Author Topic: [ADDON] ROSIGMA  (Read 128000 times)

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #75 on: October 24, 2021, 11:22:15 pm »
1.05B - Patch Notes (20211024)

    Added missing language for STR_ALPHA_SOLDIER_CORVUS: "Alpha Legionnaire", which was missing after a rename.
    Added missing language for STR_NIGHTLORDS: "Night Lords".
    Wrong floorob for the Lucious Heavy Stubber.
    Wrong palette for 1 Sister Superior Inventory image.
    Missing Vapour Trails with OXCE 7.1+
    Index Fix Adeptas Heavy Bolter hitAnimation.
    Fix BigObs with a height greater than 3 to be shown properly.
    The Bride of Tzeentch (Tzeentch Sister Chaos Champion) is now only researchable once.


Quality of Life:
    Introduced Craft Scan Data Slate to simplify the requirements for the final Marine/Adeptas craft. Each Data Slate getOneFree for enemy craft research.
    Endless retaliation missions will now no longer happen if the Flying Fortress is shot down by base defense facilities.
    Less patrol spam: Reduction of Number of Patrolling craft from enemy bases.
    Medic kits can now douse friendly units that have been lit on fire.
    Commanders unlock COMMANDER_PLUS instead of Cydonia or Bust for a correct research progression.
    Arbites Airstrike works the same as the IG one

    Forge produces twice the Adamantium for the same Cost.
    Halved Resource Costs for IG Manufacture (Sentinels etc), upped cash cost instead.
    Halved Adamantium Costs for Marine Crafts (Especially Primaris).
    Arbites Signal Armor costs Imperial Tokens instead of Adamantium.
    Adeptas Crafts cost less fuel and refuel faster (similar to Marines)

    Frateris Militia now only cause 50% morale loss in other Adeptas units when they perish as martyrs (i.e, gets killed). This mob dying by the droves doesn´t faze the Ecclessiarchy forces much, perhaps its even seen as inspirational? Gameplay wise its to make these guys more useful as cannon fodder, so its not much of a malus to bring them to a fight.
    Nerfed Blue Horrors Reaction score.

    Adeptas Light Bolters and other guns dropOff lowered (buffed) to match other factions balancing. Should provide some better engagement ranges for Adeptas.
    Moved Hellhammer Power back to 200 (Icarus gets 250 as a result)

    Necrons are now more tenacious (Reanimation Protocol)

Tzeentch Arsenal Expanded Phase 1:

TZ Laspistol Nihilis Pattern
TZ Lasgun Nihilis Pattern
TZ Inferno Boltpistol (Scoped)
TZ Light Inferno Boltgun
TZ Light Inferno Boltgun Scoped
TZ Plasma Pistol

New Ammo:
TZ Light Inferno Bolter Ammo for Boltpistols and Light Bolters
TZ Rubric Ammo buffed slightly.

New TZ Weapons have replaced placeholders used by tzeentch cults and other units.

For Phase 2 (not in yet):
TZ Longlas Nihilis Pattern
TZ Twin Core Plasma Rifle
TZ Melee weapons.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 11:56:55 pm by Leflair »

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« Reply #76 on: October 25, 2021, 03:10:02 pm »

Thanks for the add-on really liking it so far.
I really like what you've done with the "fridge" management and bolter range.

I started a Primaris run in 1.05A and it doesn't seem like their bravery is any better than in the base mod. I still get bravery 20 marines.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #77 on: October 25, 2021, 07:42:42 pm »
It's one of the few areas where the Trueborn got the leg up on the Primaris.

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« Reply #78 on: October 26, 2021, 12:04:14 pm »
Do you mean first borns or is a Battletech submod in the works ?  8)

Ok so it's a balance thing gotacha.

I know they're not the main focus of the add-on so its nice you're giving the astartes some attention.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #79 on: October 26, 2021, 11:09:58 pm »
checked out the changes you made,

I think the cost of material is now more fair (example a quad lascannon or autocannon 50 instead of 100 adamantium or Advanced sentinels 40 adamantium etc)

with the Arbiters it did cut down the price of the Heavy Armor and the Heavy armor + Shield
(20 and 30 per set is still a lot when compared to the IG Storm trooper armors, but its fair..I think in vanilla it was the double)

personally I think what should be considered to be changed, the price of 100 adamantium for the Arbitor armor and 200 (!) for the Marshal armor is too much (same price as a Centurion Warsuit)...apply here the same pricing as for the Soronitas or SM to pay for them with imperial tokens (Honor guard armor: 300 Tokens + 1 Adamantium...)

