle keys for vision modes.
- Opened up many Imperial codex articles from game start. Some low tier enemy units also have their codex articles available (although autopsy research can still gather more information). Added new codex sections for Adeptas armors and weapons that are now visible from game start regardless of faction, for any looted gear or rescued units that join up.
- Updated mission tables for the new nurgle, slaanesh and tzeentch mission types. Race lists have also been moved around for the respective mission types and away from using the default ship types unless its undivided or mixed lists. In short: More variety and randomization. Different chaos bases will be popping up from infiltration missions and so on. 
- Outposts and the Training Base have had their defenses improved, with about 8-12 fixed bolter Tarantulas positioned on the gatehouses and overlooking the inner courtyards. The Outpost have had its walkways fortified to an extent, and new passageways and stairs to make it easier to move around the gatehouses and walls. The inner courtyard have had 3 new fortified buildings added with firing points overlooking the courtyard.
- Outposts and Training Base Spawn points have been increased to stop large defending forces from spawning troops out in the wilderness, and to spawn mostly inside rather than on the walls.
- Autocannon turrets accuracy and effective range buffed. Taurox and Chimera variants.
- Annihilator Turret for the Leman Russ power nerfed. BRRRT.
- Standardized Tzeentch Flamer stats.
- Custom Retaliation missions for Tzeentch and Slaanesh, using their respective ship types. This means their lists will not appear on the standard chaos ships going for retaliations, and attacks against their ships will trigger their retaliation missions instead.
- Slaanesh and Tzeentch infiltration missions now create their respective base type rather than the basic chaos one.
- Tzeentch will no longer spawn in the standard chaos base.

TO DO: - Buffed Krak properties for Hellfire missile pods. AUX_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER, AUX_DW_DREAD_LAUNCHER and AUX_CENT_ROCKET. This affects Dreadnoughts, Marine Air Support and Centurion missiles launchers.
TO DO: - Applied Grav-script to Centurion Gravcannon.

- StarSquids New Stormtrooper (human) power armor loadout available at ceramite tier. Includes autocannons and meltacutters for breaching duty.
- Inquisition autocannon can use assault cannon ammo types.

- New Unit: Rotbearer, with art by Brenshar. Weaker version of the Plaguebearer. Integrated in early Nurgle lists, replacing some Midwife slots.
- Added A full set of Nurgle ship types with their own tilesets. 23 in total.
- Added Nurgle mission types, research, harvest, abduction, infiltration, base building, terror, retaliation etc.

- 9 New Ship types based on Jackstraw2323 and Luke83 "Blessed" Ship types and tilesets, blended with tzeentch CHAOS decoration. Very blinged out.
- Tzeentch missions now make use of these new ships.
- New Tzeentch Chaos Base with modified art for the top and bottom levels. Second level not yet implemented. Nothing fancy, mostly color changes to the the standard chaos base. Tzeentch bases will generate tzeentch missions using tzeentch ships.

- New Unit: Hormagaunt, melee grunt of the Tyranids that prefers to zerg the enemy in big numbers and pounce on their targets. Can appear in Space Hulks, and when a group of them have overrun some deserted outpost.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #366 on: November 01, 2023, 07:24:28 pm »
Liking the latest version a lot - though not run into any Hrud yet (alas), and while the modular turret system's very cool and a good late-game money sink, I can't figure out how to get particular turrets on particular vehicles; is there a particular set of turrets (not sponsons) that only the Leman Russ can mount? I'm assuming the craft weapon mounts can't be used as turret slots, so just knowing if there's x turret it will definitely go to y tank would help to parse what I'm up to on the equipment screen. Also, <yells at cloud> the Armoured Convoy still starts four hapless guardsmen standing on top of a Chimera waiting to catch reaction fire instead of being tucked safely in the four empty spaces in the middle vehicle. It isn't quite as lethal as you'd expect, weirdly, but it's still a pretty reliable game of "use the guardsmen to stop those bolter shells scratching the paint".

That aside, had an unrelated question that I'll spoiler in case anyone hasn't seen the research in the UFOpedia:

If I want to
do a renegade/traitor run
, what's the best faction to start as? They all have research routes for it, it looks like, but it also looks like Sisters/Marines might get the most unique recruitable units, with the Inquisition subfactions coming in after (and themselves having different options to each other, AFAICT). So, I wondered what route gives me the most options, as well as if there's any important research/units that should get done before

Correct in that Leman Russ have some unique turrets, and sponson turrets are named differently (front sponsons vs side sponsons might not be, although they do have different types on some variants).
Aside for the main gun
    Leman Russ Annihilator.* Lascannons
    Leman Russ Executioner.* Heavy Plasma
    Leman Russ Punisher.* Massive Assault Cannon
+ Sponson Multimelta, hull lascannon, flamer sponsons and heavy bolter sponsons.

