Author Topic: A thread for little questions  (Read 1180534 times)

Offline Sllow

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2655 on: January 22, 2021, 04:47:06 pm »
Where can I find the "The Teachings of Night" to build the Dream Library?

Offline ZoA

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2656 on: January 22, 2021, 07:09:55 pm »
Where can I find the "The Teachings of Night" to build the Dream Library?

That's a wrong question to ask. What you should be condensed with is where to find enough pron to build that thing. ;D

As for The Teachings of Night I'm fairly certain it reliably spawns in Mansions raids. I also suspect it might be found in some undergrad missions like temples or whatnot, but I'm not sure about that.

Edit: Crossed wrong information abut  Teachings of Night appearing in Mansions. I got it confused with Liber Occultus.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 05:36:44 pm by ZoA »

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2657 on: January 22, 2021, 07:17:27 pm »

Solarius Scorch if you don't mind me asking is that Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri reference?

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2658 on: January 22, 2021, 07:32:08 pm »
Solarius Scorch if you don't mind me asking is that Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri reference?


Offline Alex the KatanaCutlass

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2659 on: January 22, 2021, 09:39:11 pm »
Sadly for all the massive radar range it has, the alenium chamber is itself not a hyperwave decoder.  You have to build both and settle on the fact that you won't identify the ship until it gets closer.

Uh, hm, OK. And yea, I have built both. OK, then, I like the great radar range. I can alwas send a ship to check out what we'll be plundering:) And, it's mooostly that kind anyway so that, yea, I'll build some more.

OK, no sleeping tonight (again).

"Ain't no rest for the Wicked..." (Borderlands)

Um... Why I just saw so many grinning faces?

Offline Nilex

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2660 on: January 23, 2021, 12:33:10 am »
Where can I find the "The Teachings of Night" to build the Dream Library?
I also suspect it might be found in some undergrad missions like temples or whatnot, but I'm not sure about that.

ZoA's suspicion is correct. Exact name of the mission is Demon God Shrine (triggered by !Demonic Sacrifices! perhaps?). Dark underground cave where only Lokk'Narr may enter. There are 2-3 types of these, all containing one sacrificial lady (Damsel). The one with the correct loot has a secluded underground room accessed by narrow (1 square wide) stairs, usually 2 entry points. However even when you get one the loot is random, it's not guaranteed to spawn. Only one of few unique document types related to this mission type may spawn. There are 4 Teachings of... docs for example. You gotta get lucky.
As the other dude hinted Dream Library is the biggest facility disappointment in the whole game and you can safely abandon all plans you had of building it. Research will come with time on its own if ticking every available research topic is a concern for you.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 12:39:57 am by Nilex »

Offline Sllow

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2661 on: January 23, 2021, 04:27:58 pm »
ZoA's suspicion is correct. Exact name of the mission is Demon God Shrine (triggered by !Demonic Sacrifices! perhaps?). Dark underground cave where only Lokk'Narr may enter. There are 2-3 types of these, all containing one sacrificial lady (Damsel). The one with the correct loot has a secluded underground room accessed by narrow (1 square wide) stairs, usually 2 entry points. However even when you get one the loot is random, it's not guaranteed to spawn. Only one of few unique document types related to this mission type may spawn. There are 4 Teachings of... docs for example. You gotta get lucky.
As the other dude hinted Dream Library is the biggest facility disappointment in the whole game and you can safely abandon all plans you had of building it. Research will come with time on its own if ticking every available research topic is a concern for you.

I just got to the 2nd year with 19 brainers. Now even Megapol are using plasma weapons and the best I got are Plastasteel munitions and bought infantry lasers, so I was worried with my research.

I guess by the time I'm able to build the Dream Library (Several months time of runts making pillow books) it won't matter anymore.


Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2662 on: January 23, 2021, 06:04:43 pm »
Piratez doesn't have enemy progress when it comes to equipment.

Offline Nilex

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2663 on: January 23, 2021, 07:20:33 pm »
Are you sure about that? From my experience (Blackbeard difficulty) their equipment gradually got better. Speaking of major factions of course, civs and common mutants kept their faith in good ol' powder pistols. Academy, Megapol, Guild, Marsec, etc. all went through their powder > laser > gauss > plasma progression (not every enemy unit on the map but enough). Maybe it's tied to type of ship/mission or them !mission! types one researches, not sure, but it does happen. Feels like intentional progression mechanic to me, and a very fair one at that (except that one early-game enemy hideout incident in July I'm still trying to erase from memory).

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2664 on: January 23, 2021, 07:36:44 pm »
Are you sure about that?

Of  course I am.

Code: [Select]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4]

A single line.

Offline Nilex

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2665 on: January 23, 2021, 08:19:43 pm »
Oh, do I look like a coder to you? I'm flattered but I got no patience for that delicate craft.

How does that line explain what is happening contradicting your non-existent enemy equipment progress claim. Even the powder weapon wielding guys get better ammo types over time. Before answering (in human readable text please) maybe you should clarify what exactly enemy equipment progression means before we start chasing our tails.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2666 on: January 23, 2021, 08:24:26 pm »
Oh, do I look like a coder to you? I'm flattered but I got no patience for that delicate craft.

I assure you that I've neve3r written a single line of code, except a simple "divide X by Y" program in Basic.

But if you go "are you sure?" on me, don't be surprised when I present you with goddamn evidence.

How does that line explain what is happening contradicting your non-existent enemy equipment progress claim. Even the powder weapon wielding guys get better ammo types over time. Before answering (in human readable text please) maybe you should clarify what exactly enemy equipment progression means before we start chasing our tails.

Enemy equipment progression in X-Com means that deployments change with time, month to month. In vanilla it means that aliens gradually go from plasma pistols to heavy plasma.

In Piratez, this mechanic is unused, there is only one definition - meaning that every month has the same tech level settings.

Therefore, any changes in enemy equipment must result from new missions appearing.

Offline Nilex

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2667 on: January 23, 2021, 08:44:13 pm »
So in the end progression is happening, but in a different way than in vanilla. As my observations (and Sllow's) indicate: same missions, same crew/shipping -> better enemy weapons over time. Maybe it's more complex than just a single line.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2668 on: January 23, 2021, 09:02:32 pm »
So in the end progression is happening, but in a different way than in vanilla. As my observations (and Sllow's) indicate: same missions, same crew/shipping -> better enemy weapons over time. Maybe it's more complex than just a single line.

I cannot recall any such trickery. Yes, Meghapol sometimes uses plasma weapons, and sometimes not; but it depends on craft and not time progression. (Apart form the fact that some missions may appear later.)

"same missions, same crew/shipping -> better enemy weapons over time" does NOT happen.

Offline Escaped Lunatic

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #2669 on: January 26, 2021, 06:14:41 am »
Marsec lasguns and heavy shotgun AP shells do exist.  I'll concede the compact carbine though, no enemy seems to use it and its description suggests that the item itself shouldn't be needed but who knows.

You want something that really doesn't exist?  Try finding a homing RPG.

Homing RPG is easy: STR_RPG_ADV is the itemID.
Found out 2 years ago in a truly autistic manner: wild guessing and randomly editing the save file in order to get the homing rpg and shadow orbs. Haven't seen the RPG dropping in the game since then but shadow orbs can be practically accessed now.