Author Topic: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02  (Read 37761 times)

Offline new_civilian

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[Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02
« on: September 15, 2016, 11:48:24 am »
Well, the decision to release this mod came rather abruptly so It does not even have a real name yet. Niculinux and davide forced  ;) me to release my personal TFTD mod, which was never intended to be shown to the public. BUT as I did not want to release anything (even unofficially) without giving people their deserved credits, I opted to make it a public release. Especially after I invested over a hour trying to track back all the makers of the mods I used....

About the credits: I know/feel that thy are not entirely complete despite my best efforts and I know I did not ask anyone for permission beforehand, so if you think I forgot anything and or you don't want me to release something from you, tell me so please. I will honor your rights, no matter what.

That said, here the readme, it also can be downloaded below:

"My_TFTD_Mod" v.1.02 16th September 2016

This is a complete rework of TFTD, be aware of that and don't expect to play it like you would normally play TFTD.
READ the NEW Ufopaedia entries. This goes for ALL entries, they all have been redone. Some more, some less.
READ THEM or you will maybe wonder what is happening.
Only US-English fwiw.

This mod is meant to be a starting point for other modders to make their own TFTD mods, just use what you like and delete the things you don't like.
There are some cross-references in the files and the folder structure is not fully optimized, but It works rather well.
It was originally a personal mod and was not meant to be released, but I had to find some way to host all my dozens of TFTD resources in a way that beginner modders could use.
Davide and Niculinux then gave me the required push to do so.

Recommended Options:
Use the nightly exes ( and newer), no Extended exe or 1.0 release.
Do not use ufoextender accuracy unless you are completely masochistic.
Use the fixed starting base layout, it is optimal, really. That and I made some changes which that option disables (no containment etc).
Everything else is optional.


Ok, here a brief overview, a detailed list is impossible to do. The mod is mostly done now, except for bug-fixes.
Feel free to snoop through the RUL files, it saves me from describing every change.


New weapons, new aliens, new USOs, new crafts, new graphics, new sounds, new equipment, new buildings, new terrains, new maps and a complete rework of the core game.
I still tried to stay as close to the original TFTD feeling as much as possible, but also tried to make it more flexible and interesting. Of course not all that was done by myself.
See CREDITS section below the long text-block.


More details:


All weapons+tanks work on land and underwater.

Alien bases and artifact sites (both level 2) are smaller.

The TFTD combo-patch has been applied.

I added a new shader (dot-n-bloom-sharpened), i use it, but it might not be your taste.

All skills are capped at 100 or lower, no more e.g. stupid 120% accuracy. All weapons have adjusted accordingly, i made this to ease balancing.

Most things (aliens, weapons, crafts etc) have been renamed, their role changed and or have been rebalanced. And I mean that. READ THE UFOPAEDIA ENTRIES. Dart pistols have 5 auto-shots, gauss 4, sonic 3 btw.

Most item graphics have been redone. Many other graphics, too (UI, terrains, aliens, weapons). And sounds.

Aliens do have a more logical weapon load-out now. I especially made e.g. the Disruptor Launcher and Stun Launcher one-handed to allow the aliens to use them along with drills (so they get no accuracy penalty). Things like that. They all have inventory screens (when controllable)

All Aliens now have a melee attack, some stun, some zombify, some poison. (not usable by the player )

The PSI system has been COMPLETELY redone, Aliens have better defenses, some are immune, so PSI is not all you need.
Your soldier Psi skills now have lower caps. Psi is still good.

I added a lot of new aliens, alien variants and alien colors. They will however (with the Exception of the shark-like carchorodons) not appear as full races, but they will appear in rare cases ALONG the normal races. Some will appear only in the final mission or special locations.

I added a human enemy race, the SORESO corporation (see official XCom time-line). They have the same armor the player has, which can be hard if you play on superhuman as the AI gets an armor bonus then. No researches here, though, just sell the soldiers you capture (if!)

The zombies and tentaculats have been reworked. Zombies do not spawn tentaculats anymore. They can zombify you and civilians. They appear (rare!) as a surface terror race.

I added A LOT of new weapons and equipment. Again: Read the Ufopaedia entries. Some rare alien weapons can not be recovered and used. On purpose.

I added new tanks, a new walker unit and some drones. The drones can be freely equipped!

I added new armors, changed the existing ones. Some have different colors to choose from (ion + Mag Ion)

Some new civilians. Female soldiers and civilians now have female death-sounds.

All (most?) new available TFTD terrains and maps have been added.

Crafts and their weapons have been completely reworked. Some added. They all have item limits. All can carry troops. Within limits of course.

You can recycle some sonic ammo types and stuff from USOs into Zrbite and some corpses into Aqua-Plastics (where mentioned in the Ufopaedia or where it made sense). You will need these additional resources.

The inventory has been redone along with its TU system. Hands swapped, less TU-Usage, different space, style.

Some sell-able loot-resources have been added. (Gold, Iridium, Elerium) They are found randomly on some maps.

Some new facilities have been added, the original ones completely redone. -> Ufopaedia!

Game difficulty is now more balanced, resources are VERY rare, especially ZRBITE, you can not build Aqua-Plastics.

Gauss is better and now really works well as a mid-game weapon. And you get a lot of new other things to experiment with and level the playing field.

I added all available new USOs and then some.

There are new soldier types available. The sectoid-soldiers come with own unit graphics. The Enforcer-soldiers have a custom inventory.

Research has been completely redone, now there is/are a more logical order and an actual tech-tree. No more dead-ends. No more rare aliens required for early and essential research.

All underwater missions are now dark or very dark, just like it should be in a real deep sea setting. the flares are stronger (and lighter) to compensate a bit for that.

All stuff you find in USOs/bases now has a purpose and is required in the tech-tree, some (Psioline devices) are required to build things.

Alien supply ship missions have a timer (to make base-milking less valid)

XCom base defenses end after 30 turns to your favor. I did this to avoid boring and endless alien hunts.

A few other missions have timers, too. Beware. Simply don't dilly-dally too much and you should be fine.

The aliens do not have the cheat-like ability anymore to know where you are automatically after turn 20 (was original game behavior).
They still get a PSI-Cheat when you killed all but 2 of them, allowing them to use their MC attacks w/o seeing you.

Notes: (contains spoilers)

Get Psi as early as possible, it will take a lot of time to get those psi units combat-ready. In the beginning you can only use panic attacks. (the sectoid-soldiers)
The first PSI-Amp needs line-of-sight, the second one doesn't, but comes much later. And is slower. They are both VERY EXPENSIVE to build.
Collect the Mind-Probes. Do NOT sell them. You will need them to build Psi-Amps (MC_Disruptors). And Psioline devices. And you will need them to scan aliens.
Early psi-tree:
Live Terror-Unit->MC-Lab->sectoid-soldiers with built in psi-panic attack (no LOS)-> later: mc-reader->mc_disruptor mk 1-> much much later mc_disruptor mk 2 (After Hammerhead)
For the final research you can now capture either a Tasoth Commander, a Carcharodon Comander or a Lobsterman Commander, making it a bit easier to find one (originally only the Lobsterman Commander was able to unlock it). Commanders can be found in Alien bases and Dreadnought USOs.
If you do not have a mind-probe to identify them, take a very close look at them, I gave them all a custom skin. They will not stand out a lot, so you will have to look really good...

You will most likely NOT have enough resources for everything. Choose and skip things you do not absolutely need. You can use different tech/tactic/strategy ways to win the game now.
Use only 2 or so PSI-Units, they are no longer all you need.

Enforcer (Cyborg) Aquanauts are too heavy to fly/float, but they have very good physical stats to compensate and are immune to mind-control attacks.
Sectoid Aquanauts are capable (within limits) to fight both as regular soldiers AND as psi-units. Later, better and more specialized troops appear, but they are worth their money.
Psyker Aquanauts can not wear armor (Sectoids, too) and are terrible soldiers. However, they can psi-attack more often than other soldier types (including sectoids) AND are the psi-strongest units.

-My new "muddy sea" terrain is not as good as I want it to be... let's call it  a low priority W.I.P.
-bugfixes if found, see UPDATES section below

Known default exe bugs:
A minor research glitch: Comes from the default exe, not my fault. It will not cause any problems and you will probably never see it (One alien corpse appears in the "You can now research:"-text even though it is already researched. It will however never appear in the real research list again, only in this text...)
Another default exe-glitch: You can overfill your alien containment sometimes, even if you use the limit-containment-option.
I reported both bugs a long time ago, but nothing happened yet. Oh well.



Here the main ones i know of for sure:

-Warboy1982, hellrazor, Caleb13 -> combopatch and MANY other things
-Illamasquas -> Many Files from his TFTD Rework mod
-Orbz, Xenowiper -> MANY Files from their TFTD mods
-TFTD Extended facilities by Blank
-Files from Blank's More USO mod an Teeming USO's mod
-Parts of Blanks TFTD Terrain Expansion
-Xops' Carcharodons mod + ideas from his inventory screen look
-Files/ideas from Roxis231's Enhanced reskin of TFTD craft mod and TFTD Research mod
-Files/Ideas from Mackus' Mixed Crew and Tasoth Commander mod
-Files/Ideas from Jukebox's sound mods
-Ideas from trollworkout's TFTD-UFO Equipment mod
-Files/Ideas from bulletdesigner's UN mod
-Files from tyran_nick's Disruptor mod
-Files/ideas from Emong's Hybrid-Soldier mod
-Cooper's smoke mod
-Files/Ideas from Liberation's NoTritonInBaseDefense mod
-Files/Ideas from Simon's Better TFTD Aliens mod
-Files/ideas from Simon's X2ResearchPatch mod
-Files/ideas fromjackstraw2323's War of Shadows mod
-Files/ideas from Trollworkout's Stealth Armor mod
-Ideas from redv's psi-war mod
-Ideas from ReaverOfDarkness' psi investigations
-Ideas from niculinux's TFTD suggestion threads
-Ideas from Surrealistik's TFTD suggestion threads
-Ideas from KiethSomataw99's TFTD suggestion threads
-Ideas from Orz's TFTD threads
-USO maps from strategycore (Luchian Deurell, Sam Jeffreys, Gizamaluke) for every possible and impossible information about everything XCom-related
-Ideas from Morgan525's TFTD Extender

and many many more. I do not seriously think I can find/post/remember them all.

I sadly did not keep track of every mod I used. as I never intended to release this mega-mod.
Still, I spent one hour trying to find and credit everyone here as i felt kinda shabby not doing that.
Yes. One hour for the credits above. o.o
Can't blame me for not trying.

Anyway, hf!

All my files are free to take. Credits are always nice to get, but I can still live w/o.
Remember that many files in this mod are NOT my files, though.
civilian aka new_civilian sep 2016
At the moment I am working on an offline PC system and only have access to the Internet 3 or 4 times a week,
so do not expect posts, updates and answers to arrive right away. I am working on a solution, though.

version 1.0:
original "public" release
update 1.01:
Changed the new Enforcer graphics due to a bug.
update v1.02:
corrected odd Enforcer armor appearance. (missing arm and see-through belt anyone?)
moved a rmp-file to correct folder.
corrected Psiodrone move-sound.

Interestingly all bugs so far were from things that I added short before/after the public release of the mod,
initially intending to make the mod more complete. I (hopefully) learned from my mistake and will not rush shortly tested things
into my mods anymore. Especially as the unreleased older version of the mod ran w/o the slightest problem for many months.

Download here:
Screenshots here:,4157.0.html


Sidenote: I am not able to update/maintain this mod properly due to a lack of a constant internet connection and a lack of time. However, I consider it done and complete, so that's not a major problem. Feel free to post addons here, thank you.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 01:06:16 pm by new_civilian »


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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2016, 05:01:24 pm »
S-U-P-E-R!! So any volunteer? Please don't even think about me  ;D

Edit: needs testing to see if it'gonna work in linux OSs.

Edit 2: If any, i'd really beg some good will user(s) to make a list of every mod already published on this forum and included in "MyTFTD mod". Actually it's a cool name for the mod, because implies everyone may uodate and custom it  ;D so yeah i consider the "official" name!
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 05:43:30 pm by niculinux »

Offline davide

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2016, 05:27:05 pm »
Good! I will try this mod soon  :P

Do you remember  because you did not include full Blank's terrain expansion mod ?
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 05:28:40 pm by davide »

Offline new_civilian

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2016, 08:35:18 pm »
davide: I ran into some problems with one terrain (iirc the Commercial Urban), that's why I left it out.