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #80 on: October 28, 2021, 06:34:46 pm »
Sounds reasonable, putting it on the 'to do list.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #81 on: October 31, 2021, 12:45:50 am »
'So my playing ROSIGMA as the Arbiters,

after a bumpy start it is now OK but the final flaw is not a difficulty but a logic flaw

the action "Promote to Arbitrator" is DEAD....I cannot promote any Arbiter to the Judge lvl

I can indoctrinate  IG to arbiters....what is nice but almost dead when playing the Arbiters

also what is missing here is the promotion of Penal Legion IG ???? or Arbiters????

if these changes where to be added to the next batch then the Arbiters....are semi playable (give them the heavy bolter, hand flamer  and then they are money)

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #82 on: October 31, 2021, 01:36:35 pm »
Will check what´s causing the promote to break.

Penal Legion logic is probably fixed to IG right now for promotion, so if they're to promote into arbites that will need some changing (then again, promoting from penal legion to IG makes some sense, while I'm not sure the same can be said for Penal Legion -> Arbites).

We're also looking into making the Arbites specific missions scale better with months passing, and have some more suitable enemy lists. Currently it's just one small list randomly picked from from game start, but that can be changed into month 1/3/6+ etc.

Buscher is working on some other Arbites goodies and fixes.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #83 on: October 31, 2021, 02:47:58 pm »
Legionnaire to Guard, Guard to Arbiter and then Arbiter to Judge

yes a Legionnaire to Arbiter would be a too big of a jump.

Offline Buscher

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« Reply #84 on: October 31, 2021, 10:26:23 pm »
'So my playing ROSIGMA as the Arbiters,

after a bumpy start it is now OK but the final flaw is not a difficulty but a logic flaw

the action "Promote to Arbitrator" is DEAD....I cannot promote any Arbiter to the Judge lvl

I can indoctrinate  IG to arbiters....what is nice but almost dead when playing the Arbiters

also what is missing here is the promotion of Penal Legion IG ???? or Arbiters????

if these changes where to be added to the next batch then the Arbiters....are semi playable (give them the heavy bolter, hand flamer  and then they are money)

I still think the Arbites needs a campaign that has a complete different focus than an army theater but that's probably just me.

Promote to Arbitrator isn't dead. It just has nearly unreachable requirements.
Code: [Select]
      - STR_GUARDPD # Trooper
      bravery: 70
      strength: 30
      psiStrength: 50
      psiSkill: 10 # Impossible without Chapel
      melee: 50

Maybe I can add a commendation. Stun 10 enemies and you are eligible for promotion. We are currently going away of requiring stats for promotions in general.
Pardoning Penitents can also be an Arbites thing.

question for weapons with "Recoil" what is the key factor for hit percentage? accuracy and strength? or?

as I have two guys almost identical stats one can shoot the Heavy bolter from the hip the other has 0 percent hit change...

and I use light bolt pistols with the guys using the shields...get like 95 percent for snap shots for a decent distance (accuracy above 90, strength like 50), given the same guy a Tigrus boltpistol...same distance he gets 70 percent for a aimed shot and snap shot is like 10...

When I played as SM I could shoot across the whole map with the Tigrus bolt pistol or the Spectre one...when I play as IG or now the Arbiters, my commissars, Judges who have high accuracy and also strength cannot do this a limitation that only Astartes can use bolters without penalty?
(and the same with Stalker bolters...I got them from the Loyalist Marines and my Judges can do Aim shot for a decent distance...but nowhere the distance when I played as SM)  also the setting for the Arbiters/IG works fine

Recoil is a direct check against your soldier's strength. There is an assistance article in the in-game Codex describing it. In short if you do not have at least the same strength as the recoil value, your accuracy will be reduced.
That 0 percent hit change (for bipod weapons) is probably because of the Heavy Weapons Teams script that Juciy implemented for us. I can't remember if the Codex articles are available to Arbites, so start an IG game and checkout its assistance page.

