
Author Topic: A thread for little questions  (Read 1429631 times)

Offline Jot

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4110 on: January 01, 2025, 12:53:51 pm »
Sooo... Hello :)
I got addicted to Xpiratez :) Also, i have a stupid question...or two:

Is it possible to manufacture "Force Circuitry" ? Till now (~25th month of the game) i can get it only from Church of Syrius Priests/Cardinals/Beastmasters, and last few months i got almost none of them. And i need 4/each Cybermage armor or Gray Spellbook :/

And the other one - is there any way to get "Glamour" faster ? For now, i know that i get few points with each won mission, few points from enslaving prisoners, and few from "Entertainment" projects. But i am targetting BH Silver Badge (750) and White Dragon second reward (1500 WD tokens = another 750 Glamour). As i have ~220 right now and i can gain probably ~100-150 /month, it seems my aims will take another game year :/ Do You know any faster way (except adding them by save editing) ? Maybe make a big and hiperexpensive party for govt members XD?

Offline Delian

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4111 on: January 01, 2025, 01:11:53 pm »
Yes, you can manufacture Force Circuitry directly provided you have the required materials. Check your production.

Glamour can be produced in several ways:
- Only Runts, if you have Golden Codex
- Blackmail, accessible to most captain personalities
- Monster Pitfighting, which requires you to capture monsters
- Slavery, which requires you to capture enemies
- Finishing missions fast (before the 3rd turn)
- Going on missions with glamourous crafts (LITTLE BIRD, WARBIRD, THUNDERBIRD = 12 glamour per battle, BIKES = 8; still decays if you're slow)
- Doing missions with glamourous outfits (Bikini, Winter Queen, Bikini /CAT, etc, still decays if you're slow)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 01:15:54 pm by Delian »

Offline Vakrug

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4112 on: January 01, 2025, 02:32:39 pm »
Is it possible to manufacture "Force Circuitry" ?
Check bootypedia. Check research tree: middle click on research topic. Or "Q" on geoscape and "Q" to search.
Now my question. Can anyone, please, write down a path to reach "Aurora's ending"? I can't with certainty figure it out just by looking at bootypedia (not online one, local one). There probably are some hidden stones and I would like to know about them in advance.
I can share my knowledge with "Zander's ending".
It is very possible to screw this ending very early on. You need to prank Gudrun and then turn her into a Knight. And in order to do this you need STR_HONOR research which is only available if you choose the correct captain personality.
After you clear Gudrun's Residence you get Blacksun Bases and Blacksun HQ. Blacksun HQ is probably the hardest mission in this mod. 5 stages of Cydonia is a walk in the park in comparison to this. Or I am doing something wrong. Or you are supposed to use CONQUEROR. High Temple mission is fairly simple.
Then you got Labyrinthus Noctis. Another mission where you are supposed to know what you are doing (I don't).
And now the most craziest part. You get series of Shadowrealm missions. Or you don't! Why? Because you need to have Gudrun LV60 in your base. NOT INSIDE CRAFT!!! She has to be alive and outside of craft during the end of month or missions will not spawn!
OK, I think I covered most stuff.
BTW, how many other special items (aside Gudrun LV60) exists out there (and can be mistakenly sold) that are required to unlock special missions? I know only about "Padlock to Fear Gate". Do you know about other such items?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 02:41:29 pm by Vakrug »

Offline Falsche

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4113 on: January 01, 2025, 05:40:39 pm »
Now my question. Can anyone, please, write down a path to reach "Aurora's ending"? I can't with certainty figure it out just by looking at bootypedia (not online one, local one). There probably are some hidden stones and I would like to know about them in advance.

As far as I can tell:
No sharing the fountain with Red Mage, Dr. X is required but no making choices regarding her. (Prank/Hire/etc.) No *Recalibrate Shadowtech*. (not that missile strikes should even happen while on this path) Beyond that, I don't think there are any other stones, just annoyances. (some extra -500 score events monthly, *Family Ties* now does nothing, no Tome of Life)

- First, clear the Disruptive Transmissions. That will trigger the event next month that unlocks the choice.
- Research ?Red-Eyes: Cooperate? and Aurora's Plot (order doesn't matter)
- There are three new free researches from !Socializing! (Perfect Specimen, T'Leth Secrets, Zombie Ascension). Do that until you pick them up.
--Perfect Ascension is the Dr. X requirement for the storyline. Take the ?Kidnap Gudrun for Aurora? choice, then do the Dr. X storyline until you win the duel, then research ?Dr. X? Gift her to Aurora, which unlocks Experiment-X.
--T'Leth Secrets is the Deep Ones requirement. It plus Undersea Operations will unlock !T'leth Dream Relays!, from which you can loot T'Leth Biocomputers as well as Aquatoids. Researching that will unlock Dreamlink and, following that, Soulbots.
--Zombie Ascension is the Red Mage (kinda) requirement. Effectively, you just need to research Cyberzombie Database.
(Wizard Infamy -> Red Mage's Research - Red Mage's Quest -> Mage's Villa mission, grab Black Mask there and research - Black Mask's Origins -> beat Crypt of the Technomancer)
- After getting any of those three researches from !Socializing!, Aurora's Nature event will happen next month. That will unlock PRISS research - research it.
- After getting all those three researches from !Socializing!, Aurora's Dream event will happen next month. That will give you another choice - pick ?Aurora Needs Your Help? if you want to finish the storyline.
- Making the choice will unlock the Freeing Aurora research, which is supposed to unlock a mission but is just a placeholder.
(If you have Soulbots, you can unlock the ability to buy Dolls at this point)
- Now research *Family Ties*. If you did everything right, it'll give you an alternative text and do nothing.
- Finally, if all requirements are met (Experiment-X, Soulbots, Cyberzombie Database, ?Aurora Needs Your Help?, Freeing Aurora, *Family Ties*), you can research *Destination Mars*.
--That will unlock an "alternative" easier Cydonia mission, To Mars!, that spawns every month at one of your hideouts and requires a Cydonia-worthy craft. Beating that will result in Aurora's ending.

Offline Vakrug

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4114 on: January 01, 2025, 06:51:21 pm »
Thanks for such detailed guide. So, apparently, I don't need to take Hybrid Path... For some reason I thought I need, but I will take it anyway.
Path looks kinda easy... Maybe main pain in the butt will be the currently missing mission?
« Last Edit: January 15, 2025, 10:58:00 am by Vakrug »

Offline Jot

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4115 on: January 05, 2025, 12:28:23 am »
- Doing missions with glamourous outfits (Bikini, Winter Queen, Bikini /CAT, etc, still decays if you're slow)

Thanks, this little trick really makes wonders ;D Now all my Pirate Crew rides easy missions wearing Party Dresses  ;D (or Bikini for Catgirls)

Offline ThatSharkPerson

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4116 on: January 15, 2025, 06:45:29 am »
I'm not sure if I'm dumb or I've encountered a glitch. I'm on my first playthrough and, for some reason, don't have the ability to research anything which has "Inspect Machinery" as a pre-requisite. I've worked around it a few times by using Debug mode to enable all research, but that isn't a long term solution. Even when using the Tech Tree Viewer, "Inspect Machinery" is not purple, implying I haven't researched it, despite knowing for a fact I have. Is there something I'm missing, or should I take this over to a bug report thread? Alternatively, is there any way to save file edit to tick whatever box needs ticking for Inspect Machinery?

I suspect it's a bug because starting a second game and researching Inspect Machinery now shows it as purple in the Tech Tree Viewer, unlike in my first game. Just wanted to confirm here before making a report.

Edit: I've managed to successfully save edit the file. For anyone in the future, you can simply go to your save folders via the options menu, then edit the save file with Notepad. Ctrl+F for "Discovered" and then add "  - STR_INSPECT_MACHINERY " to the list of discovered techs. I don't know what caused this, if it was a bug or me misunderstanding something, but at least there's a solution!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2025, 07:51:26 am by ThatSharkPerson »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4117 on: January 15, 2025, 11:12:26 am »
Perhaps you set this research as hidden (by RMB)?
Not being able to research Inspect Machinery would be a colossal issue for everyone, and no one else has reported it.

Offline Armitage451

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4118 on: January 23, 2025, 10:08:09 pm »
Been playing piratez on a laptop during night shifts to kill time, and ran into an issue - for some reasons shift with touchpad (don't have a spare mouse) does not let me sprint.
Any workarounds / ways to rebind the key?

Same goes for examine enemy (middle mouse button) - nice, but not as important as sprint.

Offline Rokksta

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4119 on: January 23, 2025, 10:17:08 pm »
Been playing piratez on a laptop during night shifts to kill time, and ran into an issue - for some reasons shift with touchpad (don't have a spare mouse) does not let me sprint.
Any workarounds / ways to rebind the key?

Same goes for examine enemy (middle mouse button) - nice, but not as important as sprint.

Normally sprinting is with control not with shift.

Look at your touchpad options of your laptop. There should be some functions to activate to use a middle mouse button (like pressing both buttons or the right one two times).

Edit: Looks like someone was faster with the sprinting correction :P

Edit 2: And now he deleted the reply. How confusing  ???
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 10:26:26 pm by Rokksta »

Offline ontherun

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4120 on: January 23, 2025, 10:21:06 pm »
quick questions on a couple of events:

- the "curse of dolaro" depends on something that i might stop by doing something?

- the "terror hack" is tied to ninja activity at least descriptions says so) if i win the  war against them (declared once * pirates vs ninja* is researched) it will stop?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 11:05:01 pm by ontherun »

Offline Rokksta

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4121 on: January 23, 2025, 10:30:31 pm »
quick questions on a couple of events:

- the "curse of dolaro" depends on something that i might stop by doing something?

- the "terror hack" is tied to ninja activity at least descriptions says so) if i win the  war against them (declared once * pirates vs ninja* is researched) it will stop

The curse of dolaro can come if you have 10M funds. Nothing more, nothing less.

Terror Hack should go away if you destroy the Ninja HQ

Offline Psyentific

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4122 on: January 24, 2025, 01:44:46 am »
In the meantime, you can get around the terror hacks and other assorted cash penalty events by storing bulk wealth as items in your base inventory. Things like gold and silver bars, jewelry, retaining credit chips (and cash bags, purses etc) instead of selling them and so on.

Find some stuff to spend a million or two on. Buy another base, expand existing bases with workshops or prison space. Buy bulk RPGs and other flash gunz for your garrison troops. Buy car parts and tank parts and turn them into vehicles, again for garrisons. Stock up on crafting materials (chemicals, plasteel, durathread etc) for the runts. Events like this are Piratez' way of telling you that you're not spending enough money, so start throwing cash around for shits and giggles.

Offline ontherun

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4123 on: January 31, 2025, 02:03:08 am »
ok, but what is the utility/purpose of "walk the plank"? it is intented to kill hands but for what reason if i can fence those?

Offline nicedayright

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #4124 on: January 31, 2025, 03:48:55 am »
It's just a reskin of the original games "fire" button. Just lets you get rid of a soldier from the stat screen instead of having to remember their name and go to the sell screen.

In the original game you had to be pretty proactive about culling anyone with low psi strength once you'd unlocked the ability to see it, so it was pretty helpful. Recruiting being what it is in piratez, I don't think I've ever used the button, but it's part of the engine.