Hi there,
after a bit of trying I managed to get X-Piratez! to work on Arch Linux. Here is a short HOW-TO that should at least in part be helpful to users of other distributions as well.
This HOW-TO is for
X-Piratez! Version 0.99E.
Requirement: OXCE 3.3 plusFor this mod to work it is a requirement that you have
Meridians OXCE 3.3 plus installed. Links to some executables can be found here:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4187.0.htmlHowever, those executables are for Ubuntu and may or may not work on Debian or Linux Mint as well, but what about all the other Linux distributions, like Arch? The solution: build from source.
The code can be found on Meridians github page:
https://github.com/MeridianOXC/OpenXcom/tree/oxce3.3-plus-protoIt is important to
check out the oxce3.3-plus-proto branch, not master.
To build it on Arch Linux it is easiest to re-use the openxcom PKGBUILD from AUR and modify it slighty:
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/openxcom-git/The minimal modification you need to do is to change the source from:
Then build and install the package as usual. The obvious downside is that you will not be able to install vanilla openxcom in parallel. I can not be bothered to create a proper PKGBUILD and put it on AUR since they changed the way AUR works at least twice in the last two years and I can not be bothered to re-learn it all the time. Maybe someone else will make a nice PKGBUILD.
If you use a different distribution, the PKGBUILD may still be useful to you since it is just a bash script and contains all the steps necessary to build openxcom.
Now we have Meridians OXCE 3.3 installed and you should see that version when you run 'openxcom'.
Installing the X-Piratez! ModThe latest version of the mod can be found here:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3626.0.htmlDownload, extract.
Copy the contents of the 'user' directory to '.local/share/openxcom'.
You will also need at least the original UFO or TFTD and copy all folders therein into the respective folders in 'local/share/openxcom'.
I bought the games on GOG and installed them using wine to get at the files.
Once you have done all that, your folder structure should look like this:
$ tree -L 2 .local/share/openxcom/
├── TFTD
│ ├── ANIMS
│ ├── FLOP_INT
│ ├── MAPS
│ ├── ROUTES
│ ├── SOUND
│ ├── UFO2EXE
│ ├── UFOEXE
│ └── UNITS
├── UFO
│ ├── MAPS
│ ├── ROUTES
│ ├── SOUND
│ └── UNITS
├── mods
│ ├── AltCorpseComplete
│ ├── Piratez
│ ├── Piratez Alternate Armor - Smoke
│ ├── Piratez Alternate Armor - Tac
│ ├── Piratez Alternate SGC
│ └── Piratez Naughty Mod
├── openxcom.log
├── options.cfg
├── piratez
│ ├── Shave.sav
│ ├── Spider_crash_bug.sav
│ ├── _autobattle_.asav
│ ├── _autogeo_.asav
│ └── _quick_.asav
├── xcom1
└── xcom2
To enable the mod, run 'openxcom', go to options -> mods and select X-Piratez from the drop-down menu.
You are almost there. You should now go through all the options in Options -> ADVANCED, one by one, and make sure that they are set as suggested by the mod.
Thankfully this information is in the description text of each option. If the descriptions says "NAY" oder "BEGONE" then NAY it is, if it says YARR! then set it to YARR!. Once that is dealt with you can be sure that you will play the mod as intended by the authors.
That's it, have fun with this great game!