Your Tigrus and Stalker should shoot fine if the soldier has 40+ strength.

Offline Thatguysenpai

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« Reply #85 on: November 02, 2021, 02:42:37 am »
I'm giving the new abhuman IG a try, and I was wondering how exactly the biomancer works? I've never really messed around with the psykers, so this is a first for me. I assumed the "Mend wounds" ability would heal, but instead it seems to do damage to units I use it on. Does it only cure fatal wounds?

Offline Buscher

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« Reply #86 on: November 02, 2021, 09:40:09 am »
I'm giving the new abhuman IG a try, and I was wondering how exactly the biomancer works? I've never really messed around with the psykers, so this is a first for me. I assumed the "Mend wounds" ability would heal, but instead it seems to do damage to units I use it on. Does it only cure fatal wounds?

There was a healing touch previously but I don't believe in healing HP in battlescape. HP healing shouldn't reduce the wound recovery time which should be a strategic concern. The benefit of the mend wounds spell is that it's ranged but it's also very dangerous as it uses the power of the Warp. All fatal wounds will be closed but depending on range and Bravery of the Psyker there is a chance to do harm. There is a Codex article about it in the Spell section. This spell is combined with the Abhumans as they have the HP pool to survive that. I think Servitors are also available but they don't bring any combat prowess to the field.

That's the internal calculation
difficulty = 100 * currentBravery / maxBravery * reducedPower / listedPower # maxBravery = 110; reducedPower = listedPower - 10 * distance # higher 'difficulty' is better
healthDamage = (randomNumber - difficulty) / 10 * (fatalwounds + 1) # randomNumber between 1 and 100

In short a max Bravery Psyker at range 1 has a 100 % chance of not damaging the to be treated unit. The less brave a Psyker is and the higher the distance, the more damage per wound can be inflicted.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #87 on: November 02, 2021, 07:35:48 pm »
Here are my Arbiters saves if it helps to determine the balance for them...

I did only minor changes: add 2x Long las + Hot shots ammo, 2x Hand Flamers, 2x Inferno guns and 2x IG Heavy bolters

in the end with the "Loyalist" Marines I got a plenty of Stalker Bolters and also Astartes Heavy I never used Hand flamers or Inferno guns (I used normal Melta or Harmonic melta)

Long Las is nice BUT the sniper rifle is 10x better....

so practically the only weapon the arbiters are lacking is the heavy bolter....

and based on the saves...a WAAGh with 3x Orckboses + 10x killa kangs or a Raptor base or a gathering with 16x doable

the only thing is the Arbiters Armors "suck" ( I did pimp them up and reduced the price) and the promotions are not when these are fixed then they are the brady bunch....

and regarding the whole Mod direction....we have Filth combi weapons, and some Soronitas (dont know how it works for them) BUT I would add more combi weapons to the game...BUT same category as the Tigrus/Stalker etc. to be found...and maybe only as found...add quest like artifact heist...Orcks want to loot this place :)

Offline Buscher

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« Reply #88 on: November 05, 2021, 08:27:44 pm »
Thanks for the save files. Your loadouts seem interesting, so definitely worth a look.

For 1.06 I am doing a few things to make the Arbites more playable. Maybe there's also a way to make them more different to IG. Also we might have a look at the Combi weapons. Firaa has made nice assets for his mod 'Melee Pack' that could be integrated.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #89 on: December 01, 2021, 09:28:06 pm »
Gu-Doc dropped by with an updated russian translation for 1.05b, you can grab it from the page:

1.06 is well in the works, with over 20 new (UFO) craft (with new tilesets too), Pink horrors, Black Legion, Tzeentch Traitor Guard units, expanded zombie mechanics (and new zombie units for Rosigma units and some base 40k ones that were missing them).
+ A brand [new faction] with their own ships, bases, gear etc. I've made around 50-55 Inventory images for the new faction and Bulletdesigner has provided a new 4-tile unit for them. It will not be entirely complete in 1.06, but expanded further as well.

Espartano is also cooking up something fantastic.

Hoping to get it out one of these weekends, before christmas rolls around.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2021, 09:38:48 pm by Leflair »