
Author Topic: [WIP][OXCE][UFO] X-Com: Terror From the Unknown (TFTU)  (Read 93887 times)

Offline Ethereal

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2018, 05:16:01 pm »
Thanks for the effort. Will this mod work on top of FMP? Any order in loading these mods? Thanks

You can learn everything by the method of experiments. The mod itself is made as a base. I do not know what will work with him.

Several bugs fixed. Some changes in the balance sheet. Added some little things. Alien bases with radar and retaliatory actions, in case of detection of the player's aircraft.

The download link has been updated in the first post of the topic.

Offline Ethereal

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2018, 06:48:10 pm »
Update. Mainly aimed at realizing the potential of OXCE+. There is no only-secondary ammunition. I couldn't figure out where it would be best applied.

The reference in the first post.

Offline yergnoor

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2018, 08:07:38 am »
As far as I understand, the use of this mod on the Android tablet is impossible? I once downloaded the very first version, so everything was scattered around folders, in fact it was not a mod, but a complete replacement of the original OXC. The situation has not changed?
Насколько я понимаю, использование этого мода на планшете Андроид невозможно? Я когда-то скачивал самую первую версию, так там всё было раскидано по папкам, фактически это был не мод, а полная замена оригинального OXC. Ситуация не изменилась?
Since I do not know languages ​​other than Russian, then the mods with Russian language is very interesting to me.But I'm playing on Android, so that the mods with the converted exe I just do not work.
Поскольку я не знаю языков, кроме русского, то моды с русским языком меня очень интересуют. Но играю на Андроиде, так-что моды с переделанным exe у меня просто не работают.

Offline Ethereal

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2018, 11:00:02 am »
Чисто теоретически, то всё зависит от OXCE+. Кроме того, у меня нет устройств с Андройдом, что бы под него что-то делать. Можно попробовать установить версию OXCE+ для Андройда,5258.0.html, поверх мода, но не заменяя файлы в папках "xcom1-2" а так же "common\SoldierName". Попробуй так. Может и получится.

P.S. Глянул я на версию для Андройда. Дааа. Вряд ли я тут что-то могу сделать. Вообще не понял что там и куда. Отстал я от жизни...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 11:11:15 am by Ethereal »

Offline yergnoor

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2018, 01:24:47 pm »
Да, у меня стоит именно эта последняя версия OXCE+ и она прекрасно справляется, например, с X-Files. Можно даже X-Piratez запустить, но 1 гигабайта оперативной памяти надолго не хватает с этим мегамодом.
То есть, по возможностям OXCE+ для Андроида практически ничем не отличается от того, что на компьютере.
Но вот с установкой поверх - не уверен. Поскольку при первом запуске приложение OXCE+ автоматически перезаписывает содержание папок common и standard, загружая в них стандартное содержимое (удобно при обновлениях, всё само на новое заменяется). А в твоём моде и они все переделаны донельзя. Почему я и спрашивал, не будет ли мод отдельно сделан, как большинство прочих.
Так-что, если только уже потом попробовать подменить - твой мод подгрузить. Нужно будет попробовать, как время свободное появится.

Offline Meridian

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2018, 01:48:49 pm »
The best solution would of course be to create a proper separate mod, like everybody else.

This could however work for you too:
1. install fresh Android OXCE+ version
2. copy Ethereal's mod on top of it... but DO NOT overwrite xcom1/interfaces.rul and xcom2/interfaces.rul (Android uses different versions than PC)
3. also DO NOT copy Ethereal's options.cfg... Android has different settings than PC

There will be some small problems with missing translations (not too many), but in general it should work.

@Ethereal: if you want, I can convert your package into a standalone mod, I just need access to the latest version and a few days time
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 01:55:02 pm by Meridian »

Offline Ethereal

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #36 on: July 26, 2018, 03:03:03 pm »
@Ethereal: if you want, I can convert your package into a standalone mod, I just need access to the latest version and a few days time

Thank you for your offer of help, but I'll try to do it myself. There is one snag with the resources from the UFO folder. This is especially true of music.


Recompiled. Just unpack to "openxcom\user\mods"folder. I hope it will be workable. At first glance, there is only a leapfrog in ufopedia, due to the fact that not affixed "listOrder", but I hope it is not very critical.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 02:10:29 pm by Ethereal »

Offline yergnoor

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #37 on: July 26, 2018, 04:36:57 pm »
Recompiled. Just unpack to "openxcom\user\mods"folder. I hope it will be workable. At first glance, there is only a leapfrog in ufopedia, due to the fact that not affixed "listOrder", but I hope it is not very critical.
Нет, к сожалению, у меня не заработало. Вначале шла загрузка ресурсов игры и мода, но потом случилась какая-то несовместимость и приложение потребовало заново указать папки игры. Что-то пошло не так.
No, unfortunately, it did not work for me. Initially, there was loading of game resources and mod, but then some incompatibility happened and the application required to re-specify the game folders. Something went wrong.
Удалил мод из openxcom/mods (таково место хранения модов на Андроид), сразу всё заработало. А с данным модом не хочет.
I removed the mod from openxcom/mods (this is the place where mods are stored on Android), everything worked right away. And he does not want this mod.

Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #38 on: July 26, 2018, 05:31:18 pm »
Let me take a quick try and see why.

After a quick run, I have this error during startup

[26-07-2018_22-36-10]   [ERROR]   /storage/sdcard0/openxcom/mods/XComEarthUnited/Resources/SECTOPOD_HWP/cyberDisckX.png:Unsupported image format

Also I found this, looks game breaking tho

[26-07-2018_22-35-51]   [ERROR]   Unknown argument 'to_gauss'
[26-07-2018_22-35-51]   [ERROR]   Error in maching arguments for operator 'BattleUnit.reduceByResistance'
[26-07-2018_22-35-51]   [ERROR]   Error in parsing script 'damageUnit' for 'Global Event Script': invalid operation in line: 'unit.reduceByResistance to_gauss 10;'
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 05:42:36 pm by Yataka Shimaoka »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #39 on: July 26, 2018, 05:46:44 pm »
[26-07-2018_22-36-10]   [ERROR]   /storage/sdcard0/openxcom/mods/XComEarthUnited/Resources/SECTOPOD_HWP/cyberDisckX.png:Unsupported image format

Yup, the image is actually a JPG, not a PNG... needs to be converted.

Offline Ethereal

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2018, 06:16:55 pm »
This error "to_gauss 10" I also have. The funny thing is that despite the ERROR, Gauss resistance work. As for the armor and force shields. Repeatedly this tested. cyberDisckX.png checked. The file is intact and none of the versions of OXCE+ on it does not swear. This is weird.

As for compatibility with Android - about Android I only know that it exists. I know nothing more about him and never worked with him.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 06:22:05 pm by Ethereal »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #41 on: July 26, 2018, 07:09:07 pm »
The file is intact and none of the versions of OXCE+ on it does not swear. This is weird.

Android uses a newer version of SDL framework... and doesn't as easily get fooled by JPG disguised as PNG as the PC version.

The picture is in a format that OpenXcom doesn't officially support and needs to be converted.
The fact that it "works" on PC is just a lucky coincidence.

Offline Ethereal

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #42 on: July 26, 2018, 07:41:00 pm »
Android uses a newer version of SDL framework... and doesn't as easily get fooled by JPG disguised as PNG as the PC version.

The picture is in a format that OpenXcom doesn't officially support and needs to be converted.
The fact that it "works" on PC is just a lucky coincidence.

What a nightmare. And I have such a picture is not the only one. Worse, I do not remember what and why renamed.

Offline yergnoor

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #43 on: July 26, 2018, 08:30:59 pm »
What a nightmare. And I have such a picture is not the only one. Worse, I do not remember what and why renamed.
Code: [Select]
[26-07-2018_22-05-47] [ERROR] /sdcard/openxcom/mods/XComEarthUnited/Resources/AWACS/Antonov_An-32B.png:Unsupported image format

[26-07-2018_22-09-56] [ERROR] /sdcard/openxcom/mods/XComEarthUnited/Resources/AWACS/AC-130H_Hercules.png:Unsupported image format

[26-07-2018_22-11-45] [ERROR] /sdcard/openxcom/mods/XComEarthUnited/Resources/AWACS/C-27J_Spartan_.png:Unsupported image format

[26-07-2018_22-13-44] [ERROR] /sdcard/openxcom/mods/XComEarthUnited/Resources/AWACS/Antonov_An-178.png:Unsupported image format

[26-07-2018_22-15-32] [ERROR] /sdcard/openxcom/mods/XComEarthUnited/Resources/AWACS/MIG-25.png:Unsupported image format

[26-07-2018_22-17-30] [ERROR] /sdcard/openxcom/mods/XComEarthUnited/Resources/AWACS/Su-34.png:Unsupported image format

[26-07-2018_22-19-03] [ERROR] /sdcard/openxcom/mods/XComEarthUnited/Resources/AWACS/Su-35.png:Unsupported image format
Probably this is all pseudo png, since after I converted them into real png, the mod started to work.
Наверное это все псевдо png, поскольку после того, как я их сконвертировал в настоящие png, мод начал работать.
And whether it will continue to work properly - it will be seen.
А будет ли и дальше правильно работать - видно будет.

The very first image format error I did not copy, I wrote about it earlier.
Самую первую ошибку формата изображения я не копировал, о ней написали ранее.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 08:43:23 pm by yergnoor »

Offline Ethereal

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Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« Reply #44 on: July 26, 2018, 09:35:45 pm »
Спасибо за указания на ошибки. Указанные файлы отконвертировал в PNG Paint-ом. На будущее. Сообщайте, если ещё какая фигня вылезет. В следующем обновлении будут исправленные ошибки.

Thank you for pointing out mistakes. The specified files were converted to PNG Paint. For the future. Let me know if anything else comes up. The next update will fix the bugs.