
Author Topic: [ADDON] ROSIGMA  (Read 179398 times)

Offline Requiem

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« Reply #90 on: December 16, 2021, 06:27:53 am »
Hey, i played in this mod for a couple of weeks, (did not played original 40k just dived straight into this one) and have some questions and feedback (of course).

What stats exactly needed for sister novices to be promoted into sisterhood?
I have novices with 10+ missions and kills but they not even eligible for cantus armor. I am at midgame right now and can just buy sisters, but promotions was only for 2 of them. Is that intended balance?
And how to train Bravery for superiors and canonesses? I remember that it was medicine in piratez, but what here?

Also can you please add more descriptions and pics into codex? Game just drops on you 20 bolter and 10 larsergun patterns and it is too confusing. I even didnt knew that there is a different patterns for weapons in 40k. It would be nice if I dont need to read the descriptions of new added stuff in changelogs or 40k wiki but in game.

What about the shotguns? They are useless right now. All of them. They cant handle such amounts of armor. Also reaction values on enemies are too wild. If i cant one shot enemy i will get backfire with almost 100% chance.

Same for stun battons. They need serious buff. I think arbites have different patterns for them(2-handed, officer maces etc).
It will be cool if there will be more interactions with live captives. Like put them into penance engine instead of resources or make them suicide prisoners.

Flamethrowers and grenade launchers. Ranges and accuracy are too low. I usally kill myself with them. For examle Penance engine with 12% accuracy and range for 6-7 tiles. And i cant train them. Bruh. Any buffs here?

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #91 on: December 19, 2021, 11:46:29 am »
The Novice and Sister promotion stats requirements have been lowered for 1.06, currently in 1.05B you need quite high stats and *rank* (rank 3 for novice to sister).

Codex expansion is in the works.

We're introducing early Pump-Action Shotguns for 1.06, and have looked at eventually making combat shotguns something that's a little more useful later in the game.

We've added more stun weapons than just the shock mauls, including some ranged options. The higher HP enemies (including commanders) often become stunned rather than dying outright.

Also experimenting with ways to turn prisoners into penitents (guard/arbites), and I got some deep "to do" for similar stuff for Adeptas.

Buscher is working on a rather big overhaul of weapon accuracy and ranges all around, according to our powerful [spreadsheets]. But you do need to be a wee bit careful with the ol' flamethrowers.

1.06 will be out today, or possibly tomorrow, depending on how our beta testing goes.

Offline Requiem

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« Reply #92 on: December 19, 2021, 01:48:23 pm »
Thanks for response, i tought i was just ignored for being too edgy.
The Novice and Sister promotion stats requirements have been lowered for 1.06, currently in 1.05B you need quite high stats and *rank* (rank 3 for novice to sister).
But thats my problem. I want to know wich stats needed exactly and how much?(firing and melee accuracy/bravery, etc) And how to train them.
Threre is no info in codex for promotion to cantus armor or into sisterhood, only for superiors and canonesses. And i just cant find this in ruleset code, comments or anywhere else.
For example i have this gal and she still not eligible for cantus armor or sisterhood.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2021, 01:51:49 pm by Requiem »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #93 on: December 19, 2021, 09:47:03 pm »
These are the 1.06 requirements:
  minRank: 2 #CANTUS
      tu: 45
      stamina: 40
      bravery: 30
      strength: 25
      psiSkill: 20

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #94 on: December 19, 2021, 10:30:01 pm »
1.06 - Patch Notes (20211219)


Summary images of new content:

