After many years of doing odds and ends, this will be my first Total Conversion ( maybe Total Conversion is the wrong words as you will see below), OXC Factions is an idea i have been thinking about since 2013 when i started making my first recoloured aliens and Civilians with Guns,until now, i was unsure as to how i would pull it all together without upsetting people by breaking the X-com Lore but with inspiration from StarTrek, its actually really easy, this is a
alternate timeline/dimension where the aliens won the war ( see Easy, if StarTrek can do it, so can X-com)

I was going to keep this secret until i at least had all new maps built but its quickly becoming a bigger job than i realised and i may need help from the community moving forward, so lets go public.
Aims of OXC-Factions:- To borrow assets from TFTD and merge with Xcom in a new time period both above and below water
- To be able to play with some alien units as part of your squad ( and eventually have a separate ruleset to play as a alien faction or Human factions)
- To expand the game for replay-ability but still try to keep it as simple as possible for new players .
General Story line (its kinda rough at the moment as i am a mapbuilder, not a story teller but i am sure you guys will help me shape the story as i progress):
During the First war, the Aliens noticed Xcom had adapted their technology to use against them and signalled for aid from T'leth. Forced to fight on two fronts, Xcom was eventually overrun and the Aliens took over the earth. Once in control they destroyed all major cities, rounded up and enslaved as many humans as they could find & started their Terra-forming activities on the earth. 50 years on ( give or take) the aliens loose all contact with Cydonia and any vessel they send to investigate is never heard from again. Without the orders of the Brain, the Aliens start fighting amounts them selves and form separate factions, each thinking it is there time time to rule the Solar System. In the ensuing chaos, a small group of humans rise up to liberate themselves from Alien Rule.
Note: i actually wanted this to be a Open game with each faction a separate AI fighting with each other over Geoscape and forming Alliances via screen (similar to Apoc just simplified) but without major code re-writes that can not happen, as such i will build what i can into the exisiting system and see how close i can make it feel.
RoadMap:0.1 - Create basic game for testing of new mapblocks ( i have Import most of the TFTD aliens,ships & weapons but am having issues working out what sound is used for what and fixed it, if your a TFTD expert and want to help let me know)
0.2 - Create trial MCD & Map sets for each new map type ( lots of NEW alien Cities, Bases and new map concepts). Also Create new Geoscape World with Lower sea level, wreckage from first war ( downed craft, Nuke waste land, destroyed cities ETC) & Alien Forests.
0.3 - Working out which aliens are part of which factions ( and which factions have Human Allies), and how many new sprites i need to create or borrow from others
0.4 - Finish building all maps ( including any Faction specific terrain & new Xcom Base layout) and create "Luke Expanded USO" for TFTD ships ( this will be 6 months work here at least).
0.5 - cleanup Rulesets and workout best layout ot move forward that allows future expansion of the mod with new Factions,weapons & craft.
0.6 - start building mission scripts
0.7 - Work on game Balance and Bug Fixes
0.8 - Research Tree & UFOPedia
0.9 - Bring in END game faction
1.0 - playable Mod
2.0 will have a separate rule file for a "Play as Aliens" option, including new Base and Missions.
Active Contributors:Efrenespartano
OXC Factions also has a Channel on the IDT Discord server, please check it out below: