
Author Topic: A thread for little questions  (Read 1180774 times)

Offline Suzume

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1485 on: April 25, 2019, 01:04:06 am »
So I've now had two runs in a row lost to my score suddenly tanking into the negative 2k+.

I have been doing interrogations etc, so I'm not sure how it's dropping so hard - I didn't have the mutant alliance tech so pogroms shouldn't do it.

Is there a way to alter the number of months in a row it takes to lose, or anything else, just so I can avoid losing runs to this?

I was poking around the .rul file and it looks like there is a 'defeatscore' variable, but it is -900 and people were saying that -500 is what will make you lose, so I'm not sure if that is what I would want to mod to decrease this behavior or if there is another one where I can make it require more consecutive months of failure.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 02:38:01 am by Suzume »

Offline wolfreal

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1486 on: April 25, 2019, 05:11:01 am »
If I remember correctly, choking is great against almost everything that likes long walks in the underseas.

Offline Zippicus

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1487 on: April 25, 2019, 10:44:27 am »
So I've now had two runs in a row lost to my score suddenly tanking into the negative 2k+.

I have been doing interrogations etc, so I'm not sure how it's dropping so hard - I didn't have the mutant alliance tech so pogroms shouldn't do it.

Is there a way to alter the number of months in a row it takes to lose, or anything else, just so I can avoid losing runs to this?

I was poking around the .rul file and it looks like there is a 'defeatscore' variable, but it is -900 and people were saying that -500 is what will make you lose, so I'm not sure if that is what I would want to mod to decrease this behavior or if there is another one where I can make it require more consecutive months of failure.

What's most likely happening is that the aliens are setting up bases, those can really tank your score like that.  If you don't have radar coverage to spot the alien base missions you can look in the graphs to see where the alien activity is and patrol there till you find any bases.

Offline Alex the KatanaCutlass

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1488 on: April 25, 2019, 11:00:43 am »
Oh, boy, I gotto urgently check them bases, if any are around. During last 5 ingame days, I have destroyed on the ground some 5 frigates and cruisers on Secret Base missions. I also attacked a Frigate in the air, but no gun I have can trash their shields. But wait... wait... I am Alex - I simply DO things.

Offline Alex the KatanaCutlass

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1489 on: April 25, 2019, 11:17:20 am »
True, but you'd have to get him to walk right over to a gal holding it, without ripping her into shreds. And she can only turn and squeeze the trigger. *And* then he can still CQC dodge. That's a load of crappy odds for the torch wielder.

Yes, my friends. I don't melee here very often, unless inside a building/craft. In my game, each gal has a melee weapon, so in such places, Death Blossom SMG and Poisoned Dagger make for a cool CQC combo. Melee outside? Hmm... Gotto approach, reaction fire..? Nah... But CQC? WOW, I can pack a Viking Axe, if any.
You can be anytime ready, however, if you carry a big Melee weapon AND an accurate 1H gun (Magnum, DeBlossom, Painbringer SMG...). Like this, ya can anytime holster the gun and use the Mmelee if 2H, or get a grenade and do the job.

The Fusion Torch is great for entering ships. BUT, you have to have the boarding team (right) behind the welder gal, as she can't do crap once she makes a hole in the wall. I had this yesterday, twice. An enemy appeared and my boarding team just took care about them.

ATTN Suzume-san.
missions wo zenbu yatta houga ii no desuyo. You should do all the missions, friend, as necessary things can be frequently found in ONE type of mission ONLY. So research and make/make buyable. You need various kinds of infantry weapons, good armors, good aircraft and good weapons for aircraft. If I was you, I'd get some good infantry weapons and Guerilla/Sniper Armor first. After that, You also need the Hyperwave Decoder for every base. Don't forget to check the market after every more serious research, but don't buy too much (See? Now I have 200 banana clips to sell...). Buy as many weapons as you need for your gals and maybe 3 dozen of ammo clips for each gun, buy more as needed. Same for grenades and stuff. Buy to have some in reserve, buy more as you need. Don't forget to make your bases as safe as you can. Don't forget dogs for bases and for missions. Research. Read. Manage. Fight. Sell surplus stuff. IE, If you have like 500 plastasteel or 10 ship engines, sell half of those for - you will get more in the future.

As for which weapons... Well, You best try them in battle and see which are good for your style. Have fun.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 11:31:15 am by Alex the KatanaCutlass »

Offline legionof1

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1490 on: April 25, 2019, 11:38:03 pm »
So I've now had two runs in a row lost to my score suddenly tanking into the negative 2k+.

The two most likely culprits are active alien bases as other have mentioned, and large amounts of alien craft activity.

Bases are -500 each, and some additional -points from the associated craft activity.

Most craft on the map cost you a minor amount of points constantly as they fly around, and double there base rate when landed. Supply ships from bases and excavators on resource missions will stay grounded for a long time. The excavators in particular can stay grounded for days chipping away at your score.

Multiple excavators outside detection is a very easy way to lose the game, early expansion to maximize coverage is pretty important. That said the activity graphs can usually tell you where stuff is just hovering around in time to deal with the problem. But unfortunately there is no initial warning unless your religiously checking the activity graph.   