• Tzeentch Witch Flying Mode now comes with a bottom part.
• Some Tzeentch armors (And one Nurgle) anti camo was not being applied correctly.
• Improved General Stores and Laboratory descriptions (the work of Ettykitty)
• Fixed damage range of Harborym and Throne rockets
• Fixed Hellspite and mephisto+ammo buy requirements for tech.
• Made Galgalim ammo have the same requirments as the weapon
• Fixed light melta ufopedia crash
• Changed Potestas potassium melta gun snap name to be reflective of the correct type of melta
• Normalized use and unlock Potestas requirements
• Changed Potestas ammo to use the intended boxammo
• Added Codex Entry for Light Chainsword and a Missing String.
• Added needItem for STR_TZEENTCHS_SISTERCHAMP (Tzeentch Sisters Commander)
• Fixed Blue Horror Kill Tokens reward to require Blue Horror Corpses instead of Flamers
• Corrected Female Krieg riding Mounted Weapons.
• Necron Live Capture Disabled
• Fix Duplicates in alienRank for Traitor Guard Bases
• Adeptas twincore plasma can now be manufactured instead of the foul chaos version. The responsible secret cultists have been purged.
• Standardisation of certain Adeptas weapons requirements, ufopedia articles and manufacturability.
• Adeptas no longer tempted to put on the Tzeentch sorceress outfit and lead the game to ruin.
• Celestian armor language lines updated to read "Celestian" instead of Celestin.
• Deathcult assasin armor energy recovery increased to 60 as intended.
• Dominion armor manufacturing time reduced by a factor of 10 (a 0 too much)
• Second Power Shot for the Lucius Heavy Lasgun renamed to POWER SHOT!
• The arcing Flamers are now no longer capable of ctrl-forced heavy artillery support (through power drop off).
• All versions of the Thunderhawk will now use Prometheum to refuel.
• Yarrick somewhat more manly, unrelated: he´s switched hands for his power claw.
• IG training mission only available to Guardsmen now.
• Holograms given some language strings.
• Terminator ransom normalized
• TFTD patch fix applied to GRUNGE map (used for Space Hulk lvl 2) with a hole in a second level floor.
• GRUNGE map elevator are now shoot through
• Made statCaps consistent between Guard soldiers.
• Halved Base Mission Weights for all old factions (makes sense with other campaign changes and new factions, to reduce spam).
• First alien mission similar to vanilla xcom reenabled
• First month terror mission reactivated with a easier terror mission than the standard ones
• No Chaos Air Superiority missions in first month and only two crafts per month
• No TG/Cultist bases in the first month

Special thanks to Filip H for a lot of testing, streaming and minor corrections over the last months. Thanks Tarqeq for pointing out some inconsistent stat caps, Qwelas, Kildarien and the rest of you lot for all the playtesting, streaming etc. Makes it a lot easier to find things to fix and tweak.

• Broke out Tzeentch lists for mission generation and lowered CRAFT/UFO spam in general. Mission wave chains will now be shorter to allow for several different raceLists to be used per month instead of just one. We´re still lacking some early game lists, but we´ve made the first few months a lot easier vs 1.05. We´re looking into ways to do customized enemy mission lists for a harder difficulty (especially if playing Space Marines).
• Enemy Score values updated and added to units that were lacking them. Enemy heavies, specialists etc worth more. Chaff worth less. Score values: 1-10 for early game chaff units, leaders topping out at 15-20. Midgame units at 15-25, CSM at 25-30, values top out at 40-50 for the high end CSM Lords, Dreadnoughts etc.
• Enemy Base Building recoded to work a little different. You won´t notice.
• Chaos Turrets reactions and accuracy reduced from 120 to 60/80, making them easier to approach for hugs.
• Deserter mission type now expanded to escalate over months, you will no longer be buried in Squats on month 0 (in fact, Traitor Squats have been pretty much removed from Deserter lists).
• Added non-Hotshot Tech Tier for some enemies.
• Nerfed Chaos Hotshot Power.
• Made some early tier enemy lists easier (more normal traitor guard, fewer squats)
• Low level enemy squats have a 5 point armor nerf to the front and flanks. Rear armor weakened by 10. Resistances changed to make them 20% weaker to melta weapons and soldier tier squats are 10-20% weaker to AP (normal las/bullets included) rounds.
• Enemy Squats have 5-10 points lower reaction score.

• Turret Armor buffed 'bout 30 points for Chimera, Taurox, Tauros, Leman Rus, Exorcist and Immolators.
• Beastmen flak armor front and side values buffed by 10 points.
• IG Scions token cost is now 90 instead of 120.

