Thank you for the insight. Yes, I have a few more sort of planned. 
In the meantime, here's a peek at a new mission.
Here is some lore for hybrid factory:
Millions of hybrids are being manufactured in deep alien bases in hollow Earth. Aliens store hybrids in cryotubes in deep hybernation = 1 heartbeat per hour. For later repopulation of Earth - with these hybrids -, when / after the current 8bil humans are replaced / exterminated.
As you can see in the picture, human public "science" propagated on the surface is total BS propaganda. Hollow Earth is full with such cities.
'Deep Earth Alien bases' also have a direct connection to 'The Alien Dimension', where most of aliens live. In these bases the portals, - "Montauk-style" [star]gates - lead to a myriad of different worlds.
Similar 'dimensional rifts' exist on the surface, where like laylines, the natural borders of our "dimension" is weakened and just like 'ozone holes', the thinned "realm border" is naturally lined with (temporary) rifts / "cheese-holes", where you can walk through. A'la Skinwalker ranch, where the owner sees such a dimensional portal literally hovering at some height in the air (probably reachable via ladder) and Gorman sees through the opening a completely different planet with bright orange/violet skies.
Many such "continental-extensions" exist, reachable through these rifts/portals/Under-Earth / Under-Sea deep alien base gates. Latter tidbit for an extended expansion of "The X-Files II" in the future.
Hybrids are usually pre-programmed with a strong alien version of the Greenbaum process, while still in their Hollow Earth base location. Earlier these programmings could fail resulting in the 'hybrid sent for a mission' to not become evil.
But usually the selected hybrid is memory wiped and sent up to the surface to influence what-ever age (Sumeric, ancient proto-Chinese or nowadays ""modern"") human civilization happen to exist here at any given era. The hybrid then performs nefarious alien goals - 'Alien Infiltration'-style - according to its thorough subconscious programming.
Of course the memory-wipe ensures that the hybrid does NOT remember the super-advanced alien base with the "stargate-portal" down there.
Imagine a large hybrid genetic vats factory with large halls filled with hibernation tubes (hybrids sleeping) in storage there.
Many Under-Earth societies exist in Hollow Earth using Large Chambers with artificial "sun" lighting achieved via alien tech called "Magnetic Resonance".
All under-Earth societies are much more advanced than the poor unfortunates living on the surface. For understandable reasons of (surface) 'Slave Control & Management'.
Lack of sunlight compensated with bone-strengthening machines, which also do general-tissue regeneration and provides any nutrients (vitamin D "from sunlight", etc..) necessary to maintain life down there.
Because of the missing
extremely harmful thus life shortening sunlight radiation, the various under-Earth human & alien pocket civilizations live much longer down there with considerably extended lifespan: 300-1200 years on average.
Species: human, lizard various (Upright Drachomonoid humanlike / Atlantic Aquatic, winged "Red Demonic"), and totally alien species with their bases / own territories + differing cultures some "good-guys" / some evil.
Traditionally, various surface civilizations: Inca, Celts, WW2 occult Nazis (Neuschwabenland), etc.. have been directed to travel down there and have been assimilated there.
Military might: advanced saucers, then cigar shaped crafts with lots of various probes-types (cyberdiscs, DOOM-style floating orbs / Skinwalker ranch-style strong_light-emitting-orbs) are down there.
'Boots on the ground': Their usually
extremely muscular troops consists of usually Extra-Dimensional "cannonfodder" mercenaries: myriad of strong and agile Bigfoot types, tall insectoid soldiers, plus any kind of species found on Earth, but extended and improved = Large red fox-like creatures (super-muscular / bodybuilder-style) almost as big as a horse, large hound-wolf mix models, strong werewolf-types = already in (XPiratez). Extradimensional means any dino-type & or earlier Giant warriors / small faerie-gremlin types. Plus the Xenomorph: varying in body-design, Drider-design, plant-based monsters, large gigantic spiders and the well inspired ones from the movie The Mist (2007) = from those smallish spider-monsters to larger tentacloid creeps, then the gigantic walkers from which smaller monsters "fall-off" and attack like cow-sized 'ticks or flea'..
Any such dimensional portal / gate may be entrance to as big as continental-size extra-dimensional extensions or to entirely new planets, which obviously mean invasion danger "DOOM: Hell on Earth"-style, from there, in the literally
Open-XCOM universe.
See attached pic