
Author Topic: [FULL MOD] Awesome Guns (an awesome modification of the OpenXcom game)  (Read 133780 times)

Offline Majamas

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Re: [FULL MOD] Awesome Guns (an awesome modification of the OpenXcom game)
« Reply #165 on: January 07, 2024, 04:17:37 pm »
Is any way in this mod to stop fire on burning people before they will die?
I waited 3 rounds and all I could do was walk around and watch like my soldier dying after being accidentally shot by a friendfire with incendiary ammunition. I returned him to the Skyranger and he died there burning after 3 rounds.  :'(

edit: dying soldier has 38 heath points, quite high value

edit2: It's probably not the fault of the mod, but the game's permanent mechanisms that sometimes soldiers die after being set on fire and sometimes they don't. Sorry for bringing this up.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2024, 07:04:06 pm by Majamas »

Offline CanadianBeaver

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Re: [FULL MOD] Awesome Guns (an awesome modification of the OpenXcom game)
« Reply #166 on: March 20, 2024, 04:25:06 am »
Is any way in this mod to stop fire on burning people before they will die?
I waited 3 rounds and all I could do was walk around and watch like my soldier dying after being accidentally shot by a friendfire with incendiary ammunition. I returned him to the Skyranger and he died there burning after 3 rounds.  :'(

edit: dying soldier has 38 heath points, quite high value

edit2: It's probably not the fault of the mod, but the game's permanent mechanisms that sometimes soldiers die after being set on fire and sometimes they don't. Sorry for bringing this up.

It is the `game's permanent mechanisms`.

Offline TroublesomeCorvid

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Re: [FULL MOD] Awesome Guns (an awesome modification of the OpenXcom game)
« Reply #167 on: June 20, 2024, 04:57:27 am »

I've been playing with this mod for the last couple of weeks, and I'm loving it so far, but I seem to have a bit of an issue.

I'm losing countries to the alien's side waaaayyyyy too fast.  One per every month.  On beginner difficulty.  I checked with one of my brothers who is an absolute nerd when it comes to Xcom.  At first he was saying, "Yeah, that sounds about right" at first, but then I said this was beginner mode and he went, "Wait.  WHAT?"

Is this because my radars aren't picking up UFOs as often as they do in OXC-vanilla?  Or are the Aliens that much more aggressive about subverting countries than they are in OXC-vanilla?  Am I doing something wrong?  Or did I just simply get the short end of the stick on the RNG?

FYI, my playstyle is pretty aggressive (at least I like to think so), with me building additional bases within the first month - if not the second month - with large radars and hangars as the first things to be constructed.

Offline Juku121

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Re: [FULL MOD] Awesome Guns (an awesome modification of the OpenXcom game)
« Reply #168 on: June 20, 2024, 08:46:52 am »
I looked, and it seems infiltration in Awesome Guns is the default, infinitely continuing infiltration. So once they start infiltrating, the whole region goes, over time.

This isn't something tied to difficulty levels. Those have rather specific effects, which mostly do not have much to do with alien mission generation.

Since Awesome guns doesn't seem to be touching those, all you get for mission-related difficulty in particular (i.e. the difference between Beginner and Superhuman missions) is earlier guaranteed monthly retaliation missions. Infiltration proceeds as normal, i.e. you're taking a considerable hit if it starts happening. Why? Because infiltration cannot be stopped or interfered with other than some delay from shooting down UFOs. Well, it can be stopped and even reversed with the right mod settings, but Awesome guns doesn't have those.

So, once the aliens roll Infiltration on their mission table, completely independent of difficulty level, you'll lose all countries in a region at the roughly one per month speed and the only thing you can do is delay it somewhat. I think the once per month is actually more or less the delayed version already, but not 100% sure about that.

BTW, if your brother didn't know this, you can ding his X-Com nerd credentials. This, and similar stuff regarding retaliation, have been known for ages. :P
« Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 08:53:04 am by Juku121 »

Offline TroublesomeCorvid

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Re: [FULL MOD] Awesome Guns (an awesome modification of the OpenXcom game)
« Reply #169 on: June 20, 2024, 11:18:51 pm »
Thanks for the advice!

Just one last thing to clear up: has Awesome Guns changed the detection rate of Small and Large Radars?  Because before I started using the mod, I'd pick up so many UFOs in vanilla OXC that I could barely get anything done... Conversely, though, I'd lose maybe one country every three or so months.

If so, this would explain why I was losing countries so quickly: RNG kicked me with a roll on the Alien's side to start with infiltration early on, and a less-effective detection threshold would hammer those nail into the coffin pretty quickly because I was missing all those scouts that were planting infiltrators.

Offline yergnoor

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Re: [FULL MOD] Awesome Guns (an awesome modification of the OpenXcom game)
« Reply #170 on: June 21, 2024, 12:29:59 am »
I looked in the mod files and found quite serious changes in the operation of radars.
Code: [Select]

    listOrder: 6500
    buildCost: 350000 #buildCost: 500000
    buildTime: 8 #buildTime: 12
    monthlyCost: 10000
    radarRange: 1500 #radarRange: 1500 (1500 is minimum allowed in the game)
    radarChance: 20 #radarChance: 10

    listOrder: 6600
    buildCost: 600000 #buildCost: 800000
    buildTime: 15 #buildTime: 25
    monthlyCost: 30000 #monthlyCost: 15000
    radarRange: 2250 #radarRange: 2250, perhaps should be increased a little, but less that the aircraft flying distance
    radarChance: 5 #radarChance: 20

    listOrder: 6650
    buildCost: 1800000 #buildCost: 1400000
    buildTime: 20 #buildTime: 26
    monthlyCost: 90000 #monthlyCost: 30000
    radarRange: 1900 #radarRange: 2400
    radarChance: 85 #radarChance: 100, perhaps should be 75
On each line, the options to the left of the "#" sign are what the mod sets.  And on the right are the parameters from the original game.  As you can see, the detection chance for a small radar is increased by 2 times, and for a large one it is reduced by 4 times.  That is, if after building a large one you remove the small one, then the base will detect much fewer enemies.  It is better to leave the small radar.

But even in this case, UFOs flying outside the range of the small radar will be detected very poorly - much worse than in the original game.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2024, 12:33:13 am by yergnoor »