I don't understand what you mean by that.
He means these lines:
- type: STR_HANGARX4_3X3
provideBaseFunc: [ AEROSHOP ]
requiresBaseFunc: [AEROSHOP, WORKS]
Heavily IMO, but the current/vanilla situation does not create interesting management, it just kneecaps anything that's not a space-optimised base.
All bases need to be at least minimally interception bases, because you only get 8. Any kind of real specialisation means you want only one hangar. But a manufacturing base also needs an extra hangar, so you either need two bases, one for crafts and one for other stuff; or spread stuff around piecemeal. Although manufacturing is discouraged heavily enough that this does not matter too much.
Want meaningful defense facilities? Take 5-6 squares off the base, at least, probably 8+; until late game.
Want to store your surplus loot/captives somewhere? That's another full base, at least.
Want defensive base layouts and isolated lifts/hangars? Too bad, every square needs to be used for actually productive facilities.
Want to train up Psi/new agents/defense meatshields? Another base, or Psi Labs/Gyms in most bases.
Never mind the extra facilities that creep into every megamod, like infirmiaries, sensoriums, progression-related facilities (Lunar Control), specialised versions of labs/workshops... There are a million things to build, and only the same 36 squares as in the original game with for its noticeably smaller list of facilities.
And hangars are the worst base space hogs bar none, since they're a) practically mandatory and b) 1/9 of the whole base.
At least the 'more than 8 bases' option in Brutal OXCE alleviates this quite a bit. But unless we get either multiple floors or bases with more than 36 squares, base management remains a case of artificial difficulty, very much like NuCom's 'pick one of three abductions' mechanic. And I think both of these have already been rejected by OXC(E) devs? So, yeah.