Chimeras have Twin Heavy Bolter turrets, Flamer turrets, Autocannon turrets and the Multilas turret.

As for HERESY runs, either Space Marines or Adeptas, as they have unique armors/units. However, you can access these as any faction once you do go Chaos - it just takes some more research. There should be transformation options to pump your guardsmen etc full of Heresy and turn them into various Chaos units.

Heretical Inquisition is its own path that can turn a lot of captive Chaos units to your side as well. 

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #367 on: November 01, 2023, 07:26:27 pm »
CHILL MODE 2.4 files, suitable for chill times, or if you're gonna use Brutal AI are available on the Discord "Other Mods" channel.

- alienDeployments_40k.rul: Enemy Deployment numbers and mission frequency reduced by ~33%.
- alienMissions_40k.rul: Enemy Lists, normal and hard, regardless of player faction, ramp at 24 months instead of 12 months.
- alienItemLevels.rul Enemy weapon loadout tech progression speed halved

Any of these alone or together can be used by pasting and replacing the same named files in your 2.4 installation folder.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #368 on: November 02, 2023, 12:44:52 pm »
get the following error with 2.4:

[02-11-2023_11-41-58]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_ARMORR_FIXED_UC': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_ARMOR_KHORNE_REPENTIA': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_CALLIDUS_SUIT': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_SLAANASSASSINARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_SLAANESH_BLESSED_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_TZEENTCHNASSASSINARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ALPHA_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ALPHA_CORVUS_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ASSASSINNEUTRAL_FEMSUIT': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_PENETANTE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_SERAPHIM': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMORSELENE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_CHRYSSALID_ARMOR_DIRE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_DEATHCULT_ASSASSIN_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_DESERTER_PSYKER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELDAR_FARSEER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELYSIAN_JUMP_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ELYSIAN_JUMP_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_FLAK_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_FLAK_ARMOR_MEDIC': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINIDGUARD_MEDIC_CARAPACE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FELINID_JUMP_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_ENFORCER_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_GUARD_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_KELER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_MEDICAE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_PDF_MEDIC_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_PENETANTE_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_GSC_PENETANTE_ARMOR_FEMALE': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #369 on: November 02, 2023, 02:34:40 pm »
Check your installation so you do not have a zip file in the mod folder.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #370 on: November 02, 2023, 05:22:26 pm »
everything was put into ZIP, I always unpack as its run then faster...I had this previously, I deleted the cfg and setup the game new but this time...nothing  BUT I deleted the cfg and reset everything again...and now its running..very weird

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #371 on: November 06, 2023, 10:06:00 am »
Yeah, I see that type of "armor size" error pop up from time to time when doing an update of the installation, so its something relating to it.

Offline noflic

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« Reply #372 on: November 22, 2023, 10:59:43 pm »
Is there anything I can fiddle with in the settings to revert promotions back to automatic rather than manual? Updated recently and suddenly thought "huh, nobody's been promoted this month", and a check of the options menu and the main 40k thread confirms that it's now locked to manual. It turns out I don't like this change, which is I realise a weird gaming opinion to suddenly develop; apart from now having a new realm of choice paralysis, I think I also liked the indefinable ~immersion~ of promotions being a bit unknowable and arbitrary rather than the Player-General personally deciding whether Ollanius Redshirt gets made a corporal.

(Yes, I realise that the Player-General personally decides on everything down to how many reloads Ollanius Redshirt carries. It is a weird gaming opinion, after all. But surely that setting doesn't need to be locked to manual?)

Offline Scamps

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« Reply #373 on: November 23, 2023, 12:55:26 am »
Manual promotions are necessary for certain paths where promotions cost tokens. Also difference between ranks is not limited to morale in that paths. There is no possibility to change options based on difficulty level or research. Option is enforced so players don't break the game.

If you are sure you don't need it, edit
Code: [Select]
user\mods\40k\Ruleset\difficulty_40k.ruldelete lines
Code: [Select]
  oxceAutomaticPromotions: false
  oxceManualPromotions: true

Offline noflic

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« Reply #374 on: November 29, 2023, 02:21:31 am »
Manual promotions are necessary for certain paths where promotions cost tokens. Also difference between ranks is not limited to morale in that paths. There is no possibility to change options based on difficulty level or research. Option is enforced so players don't break the game.

Ahh, I did wonder about that - in my SoB run I've got some ludicrously badass constantiae (?) about whom I couldn't work out why they weren't coming eligible for transforming to full Sisters (I figured it was a bravery requirement), and this solves that problem. Welp, if it'll bork the game to fuck around with it then I'll likely just deal, but thanks for the tip and the explanation!