Offline Eddie

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1491 on: April 26, 2019, 04:02:16 am »
If you have low radar coverage, Excavators can loose you the game. If you have no radar, use the graphs to see alien activity. Then send a pigeon to patrol where there is activity.

The tools are there, you just have to use them.

Offline thevideogameraptorboggle

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1492 on: April 26, 2019, 07:59:24 am »
You only lose if you have two months in a row of negative score. If you get a negative month and then a positive month, you have to get another negative before you're at risk of a game over. You can also get a bad score if you have bad luck on pogrom generation. You just repeatedly getting Mercenary and Star God pogroms before you have equipment strong enough to fight them, leading to a massive score penalty for failing the mission.

Offline Alex the KatanaCutlass

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1493 on: April 26, 2019, 11:23:35 am »
So I got the Stingray Missiles and now I need these laser lenses. Yea, I do have some and I already armed my gorilla fighter with them, but need more, of course. So, what do I take apart for getting those? I see I can buy them in the next century, however:)

Offline Rince Wind

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1494 on: April 26, 2019, 12:13:52 pm »
Laser weapons.

Offline Alex_D

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1495 on: April 27, 2019, 07:08:29 am »
So choosing either "Gals are superior" and "We Need Male Touch" research techs is a must, else the game won't advance ?

Offline legionof1

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1496 on: April 27, 2019, 08:23:13 am »
Yes. There are other techs open, but since it restricts access to better player craft, progression down the interrogation branch(needed for eventually unlocking the final mission), one of the primary weapons dealer contacts, and other significant milestones, why delay?

Offline thevideogameraptorboggle

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1497 on: April 27, 2019, 09:01:49 am »
Is there something I'm missing on the Raynerd mission? Turn 30, haven't heard a peep from the enemies in 10 turns. I've checked everywhere I thought, except inside the cells. If everything was right, I would think I'd have heard from the enemies by now.

Offline Alex the KatanaCutlass

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1498 on: April 27, 2019, 11:51:10 am »
"More questions!
Yes, Chosen One..?"

Ahem... back to HERE...

1) PPL, what's the deal with the Mansion Missions. I walk in bare assed, only to find Zombies?!? I mean, I CAN make a fire cocktail - no prob at all, am a weapons expert in all my games -  and kick some ass, but do I have to do the 1st mansion mission? It stays on the map. Is there for a in game week..?

2) Would you recommend the Hammermite and Lancer missiles? I use Spikes.

3) Does a good shot pilot make a difference in shooting them accurately?

4) How do YOU kill/capture an Acad Provost? Can capture it with a Dart Pistol?

5) Would you use a Gyro-Stabilized Autogun and a Super Magnum? What's the deal with their ammo? i see there's Mercury ammo for Super Magnum, sounds Mercenary blasting (I fukin HATE them). I mean, is the Super Magnum as accurate as the Magnum? Usually, the stuff you research and make is good and the things you research and buy for big bux (FUKIN RIPOFF) are also good - so, ... Comments, advises..? I always hear my fellows, anytime.

6) I recruit Bugeyes. "They use Voodoo without any equipment." Uhmm... So... Do I take them into battle with me? They'd have to stay in the craft, however. Or at least I think so.

If anyine's interested, I'll send you a savegame or two. Dunno... maybe you'll like them. ATTN! Warrior THROUGH the bone, not only TO. ;)

Respect, Alex.

PPS: It IS necessary to have all possible kinds of damage inflicting weapons and ammo in your main attack craft. Air Musket and its Electro ammo saved my hide yesterday:)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2019, 12:23:30 pm by Alex the KatanaCutlass »

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #1499 on: April 27, 2019, 02:31:31 pm »
Is there something I'm missing on the Raynerd mission? Turn 30, haven't heard a peep from the enemies in 10 turns. I've checked everywhere I thought, except inside the cells. If everything was right, I would think I'd have heard from the enemies by now.

There is one room that is closed and you can access it only with pickaxe or something that strong at dealing with terrain. I don't remember on which floor it is, but I think it's on the second floor. Enemies can be also locked in prison towers, you have to destroy metal bars on the top floor. This mission isn't hard, but it's tedious.


1) Many factions can have mansion missions. Church, Academy, or Guild, or even Zombies. You just got bad RNG to get Zombies, worst and hardest kind of Mansion mission. This mission will appear later, you don't have to worry about it.

2) Spikes are just cheapest rockets. Hammerite and Lancer are probably way better. Just check bootypedia entries for them.

3) Yes, pilot's "FIRING" (Accuracy), "REACTION" (Dodge) and "BRAVERY" (Approach speed) affects dogfights.

4) From humble handle trough stun prod to electric net. If I remember correctly, she didn't have too much special resistances to any damage sources, apply handle untill you will see effects.

5) Gyro Autogun is a good mid-range weapon against anything that isn't too heavy armored. Both of those guns aren't best at killing Mercs, but chem ammo might make Magnum decent. There are many cheaper and easier weapons that deal with Mercs quite good. Armoured cars/Tanks works wonders.

6) Take bugeye to the mission, select him and look at the top right corner of your screen. Special icon will appear, from there you can use "VooDoo" abilities of a bugeye. They are great healers in their deflaut armor.