• Chapel (Psi labs) requirements are now LEADER_PLUS (interrogatation of a leader), MIDTIER, and STR_EXAMINATION_ROOM (Chaos Chapel), making it possible to get this earlier.
• Commendations depend on Wins now instead of just participating
• Updated 2 racelists to reduce dreadnought spam during terror missions
• Updated Chaos Marine lists and removed some place holder units. Replaced with Black Legion CSM.
• Reduced frequence of Alpha Legion, removed from some lists.
• Reworked basic CSM to have handheld lascannons instead of heavy plasma (moved to Black Legion CSM instead).
• Replaced chaos longlas with tz version for combat servitors
• Decreased Imperial Cache Value from 200 -> 100, added it to terror missions in the ammo depot.
• Obliterators weapons buffed, power +20, they now do armor rend damage before pen calculation instead of after, and have radius 4 instead of 3.
• Enemy Chaos bases now have more defenders.
• Traitor Guard base maps are now slightly bigger to reduce overcrowding.
• Enemy retaliation missions now have more attackers.
• Enemy retaliation missions now have more attackers (as does battleships).
• Final Mission now have more defenders in all stages. Bring plenty of ammo.
• Renamed Tzeentch lasguns to Nihilus Pattern (can be used by some other enemies).
• Fire now gets doused before Fatal Wounds are healed.
• Arbites Sabotage missions now have enemy lists divided by months, making for a easier experience in the first 6-8 months.
Bolter ammo rebalances:
• Basic light bolter ammo nerfed slightly, 2% less to armor damage (pre armor calc). -5% AP and -5% to Health. Still slightly better pen than standard bolter ammo (but standard bolter ammo has 5 more power so).
• Mastercrafted light bolter ammo nerfed slightly, -5 power (to 75), -0.10 AP, ToArmor damage -0.1
• Mastercrafted standard bolter ammo buffed slightly, +0.05 ToArmorPre, +0.05 AP. Power is 85.

• Enemy Seraphim armor types added to units that can unlock flying armor tech for the player.
• The Sister Superior can now use more armor types.
• Adeptas Malthus light lascannon, Harmonic melta, Dominion bolter, Galgalim Assault cannon, Dominion Power axe costs have been changed. Several of the high tier versions can now only be manufactured instead of also purchased. For the remaining weapons that can be both purchased and made, the purchase option is much more cash expensive but the manufacturing option requires materials.
• The Adeptas Power Axe is now high tier instead of midtier. The Halberd is now the midtier dedicated melee option.
• Sister Superior promotion minrank changed to 3 from 5, allowing the fielding of more Sister Superiors.
• Sister Superior can now use armor sets that the Adeptas/Canoness can use (most would be a downgrade, but hey).
• Novice promotion now requires rank 2 (Cantus) instead of 3 (Novitiate). Purely due to how the openxcom ranking system works and for gameplay ease, so don't mind if its a slightly unfluffy.
• Adeptas Dominion armor now requires high tier, mastercrafting and the honorguard research.
• Celestian and Dominion armor shields dropped to 40 from 83 HP. Plasma is now 10% more effective than it used to be vs these armors (They are still very good armors).
• Light Handflamer toHealth damage increased to 1.3
• Harmonic melta ammo now requires promethium to produce.
• Harmonic melta ammo has a new bigOB inventory sprite.
• Energy recovery increased for some lazy armors.

• Multilaser damage buffed to 60 from 50 per shot, given same standard damage type as other non lascannon las weapons.
• Chimera convoy now sports 3 Chimera multilaser turrets instead of the "useless" Hydra.
• Now has access to Light Bolt Pistol De'az.
• Veteran Officers get a sweet beret now (thanks to our friends at IDT Filip H and EfreneSpartano)
• Lasguns have more ammo
• Priest's ability was turned into Fanaticism. They keep their melee buffing. Fanaticism allows affected soldiers to withstand the naughtiness part of Daemonettes as well as Chaos Spells for one turn
• IG brings another Chimera instead of a Hydra to the battlefield
• Commissars can execute anyone and not only traitors. The morale will be restored next turn. The more worth a soldier is, the more the action instills fear into the hearts of the Guardsmen
• Scions only cost 90 instead of 120 Imperial Tokens now.

