
Author Topic: 40k  (Read 483761 times)

Offline armorer87

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Re: 40k
« Reply #225 on: January 05, 2018, 02:50:05 pm »
 I have idea how to improve this mod.
1.Space Marines recruiting. It's a bit odd, that you can recruit space marien like a simple guardsman, just a bit expensive. So i propose not to purchase marines, but to manufacter them using  space marine recruits (buys at market) and gene-seed (in early game you will have limited stock of them, or can extract from space marine corpse, in late game you can buy it from the market ). That limits space marine numbers for early games and make auxilia more useful.

2.Space marine training and armor. Increse starting MeleeSkill, max Health=150 and max Stamina=200. And make armor stamina dependent. For example standart armor gives -60 to stamina, so only expirienced troops can wear it and use it efficiently.  So rookies have to wear scout armor (no stamina penalty), assault armor (less stamina penalty), devastator armor (becouse they don't need high mobility). More expirienced troop vill wear standart armor, veterans - terminator suits, etc. This will be lore wise and bring some gameplay variability.
3.Special bolter amunition and bolter variations. Adding some explosive ,chemical nad armor piercing ammo for bolter will make bolter great again. Also some variants - Staler pattern with precise accurate shot, variants with high capcity clips and high rate of fire, combi-colter that can shhot nolter ammo or something like plasma, flame, grenades, etc.

Offline NebulaM78

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Re: 40k
« Reply #226 on: January 06, 2018, 10:42:54 am »
 I have idea how to improve this mod.
1.Space Marines recruiting. It's a bit odd, that you can recruit space marien like a simple guardsman, just a bit expensive. So i propose not to purchase marines, but to manufacter them using  space marine recruits (buys at market) and gene-seed (in early game you will have limited stock of them, or can extract from space marine corpse, in late game you can buy it from the market ). That limits space marine numbers for early games and make auxilia more useful.

2.Space marine training and armor. Increse starting MeleeSkill, max Health=150 and max Stamina=200. And make armor stamina dependent. For example standart armor gives -60 to stamina, so only expirienced troops can wear it and use it efficiently.  So rookies have to wear scout armor (no stamina penalty), assault armor (less stamina penalty), devastator armor (becouse they don't need high mobility). More expirienced troop vill wear standart armor, veterans - terminator suits, etc. This will be lore wise and bring some gameplay variability.
3.Special bolter amunition and bolter variations. Adding some explosive ,chemical nad armor piercing ammo for bolter will make bolter great again. Also some variants - Staler pattern with precise accurate shot, variants with high capcity clips and high rate of fire, combi-colter that can shhot nolter ammo or something like plasma, flame, grenades, etc.

Points 2 and 3 sound great, but Point 1 is a little iffy to me. The idea of regular Guardsmen wiping out entire ships full of Chaos Space Marines seems kind of weird and lore-unfriendly. Plus, in my opinion, Space Marines are more desirable to play as rather than squishy normal humans, though I can understand wanting to play as a faction that you can relate more to, and aren't as Mary Sue-ish as the Space Marines. Not to mention, playing as Guardsmen really limits what weapons and armor the player has access to, relatively speaking.

This is most obvious in terms of armor, where the Guardsmen get only flak and carapace (Stormtrooper) armor. Maybe power armor, if there are Inquisitors involved. Space Marines on the other hand get a ton of choices, from Scout to Tactical to Terminator, and maybe even MK I to MK VIII armor if bulletdesigner is feeling really generous, and hell, let's throw in Primaris Marines and their equipment as well.

Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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Re: 40k
« Reply #227 on: January 06, 2018, 12:06:50 pm »
Good ideas so far, but it must be doable and not a pita for BulletDesigner since he is alone making and updating the mod

Offline Silverwolf

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Re: 40k
« Reply #228 on: January 06, 2018, 12:33:26 pm »
I realize it's a work in progress but right now this mod is in "unplayable" state for a new player.

There's no download for OXCE+ 3.9a that I can find anywhere.

Using OXCE+ 3.9c breaks half the strings in the game. Any sane person will stop playing here.

Using standard OXCE 3.9a or 3.10 seems to break functionality, like I realized my 4.5 mil invested defense corridors were empty and useless. When this happens a person's playthrough ends right there.


Gameplay wise I wish there was more ufo variety. Most players playing mods are probably already burnt out from default ufo layouts. I didn't try luke's extra ufo mod with this but if it's compatible there should be a mention.

Some of the prices are weird, frag nades costing 20k (almost as much as a fresh guardsman) while sniper/autocannon HE rounds cost 500. Smoke nades cost 150 even though they're absurdly powerful.

If you advocate playing this mod with ironman on superhuman difficulty, I wish the ufopedia.orgrmation was more detailed. Like crafts showing seating order (even as an additional entry) and explosive radius for weapons and ammo. I didn't even understand what the chapter banner does really so didn't feel like burning 1 mil to try it out. Obviously the typos should be fixed, recruit someone to do it for you.

I also found the mod to be somewhat too easy, but that's mainly due to how broken smoke nades are. Or maybe not using OXCE+ somehow made things too easy? For example, it would be cool to have a gargantuan sized supply ship (like 35-40% of the time) that covers nearly the entire map to force the player to go inside for some deadly CQC instead of sitting outside in a corner sniping everything to death with reaction fire as the aliens bumrush out.

And finally, is that tarantula rocket sentry HWP supposed to have 0 energy? That's exactly the kind of information that's missing from ufopedia = IMMOBILE.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 02:32:53 pm by Silverwolf »

Online Meridian

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Re: 40k
« Reply #229 on: January 06, 2018, 03:18:00 pm »
I realize it's a work in progress but right now this mod is in "unplayable" state for a new player.

There's no download for OXCE+ 3.9a that I can find anywhere.

Using OXCE+ 3.9c breaks half the strings in the game. Any sane person will stop playing here.

Using standard OXCE 3.9a or 3.10 seems to break functionality, like I realized my 4.5 mil invested defense corridors were empty and useless. When this happens a person's playthrough ends right there.

You can find various OXCE+ 3.9a downloads here:

3.9c should however work just as well... what do you mean by "breaks half the strings" ?

Offline Silverwolf

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Re: 40k
« Reply #230 on: January 06, 2018, 03:22:53 pm »
3.9c should however work just as well... what do you mean by "breaks half the strings" ?

By strings I mean text.

Space Marine turns into Soldier, Red Sector turns into Japan, codex entries get completely messed up etc... and apparently happens on 3.9a+ as well.

So you're forced to choose between unfunctional version or a textually messed up version right now. I consider both unplayable.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 03:32:00 pm by Silverwolf »

Online Meridian

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Re: 40k
« Reply #231 on: January 06, 2018, 03:36:11 pm »
By strings I mean text.

Space Marine turns into Soldier, Red Sector turns into Japan, codex entries get completely messed up etc... and apparently happens on 3.9a+ as well.

So you're forced to choose between unfunctional version or a textually messed up version right now. I consider both unplayable.

Maybe just try selecting/changing the language again?
It should be either en-US or en-GB.

It works fine for me with en-US on OXCE+ 3.10, see attached.

Offline Silverwolf

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Re: 40k
« Reply #232 on: January 06, 2018, 03:44:13 pm »
Oh cool it worked (thanks!), EN-UK seems to break the text for me.

Back to playing then, although I wonder if my savegame is now somehow bugged since I'm switching to OXCE+ midway. Might just start a new game just to be sure.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 03:58:51 pm by Silverwolf »

Online Meridian

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Re: 40k
« Reply #233 on: January 06, 2018, 03:59:12 pm »
Oh cool it worked, EN-UK seems to break the text for me.

Back to playing then, although I wonder if my savegame is now somehow bugged since I'm switching to OXCE+ midway.

1/ Yeah, that's a bug. there is no such thing as en-UK, only en-GB.

@bulletdesigner: please change en-UK to en-GB in "extraStrings_40k_uk.rul".

2/ As for saved games, upgrading to higher versions of OXCE+ will not break your Geoscape saves.
It is not recommended to upgrade during Battlescape, but in most cases that works too.

Offline Saratovetz

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Re: 40k
« Reply #234 on: January 08, 2018, 08:42:21 pm »
My laptop is nearly dead, so here it is - russian translation at its current state. It is almost done (at least I think so), but need some improvements.
(Achtung, russian text here!)
Сообщайте обо всем, что вам не понравится в переводе - о странных оборотах, ошибках в бэковой составляющей, непонятных формулировках, очепятках и о прочих глупых ошибках. Ну а я буду пытаться как-нибудь исправить это. Возможно с телефона :P
P.S.: О, Великий Суп наварили!
P.P.S: C прошедшими праздниками всех!

