Author Topic: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0  (Read 119311 times)

Offline Mitra Lightbringer

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Glad to see that this mod is still in development. I played the very first version, and I am happy with the progress. I will have to play it again at some point.

Offline efrenespartano

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Glad to see that this mod is still in development. I played the very first version, and I am happy with the progress. I will have to play it again at some point.

Yeah! We are working on side projects along this mod to further increase the lore of the project

Hint: A prequel and a sequel wink wink  ;)

Offline Mitra Lightbringer

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If I have one to name one thing that does not fit, I'd say the tanks. Laser weapons and Aircraft are all unique to USSR, USA and NATO, only tank stays the same. It kinda bothers me lore-wise, AND, well, T-62 with Lazer sounds better.

Offline a1s

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Hi, really enjoying this mod of yours.
I have one question, however: what is the deal with terrorists? They can be researched, but have no UFOPedia articles. I specifically (and at high risk to my men) captured live terrorists  hoping they could be interrogated. So I turn to you: who are these terrorists and why am I fighting them?

Offline efrenespartano

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If I have one to name one thing that does not fit, I'd say the tanks. Laser weapons and Aircraft are all unique to USSR, USA and NATO, only tank stays the same. It kinda bothers me lore-wise, AND, well, T-62 with Lazer sounds better.

Well, our plan is to add tanks, yeah! But currently we are focusing on the airplane (and space) features of the mod. The next thematic update will feature armored vehicles and changes to the way tanks are used.

Hi, really enjoying this mod of yours.
I have one question, however: what is the deal with terrorists? They can be researched, but have no UFOPedia articles. I specifically (and at high risk to my men) captured live terrorists  hoping they could be interrogated. So I turn to you: who are these terrorists and why am I fighting them?

There are some reports after your capture the leaders and commanders. If they aren't appearing, then it's a bug, i'll give it a look anyway.

The main motivation of the terrorist is
just to wreak havoc all over the world. Initially, they were planned as a bunch of misfits and a hint at 70s terrorist group plus the baddies on Counter Strike and Battlefield Hardline. But later, they became some kind of proxy allied of the aliens, that's why you can be attacked by terrorists using plasma tech

Offline efrenespartano

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A new update is ready now.

UNEXCOM v0.8.7 Above and Beyond is alive now!

What's new in this update?

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20-Apr-2021 v0.8.7 Above and Beyond
Changes made:
*Fixed Tunnan article not appearing
*Fixed some alien races not having sectoid and ethereal officers, reported by Cupon4uk
*Increased SH-missile effectiveness against UFO shields
*Fixed some live aliens not disapearing after being researched
*Adjusted Long Rifle Ammo capacity to 14
*Fixed alloy sniper ammo being the wrong size, reported by Cupon4uk
*Fixed SKS ufopaedia category
*Fixed some ammunition types being visible in ufopaedia before appopriate research, reported by Rclipse
*Pilot armor now improves pilot interception stats
*Added images for small fighter and troop Lander
*Improved range of Hind, Hind now performs missile strike on the first turn
*Improved air strike item sprites
*Added alien lasers, rulesets by Brother^2, sprites by wolwerin
*Added Thin Man, rulesets by Brother^2, sprites by efrenespartano
*Fixed counterterrorist missions not appearing
*Added terrorist HQ raid mission, map by wolwerin
*Rebalanced mercenaries and special forces, moved their research behind terrorist arc progression
*M16 is now default rifle of USA path, M16 M203 now behind special forces research
*ADEN cannon now only available after NATO air support research

This update fixes many bugs, bring us closer to completing the main story arc  (the Terrorists can now be defeated) and on the next update we will add more Space-related content (after so long!)

Below, the new Terrorist HQ mission and a hint of the new Space missions! (Images by Filip-H)

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.0.1
« Reply #156 on: August 18, 2021, 08:56:55 am »
A new update is ready.

UNEXCOM v0.9.0 Above and Beyond is alive (since may)!