• Added soldierTransformation Pardon Penitent for Arbites
• Require Lascannon for Arbites Sentinel/Lascannon
• Changes to Arbites armors: Medic Armor uses normal Enforcer, Shield uses Heavy Armor storeItem
• Arbites Armor got a buff.
• Fixed Requirements for Judge Bike and Bike Ammo ( STR_HP_CANNON_SHELL).
• Given same built in melee bayonet ability as Guard.
• Added Missing Recoil Tag for Arbites Heavy Stubber
• Arbites Penitents stats now matches the IG Penitents.
• Sentinel/Missile has -40 Weight now to accomodate two Missile Packs (same for IG)
• Arbites Vehicle Armor (turrets) buffed to match new IG armor values.
• Arbites Chimera Heavy Bolter now has more Dakka and less sniping, like the multilaser in role.
• Arbites now have access to the Light Bolt Pistol De'az pattern.
• Restructured Arbites startingBase.

• Added hive city and rig city maps to new STR_CIVILIAN_TERROR mission, a script randomized if this or the ordinary military-targeting terror mission happens (80% chance per month for one of them to be picked). STR_CIVILIAN_TERROR has civilians running around, so less armed help!
• Added Height: 8 and 9 to some Maps.
• Elevators in Space Hulk Purge can now be shot through
• Turned Fences from N/W Wall to Object (this means that they can be destroyed by melee now and stop movement properly).
• Updated URBAN06-08 and 16 with more cover and spawn points.
• Modified several urban maps, the Cathedral maps, the final mission map and the Space Hulk top floor map with more spawn points, routes and cover, alternative entry points.
• Fixed a final mission pyramid where units could get stuck if the map tile spawned at the right edge of a map.
• Replaced the 6 power generator objects from the Space Hulk top floor that would provide a [lot] of money.
• Added a pathable Hive Map.

Added over 30 new Chaos UFO/Craft. Both to existing classes of craft, as well as a few new ones. New maps for everything but the smallest and largest classes of ships. UFO spawning redone to fit these new craft, some have replaced duplicate existing slots (i.e, you will see less of the base mod ships, more variety) while others are new. Expect some more UFOs to be flying around.
• 9 new Medium Scouts (dual small craft in formation + a deployable watch tower version)
• 8 new Large Scout (one heavy large scout and a deployable connected twin watch towers version).
• 2 new Supply Ships, one fast and one large version.
• 9 new Strike/Attack cruisers, similar in size to the heavy large scout.
• 2 new Terror ships. One Fast and one Heavy.
• 1 new Heavy Harvester.
• 1 Mobile Modular Fort.
• Added 10 new Imperial/Arbites UFO craft. 5 Small/Large Scouts, 2 medium transports (2-3 floors), 2 large transports/terror ships and 1 battleship (5 floors). These are primarily used by the new enemy Genestealer Cult faction (See below).
• 1 New mobile industrial rig craft. Rather large pyramid shaped thing.
• Added 2 new Taurox UFO craft. Dual Taurox, and a quad Taurox Convoy with a extended big Taurox limo variant.
• Added 2 new Truck UFO craft. Dual GSC Trucks (one armored) and a quad convoy with 1 Taurox escort.

