Fallout and HL1 is not major game and Tiberian sun IS major... welp, probably Bethesda and Valve more kind than EA(beware, you still have one track from Frank Klepacki). I'll keep an ear for something less famous.
Yeah, totally obscure games, lel

Anyway, I finally found something appropriate.

Only one track for now, I hope it'll be a decent replacement of HL1_10_VALVE. Just uploaded to GitHub. Our convo motivated me, so thanks for that.
More tracks will be replaced when I find something decent enough.
Maybe. Or just tune some spawn odds at least. Or ask Meridian for feature and pray... geoscape has different tracks after all - logic is there.
Look pal, it's super hard to find ONE decent track per faction (as we've discussed here). And now you want me to shit out a couple for each? That won't happen in a predictable timeframe, if ever (unless some musician does a major contribution).
If you don't like the music, turn it off and play something else in the background.