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
11-May-2021 v.0.9.0 Above and Beyond
Changes made:
*Added endgame arc missions
*Added Alien Space Station missions, maps by wolverin
*Added Space Shuttle Transport
*Alien Lasers no longer usable by players
*Alien Lasers can now be dissasembled, used in craft laser manufacture
*Airstrikes can no longer be used on terrorist missions
*New sprites and audio for airstrikes
*Flashbangs now reduce reactions and accuracy for a turn
*Simplified weapon modification recepies, removed toolkit
*Readjusted mission amounts, significantly less UFOs now spawn
*Enemy units now have only half time units during the players first turn
*Adjusted Saladin machine gun tu costs
*Terrorist commander now also unlocks terrorist operations research
*Added bulletsprite for flechettes
*Added SR-71 Blackbird
*Fixed certain alien engineers not unlocking plasma weapon research
*Added new hidden enemy turn backgrounds
*Removed Avenger
*A guranteed alien base now always get created
*Terrorist missions now have names
*New Flare Sprite
*New Bear, default, personal, heavy and power armor sprites, by Hans Woofington
*Increased Bear front armor
*Fixed alloy rifle and carbine firing wrong ammo on burst fire
*Linna satellite inaccesible on game start, now behind satellites research
*Increased the speed of T1 and T2 Fighters
*Adjusted firestorm weapon slots
*Hunter-Killers now have radar circles
*Despawn penalty for terror missions halved
*Stunning enemies now improves morale, just like Kills
*Changed Soviet craft names to nato callsigns
*Removed CQC
*Added salamadron corpse sprite, by ReaverOfDarkness
*T2 satellite now can equip one more weapon and has more hitpoints
*Items in hangars now spawn in a single pile, by ReaverOfDarkness
*Reduced civilians on base defence missions
*Added death sounds to turrets
*Adjusted Ufopedia, added new articles
*Added sprayWaypoints to all SMGs and LMGs
*Added new sprite for battery
*Fixed small turrets sprite, they now point towards where they look
*Improved Cobra, Flanker, Hind and Viggen base sprites
*New sprite for XM22 tank
*Added flavour text to main menu
*Added armour repairing
*New sprite for hunting rifle and FN FAL
*New M1 sprite, by Shawn Clarke
*Added UN path
*Added Stoner weapon line
*Added UN laser weapon
*Added UN T2 Craft
*Added new medical items for space missions
*Added new space armors
*Rebalanced soviet laser weapons, by ReaverOfDarkness
*Rearranged ammos to be nested under guns, by pedroterzero
*Made certain ammos only buyable once appropriate research has been gotten
*Normalised audio, by pedroterzero
*Ufopedia typo corrections, by pedroterzero
*Added Companion Book, by im bored, Southoftheline, Ace009, Filip-H & efrenespartano

12-May-2021 v. Above and Beyond Hotfix
Changes made:
*Fixed Antarctic base crashing
*Adjusted auto shotgun ammo cost
*Fixed the heavy personal armor repair manufacture not requiring heavy armour wreck
*Fixed missing string
*New USSR support image, provided by Cupon4uk
*New sprites for some aliens from the recycledalienscollection, by wolverin
*Adjusted Wound and armor-damage values of ballistic weapons

Yeah, i forgot to update the forum thread since 3 months ago. :P But better late than never!

So, basically the mod is completely playable from beginning to end! The main story arc is finished, but we are still working on refining and balancing the mod, plus making new content.

Make sure to
play the Overseer mission without saving and reloading
. There is an issue with the map generation of said craft and you cannot finish the battle if you have saved and reloaded... not even once. The issue has been found and it will be fixed on the next update. Otherwise, feel free to go!

Also, our fellow Streamer friends have been playing UNEXCOM!

Make sure to give them a check over Twitch and YouTube.

Watch wolwerin's campaign

Follow ClosetYeti's playthrough

Check out nomadic_engi gameplay!
« Last Edit: December 11, 2021, 10:08:21 pm by efrenespartano »

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.0.2
« Reply #157 on: October 01, 2021, 08:12:06 am »
A new update is ready.

UNEXCOM v0.9.0.2 Above and Beyond is alive!

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
1-Oct-2021 v0.9.0.2 Above and Beyond
Changes made:
*UNEXCOM is now compatible with OXCE 7.1
*Made UNEXCOM into a master mod, now activated from the drop-down box in the mod menu
*Rebalanced NATO Laser Sniper, by ReaverOfDarkness
*Fixed issue with Overseer mission, increased turn limit
*Added new soldier names, by Dauntless1942

A minor patch, the fix for the Overseer mission is done! you can savescum all you want without breaking the game :D Also, UNEXCOM is a Master mod now, so make sure to enable it from the top tab instead from the general list. If you have any issue with the mod, feel free to reach us here or in the official IDT Discord server!
« Last Edit: October 16, 2021, 04:12:42 pm by efrenespartano »

Offline B1ackwolf

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Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.0.2
« Reply #158 on: December 10, 2021, 12:21:00 am »
Hey, amazing work  m8, totally loved the space battles ideas!

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.0.2
« Reply #159 on: December 11, 2021, 10:15:49 pm »
Hey, amazing work  m8, totally loved the space battles ideas!

Hey, mi amigo! Im so glad you are enjoying them! It took us a while, but we are satisfied with the results. There are more space missions (a friendly orbital facility mission and a generic Moon mission), i hope to include them on the next updates. :D

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
« Reply #160 on: April 18, 2022, 03:33:50 am »
A new update is ready.