• New events around mysterious activity and earthquakes. You might be able to figure out what's going on there.
• CAS Valkyrie added, this craft floats above the battlefield, allowing for tacticool operator insertions and rocket barrages.
Added more Deserter Guards. Grenadier, Gunner, Officer and Psyker. Intended to serve as weaker enemies (although the Psyker can be quite dangerous). They use mainly standard guard equipment, autoguns, las-weapons, grenade launchers, heavy stubbers, chainswords etc.
Added Khorngor (+different inventory art) to mid and late game Khorne lists, beefier cousins of the Ungor, they have more health and are armed with shotguns, ripper guns and chainaxes.
• Added a Bloodgor Warband list for the midgame, will eventually have more flavors of Khorngors, Bloodgors, Minotaurs etc.
Tzeentch Traitor Guard added. Basic trooper, gunner, scout-sniper, commando, carapace and officer. Their terror units are the various Tzeentch servitors (combat, battle-plasma). Can be expanded in the future with weapons platforms, plasma sentinel, their own Chimeras and what not.
They use the Nihilus pattern lasguns added in 1.05B and the new longlas.
Tzeentch lists broken out for their own mission cycle, allowing for shorter waves of UFO/Craf and more variety in enemy lists encountered.
• Added Tzeentch Traitor Guard racelists(quite a few) to rotations. They favor research type missions, and are a step above normal traitor guard in terms of accuracy (But not health or reactions) and techy equipment.
Added Pink Horrors to Tzeentch. These beefy Horror Daemons spawn two Blue Horrors on death (Pink - Blue - Yellow). Pink Horrors are capable spellcasters (currently using similar spells to Blue Horrors). Certain Tzeentch enemies can also summon these lesser daemons.
• Added Tzeentch Long Las (Nihilius pattern) and Twincore Plasma. Long ranged, accurate and powerful weapons for enemy sharpshooters. Rubric Marines have been given the Twincore Plasma at last tech level.
Added Black Legion CSM "soldier" with its own art assets. This late game elite CSM is tougher than his "basic" CSM counterparts and very well equipped. Shows up with a Chaos bolter with MC-tier ammo, twincore plasma rifle or the heavy plasma. Carries powerful grenades. Has some resistances (20%) to basic weapons, but melta and melee will still work fine. Shows up in late game lists (and the final mission lists!) but can also appear with certain late Blackstone configurations. Basic CSM has been de-equipped of high tier plasma weapons to compensate.
• Final Mission have gotten two unique enemy lists, one for the power armor player factions and one for Guard/Arbites. These are composed of a "Chaos United" crop of enemies, facing you off against a wide variety of late game nasty chaos folks.
• Added 3 new civilians. Tan, red and orange. They have GSC zombie versions (see below)
Added new Genestealer Cult infected lists. Voidcrew (hello Ripley), Civilians, Arbites (nearly full set), PDF, Guard and Adeptas.
• Genestealer attacks are now augmented with Genestealer Kiss, capable of infecting (And zombifying) most units! Added dozens of new infected versions of existing player units + new inventory art for them (and sometimes unique battlesprites).
Zombified units will pick up their guns and use them against you!
• GSC Medicae type units has a autoinjector weapon with genestealer tainted fluid that can infect units, take them out!
• Augmented existing genestealer space hulk mission with several lists of mixed infected voidcrew. These enemies use mostly lasguns.
• Added a dozen other GSC related lists, arbites, pdf etc.
GSC will establish bases, primarily in Arbites Precincts and target the surrounding population. At a low level, their bases will not launch many missions but as they grow they´ll starting infiltrating other Arbites Precincts, launch kettling round ups of civilians in urban centers for infection, capture and use disguised transports to move around the geoscape for infiltration missions etc. They will also target PDF units and deserts for infection, and if agitated enough by the player will plot retaliation missions + launch base attack missions against the player once they are confidently established (level 5 precincts). Their bases level up slower than orks/other bases to reach that point.
• GSC Bases are harder to detect, and do not send up fighters to intercept the player.
• GSC make use of Taurox and Truck patrols and convoys.
• GSC make use of captured imperial transports and other ships.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #95 on: December 20, 2021, 12:59:59 am »
'Dear All,

I see that the useless "hydra" have been removed from the Chimera...for the IG

can someone give me a explanation what is the function of the HYDRA unit for the Arbiters???? its fuken slow against any craft it is useless ...and it is not protecting the base...I have here a base that will be attacked and I give command HYDRA attack the incoming craft / or I do noting (Hydra is parked in that base)....nothing is happening ? 

the HYDRA as a craft is useless  and because of that I abandoned my Arbiters game...for almost a month...will now abandon that base :( and see

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #96 on: December 20, 2021, 01:00:48 pm »
The Geoscape Hydra is a vanilla 40k craft that we've not touched yet.

Offline Requiem

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« Reply #97 on: December 20, 2021, 01:04:26 pm »
And why are you chasing aircrafts by troop transports in the first place?  :)
I mean chimeras is just troop carriers which can defend themselfs and thats all about them.

• The Adeptas Power Axe is now high tier instead of midtier. The Halberd is now the midtier dedicated melee option.
I wonder what was wrong with that axe to move it into high tier? I had one on novice assassin and she cant even kill an ogryn in one turn sometimes. Cant describe my disappointment about chainsword performance btw.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #98 on: December 20, 2021, 04:42:34 pm »
The Adeptas Halberd is the midtier power weapon.

The melee weapons have been quite good, although against high HP targets it´s possible to get a few misses+low rolls on damage so they survive.

Offline Buscher

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« Reply #99 on: December 20, 2021, 06:25:40 pm »
'Dear All,

I see that the useless "hydra" have been removed from the Chimera...for the IG

can someone give me a explanation what is the function of the HYDRA unit for the Arbiters???? its fuken slow against any craft it is useless ...and it is not protecting the base...I have here a base that will be attacked and I give command HYDRA attack the incoming craft / or I do noting (Hydra is parked in that base)....nothing is happening ? 

the HYDRA as a craft is useless  and because of that I abandoned my Arbiters game...for almost a month...will now abandon that base :( and see

I don't know I have removed the craft from ROSIGMA just now. All other ground vehicles got a buff to their speed in the new dev branch. So if you want to chase down enemy Monoliths, War Trakks or Chimeras, you can do that with all tracked options in 1.07.
Maybe it gets a revival as a base defense facility for outposts. Any hits to the attacking UFO in the base defense screen will reduce the number of enemies.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #100 on: December 25, 2021, 07:48:20 pm »
Patch notes 1.06A - OXCE 7.2 (just released)
- Added a shortened Solo Pattern
- Added a script to carry over TU Damage to next turn
- Disabled Heatscript for Lucius Lasgun
- Fixed Overheat Script and added Heavy LasgunXIV to script.
- Removed complex FA Formula from Longlas (now it's the same as all snipers)
- Arbites Guardsmen get the same stats as their IG brethren
- Arbites Bike Judge given a voice
- Deleted Arbites Geoscape Hydra, slow transport maxspeed buffed
- Raised Death Score Value for IG troops
- Fixed Requirements Officer Promotion
- MC Shotgun can now use new Stun Ammo types
- Reactivated GSC Precint Crafts on GSC Base maps
- Can use Webbers when any of them have been researched
- Added tile index fix for GSC Arbites craft for proper displaying of walls, doors etc.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #101 on: December 26, 2021, 12:17:43 am »
Please also fix the eye cancer in the wiki....also there are empty entries, but at least no entry leads to a crash :)

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #102 on: December 26, 2021, 01:32:18 am »
Also one small notice, yes I can Pardon Penals to what? as a arbiter? as I cannot give them any Arbiter Armor...and what is not working is to Upgrade a Arbiter to Judge etc can use the best armors...with this update I could do the update of penals to semi IG with flak armor...but no higher and also the second update is missing :)

Offline Requiem

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« Reply #103 on: December 26, 2021, 05:30:31 pm »
Yeah.. Codex just begs for full revamp.

btw how about to do reduce costs of research subjects like corpses to minimum? At least while they lead to nowhere(just lore).
And i think live officers and commanders should give these topics on chaos enemies and weapons for free.

Im playing as Arbites too right now and have some thoughts:
Is there a reason that outrider bike and heavy armors hidden behind Raptors? Im on july ingame and still cant unlock them just because there is no raptors only dirty squats.(and planet bombarded by spacehulks heavilly)

All armors for arbites have identical crappy stats and there is no reasons to use enforcer armor over medic armors. Revamp is needed here too.

I think Cyber-Mastiffs should have built in motion scaner button. They are hounds after all.

Also i want to request Grapplehawks, they can be like parrots from piratez but with stun claws. Not sure about carrying capabilities but strongest version by lore can carry stuned prisoners.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2021, 06:33:57 pm by Requiem »

Offline Scamps

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« Reply #104 on: December 27, 2021, 11:41:28 am »
FileRecord::at(MAPS/CH02HAMMERHEADTOPFLOOR1.MAP): requested file not found
FileRecord::at(ROUTES/CH02HAMMERHEADTOPFLOOR1.RMP): requested file not found.
Renaming respective files helped.