Quick Update:

One of the very latest changes I made to the otherwise really long-tested mod were the Enforcer armors and guess what: They were somewhat faulty.

Sigh, I hate last-minute changes that mess up my mods....  ;D

Sorry for that. They looka bit  different now.

And yeah, that's what it actually is: A base for further modding, so My_Mod it is.   :)
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 01:02:51 pm by new_civilian »

Offline davide

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2016, 11:55:58 pm »

I will check for any update


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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2016, 12:01:59 pm »
I gave a very very quick shot, and finally the dart and gun rifle are really of some use! Personally, did not like the same damage on piercing that the gas cannon and the hydroget have, but whatever  :D I wondering if it may be even possible to have separate damage fon surface and underwater, but probably that would be an openxcom feature, if it might be possible even to  implement it  :)

Offline new_civilian

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2016, 01:01:04 pm »
I gave a very very quick shot, and finally the dart and gun rifle are really of some use! Personally, did not like the same damage on piercing that the gas cannon and the hydroget have, but whatever  :D I wondering if it may be even possible to have separate damage fon surface and underwater, but probably that would be an openxcom feature, if it might be possible even to  implement it  :)

The gas-cannon has no armorpiercing ammo anymore, not sure what you looked at (it actually does stun aoe damage now).  ;)
It actually is a grenade-launcher now, compared to the straight-fire auto-gun like jet-cannon, so the two weapons are not directly comparable.

And yes, the feature you want is not possible w/o an exe change.

I updated the mod to v.1.02 btw.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 01:04:28 pm by new_civilian »

Offline Jokerke12

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2016, 04:43:37 pm »
I can't download it :'( Both Chrome and Firefox detected viruses.


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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2016, 06:20:45 pm »
Yep I got the same message that there's some kind of virus or malware on v1.02.

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2016, 06:33:15 pm »
Some sell-able loot-resources have been added. (Gold, Iridium, Elerium) They are found randomly on some maps.

ICYMI: according to game lore Elerium (and Alien Alloys) become inert upon contact with seawater, which is the reason to justify why both can't be used underwater and why you're stuck to dart guns when fighting on land
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 06:34:47 pm by Hobbes »

Offline davide

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2016, 07:09:38 pm »
I can't download it :'( Both Chrome and Firefox detected viruses.

I force Chrome to take the file ...
I unzipped it without infection ...

Offline Jokerke12

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2016, 08:01:03 pm »
I force Chrome to take the file ...

How do I do that?

Offline davide

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2016, 12:00:15 am »
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 12:08:30 am by davide »

Offline new_civilian

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2016, 12:32:38 pm »
ICYMI: according to game lore Elerium (and Alien Alloys) become inert upon contact with seawater, which is the reason to justify why both can't be used underwater and why you're stuck to dart guns when fighting on land

That's why i tis dirt-cheap (compared to Iridium) in the mod, it's inert and useless, but still of scientific value (*makes things up quickly*)  ;D
Maybe rename it Inert Elerium, that's a good idea!

Oh and I wasn't fully satisfied with the Enforcer soldier armor, so I finally got around to remove the backpack completely. File is attached here, simply replace the ones in the mods UNIT directory.

Fwiw, a virus should be impossible as the file contains no exe or comparable filetype, maybe the filehost causes some problems?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 12:34:26 pm by new_civilian »

Offline HunWarrior

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Re: [Mega-Mod TFTD] My_TFTD_Mod v.1.02
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2016, 04:08:12 pm »
Thanks a lot for this mod! Excellent work!

TFTD is my favorite X-Com game because of the Lovecraftian feeling. I am in April in the game. I like very much what I have seen so far. New terrain and new USOs are great.
Initial setup is excellent. No more boring "sell the dart weapons and craft gas cannons, buy gas cannons and 15 scientists, etc." kick off protocol because everything in the
starting setup is usable.
I love the multi launcher, AP ammo looks so cool. Great idea about the gas cannon.
Balance seems good so far. (Genius difficulty)
Zombies almost beat me in a ship terror mission.  :o First I thought they are inferior opponents but I lost 9 aquanauts in the mission.
First I thought the always nighttime underwater missions are overwhelming but I do enjoy them.
Good ideas, good implementation.