There is also some improvements for english versions (found in us version, as I remember):
STR_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT                   defined twice
STR_MAP3                                   defined twice
STR_TECH_ARMOR_UC                defined twice
STR_NONE_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA              defined twice
STR_ALIEN_SURGERY                  chaos sacrifices -> [chaos] sacrificing altar?
Alien containment                    proper description (the vanilla one doesn't match OurFightWithRuinousPowers™)
STR_DEFENSE_CORRIDOR_UFOPEDIA   | heavy bolter tarantula ->  tarantula heavy bolter
STR_APOC_BAY_UFOPEDIA                 Apothecaries & Hospitalier maybe? We now have some mortals helping our glorious Order.
STR_TEC_BAY_UFOPEDIA                 peform -> pefrorm
STR_BOOKS_UFOPEDIA                 essencial -> essential
STR_ALIEN_WAR_DESCRIPTION              despached -> dispatched

Offline Kammerer

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Re: 40k
« Reply #235 on: January 08, 2018, 09:27:26 pm »
Hello everyone!

Thanks for you translation, Saratovets! Some mistakes I've already found in the translation:

Враги теперь видны на миникарте

The word мини-карта should be written with a hyphen:

к следуюшщему отчёту

выражает недовольствие

Уничтожте всех врагов

This should be corrected all over the text.

верните всех космодесантников в транспорте

This should be "на транспорт".


The point is unnecessary here.

Мечем и болтером, мы изгоним врага

No need in the comma here.

в темных корридорах

чтобы унчтожить это гнездо

Укрепленныйй корридор

Камеры для пленых

лежитбольшая ответственность.

Здесь можно нацти информацию

Шторомовой коготь

Восстановленая реликвия

Все вери забаррикадированы

Уничтожте всех культистов

в нащей священнной

есть артеллерийская поддержка

может сууществовать искусно изготовленая

дизориентирующего врагов

Доспехи Сестер Битвы изгтавливаются

Панцирная броня cостоит из бронепластин

It looks like the word "состоит" is written with Latin and Cyrillic characters. It's better to rewrite it using only the Cyrillic ones.

Дредноуты это некогда павшие в бою герои космодесанта

A dash is required before "это".

пушкой 'разрушетель'


The hyphen is unnecessary here.

получения могучтх терминаторских

I would recommend you to use German quotes (i. e. «») instead of the single ones. It is a typography standard in Russian, they look better and don't require adding an escape character.

I'd also recommend you to replace the decimal digit with a comma since in Russian the point is not used for the numbers.

That's the result of a very superficial check. If you are interested, I can help you in proofreading the translation though my help would be very limited since at the moment I don't have too much time to work on the game.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 09:38:55 pm by Kammerer »

Offline bulletdesigner

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Re: 40k
« Reply #236 on: January 08, 2018, 10:27:37 pm »
hey everyone , thks for the translation

Also after hearing all your suggestions i will do a big overhaul to weapon system and here is how (so any complain is now)
- Every weapon will have dropoff: 5 the exception being scoped weapons (sniper, stalker bolter, and tankturrets maybe some other in future)
- Grav gun will be a normal weapon that ignore armor (like in the game space wolves) to balanced that, all bolter weapons have a small stun amount 0.2
- melee weapon now shread armor , lasgun´s don´t shreead anymore except special clip

hope it works
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 02:55:45 am by bulletdesigner »

Offline Saratovetz

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Re: 40k
« Reply #237 on: January 09, 2018, 06:25:08 pm »
Thank you, Kammerer! I will fix it as my computer is still working. Already fixed (even decimals).
Any help is appreciated, you know.
It seems that I must deal with broken keyboard) Moreover, some corrections were discarded by that piece of heretech...
But double "н", "мечем", "корридорах"... Shame on me  :-[

bulletdesigner, normal gravguns, hurray! You can use webber as a stun weapon
It looks like this:

Offline ComradArtem

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Re: 40k
« Reply #238 on: January 11, 2018, 02:09:48 am »
Hello. Found a bug - when playing with the phone there is no way to close the first-aid kit (on the computer it closes through esc)

Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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Re: 40k
« Reply #239 on: January 11, 2018, 02:44:25 am »
I think that's a false alarm mate, I can close mine properly, just press the tiny little red button in the interface