UNEXCOM v0.9.2 Armored Kill is alive!

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
28-Mar-2022 v0.9.2 Armored Kill
Changes made:
*Updated to OXCE v7.5.3
*New UI and globeMarkers, by efrenespartano
*Craft weapons doesn't require purchased ammo
*32 new Geoscape events, written by efrenespartano, Rclipse, Kael Schwabauer and Brother2
*Reduced excessive wounding, balances scopes, adds attack shortnames, a few other minor changes by The Reaver of Darkness
*Most alien units have inventories now
*New colored ranks for Floater and Muton units
*New armored enemies
- Armored Sectoid (all sprites by wolwerin)
- Armored Floater (sprite by NeoWorm, modified by efrenespartano)
- Armored Muton (sprite by NeoWorm, modified by efrenespartano)
- Mechtoid (sprites by Jackstaw2323, ruleset by memmaker)
- Probe (sprites by Duke_Falcon, ruleset by Pjlasl)
- Cybersphere (sprites by The Martian)
*Improved basebits for planes
- UNEXCOM: Crusader, Saracen
- USA: UH-1 Huey, F-4 Phantom II, F-105 Thunderchief, F-104 Rapier, B-70 Valkyrie, YF-17 Cobra
- NATO: F.6 Lightning, Mirage IV, Saab 35 Draken, Saab 37 Viggen, SEPECAT Jaguar, MBB Lampyridae, F-104G Starfighter
- USSR: Su-30 'Flanker', MiG-31 'Firefox', MiG-25 'Foxbat'
*Replaced Lighting with improved map by The Reaver of Darkness
*Buffed Alloy Weapons, accuracy improved between 10% and 20%, TC rounds now have ToArmorPre between 0.5 and 0.7. Added white vapor trails for TC and blue for Flechette rounds.
*New Fusion Weapons, concept drawn by Dauntless1942
- Fusion Splitter
- Fusion Lance
- Ethereal Noble Sword
- Thermonuclear Projectile Launcher
- Hybrid Fusion Rifle (sprite and Pedia text by Filip-H)
*Several bugfixes by Buscher
- Craft Weapons can be equipped at any time even if Research is not completed, Research is only used for purchasing. Also Jaguar gets an options for a fuel tank
- Tonfa does Stun damageType instead of Melee
- Terrorists don't do Retaliation Missions
- Display Ufopedia Article for Special Forces Armor once they join
- Fix types according to openxcom.log (mainly with liveAlien: "")
- Fix low missile speed according to openxcom.log
- PNG/GIF Palette Fixes
- Remove Noob Trap that Personal Lights are
*Updated some weapon sprites to new ones, drawn by efrenespartano
- Makarov, PSG1, KS23, M1911 Colt 45, M79 Thumper, Skorpion
*Stoner Sniper now has Pedia entry
*I ain't no fortunate one

A major update, the theme of this and upcoming updates is armor! for both your troopers and the aliens, armored systems are a very important thing. You will find enemies with those later on your campaign. New enemies and new sprites for the already existing ones are in, plus a major visual overhaul. New UI and globeMarkers help to make a more inmersive experience!

 If you have any issue with the mod, feel free to reach us here or in the official IDT Discord server!

Offline Bonakva

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Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
« Reply #161 on: April 25, 2022, 08:53:22 pm »
Awesome mod. Very atmospheric. Is anyone doing any additional translation into Russian?

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
« Reply #162 on: April 26, 2022, 02:42:56 am »
Awesome mod. Very atmospheric. Is anyone doing any additional translation into Russian?

Thanks for the kind comments! It is, wolwerin04 maintains the Russian translation.

You can check the latest translation text on his YouTube channel!

Offline Rangerh

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Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
« Reply #163 on: June 24, 2022, 05:38:32 pm »
I had never noticed this mod before, but after trying i really like it a lot, there's some nice 70ies cold war atmosphere to it that is excellent.
Nearly feels like you could remove the alien part by having instead nato and soviet or unaligned (like those terrorist situation) filling their role.

I have a question though, as hangars can support more than 1 vehicle, but is there a way to access the 2nd vehicle of a hangar from the base overview (as you can access the 1st one by simply right clicking on the hangar) or can they only be accessed by the Equip Craft panel ?

Offline BlackStaff

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Re: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.9.3
« Reply #164 on: June 29, 2022, 01:24:25 am »
UNEXCOM v0.10.1
I love this pack!
Bravo and thanks !

I found an inconsistency...
After having researched Alien Alloys, we are proposed to do research on the "manufacture of Alloys"!
But if you look in the workshops you already have the possibility to manufacture these Alloys!
Not very consistent!

So I added these lines in a "rul" file:
