This is a collection of modular mods created to add new starting options to the vanilla UFO game, using OXCE features that were originally developed for the larger megamods available. Once the planned mods are completed, this collection is being considered to be the prerelease of the Area 51 mod.
List of submods (*italics under development/consideration*)
Alien Hives (
Alien bases will launch UFOs against incoming XCom craft and upgrade their interceptors as time advances.
Armed Civilians (
Adds paramedics, firefighters, police officers and military soldiers to terror sites.
Beaches Of Cydonia
Replaces the Mars Cydonia Landing mission with a new terrain.
Close Encounters (
Alien spotters/snipers added. Alien melee units will charge more aggressively.
Council Betrayal ((
Several countries start already infiltrated. 4 additional countries. Pacts can be reverted by destroying bases.
Early Invasion (
The aliens' invasion timetable is advanced by six months.
First Class (
Only the eight starting soldiers can be promoted to Commander rank.
Galactic Fantasia
Adds the Spacefarer, Waspite, Phaser, Overlord and Gazer races, Muton Berserker/Elite/Leader/Commander units, Armored Sectopod and Hybrid terrorists. Hunter-Killer UFOs (
Medium/Large scouts, Terror Ships and Battleships have increased radar sight and can attack XCom craft.
Immediate Evac
Terror sites have a 33% chance of being generated as escape missions, where XCom units need to reach an exit area to win.Mudranger APC craft
Adds the Mudranger APC craft, and uses it to replace the starting Skyranger.Muton Warlords (
Muton UFOs can bombard XCom bases to destroy facilities or even destroy the entire base. Adds Muton Leader/Commander.
Night Terrors (
Alien bases can also generate terror missions. Mission sites will despawn even when targeted by XCom craft.
Outside Context Problem
Captured aliens are required to unlock all major alien tech. Adds Alien Scientist Rank.Outworldly Physics (
Smoke is 25% less effective blocking alien vision. Electroflare light power reduced by 25%.
Spacemen Remix (
Adds mixed crews of the vanilla aliens.
Terrain Pack
New terrains for landed/crashed UFOs, terror sites (include new civilian units) and alien base missions. Includes Geoscape redesign. *Being adapted from latest version*Top Gun (
Adds pilots to XCom, required to pilot all craft.
Ununpentium Unlocked
Elerium research is a prerequisite for all major alien techs. Xenophobia (
Human soldiers may suffer additional morale losses during combat.
Each of the mods present in this collection is independent from the others and can be installed and played separately, allowing for granular difficulty settings.