Well, mind control is weird because some really powerful enemies are weak to it. Namely: Mercs and raiders
Well, Mercs are populated by Uber-Brutes, which, as mentioned in their entry, are particularly weak to voodoo.
although megapol or hilariously weak to it if you just want to screw with them.
Beastmen are also noted as particularly weak to it, yes, and Megapol heavily employs these. Megapol armor is also weak to electricity, which means an effective early encounter-tool is just to cattleprod them.
A plain old savvy girl may have 38 voodoo power (on blackbeard) but a merc soldier has 29, and a raider firebat has 28.
Yeah, and these are all uber-Brutes, which are noted for being psi-weaklings. These aren't so much anomalies as they are explicitly documented in the game.
If for whatever reason you feel like taking on mercs early I guess it's possible with bugs trained on civilian ships. It's mainly more effective on lower difficulties, where voodoo power isn't as high on enemies, and obviously you need to do the whole "panic then MC". Also if you're being a total munchkin, UAC space suits give your bugs +5 voodoo power which actually makes a difference.
The thing is, the number of shots needed to do that, and the high odds that it simply doesn't work at all, makes it much easier to simply introduce them to the sharp blade of my axe. Mercs, incidentally, are weak vs. AXE TO THE HEAD as well, as their armor does not grant any real cutting resistance. Honestly, the biggest threat in an early Merc encounter their hovertanks, against which you will have basically no effective answer. Their shields basically entirely protect them from the usual anti-tank weapons you will have access to at this point. Usually my approach an early merc encounter is to wallop someone who I can interrogate over the head, drag his ass back to the dropship, and jet.
Talk about axe to the head being perfect in any scenario more and you will end up with new update that will have end-game cyber-ninja designed to counter melee trough ridiculous melee evasion. Hehe.
Honestly, I'm surprised there is not such a super-ninja already. There really SHOULD be this one mission that contains just one, single, nigh-invincible ninja, to drive home the counterpart that these are ninjas. Because, as we all know, from the Law of Conservation of Ninjutsu, one ninja is an invincible warrior, many ninjas are disposable mooks.
Besides, the excellence of AXE TO THE HEAD is explicitly mentioned in the pinup tips.