Hi all! I am back from Baikal wildlands and ready to answer.
Question about Naga's movement sound - is it normal when they're produce movement sound when their turn is over just for a above half second when x-com phase begins? Too long sound file may be?
Ya, it is normal. Just move sound is a bit long.
And why we have no Triton on one of 2 stage ship missions? Have you change the map there? it's now too hard to play, because my team surrounded by enemies and one grenade or thermal shock just kill (stun) entire team.
Yes, shipping terror map has been changed. It is done because mod contain long x-com crafts, causing bugs with standart map.
Squid Light Drones cannot stun mind worms or locusts, they always miss... intended?
Have you seen their melee skill? It is hard to punch someone with remote-controlled aquatic quadrocopter.

I've failed to stun or mind control zombies. I wanted to stun or mind control a hellcrab or a triscene. I am not sure if it's possible. By the way, lobstermen under your control cannot use their claws for a melee combat.
It is all possible, but very difficult.
Thanks, will check lobster claws.