Author Topic: Re: The X-Com Files - 3.7: Best and Brightest  (Read 2705424 times)

Offline Juku121

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4740 on: October 11, 2022, 07:21:17 pm »
Spoiler" Kyber&Psion":
Kyberism: TNI installed, Medbay, Kyberism researched (so you need to be pretty far along the Cyberweb arc), basic bitch agent (no dogs, rats, hybrids or other mutants allowed).

Helix Psion: Hybrid agents only with TNI installed, Martial Arts and Combat Piloting learned, Sectoid Legacy rituals conducted, Helix Psion researched (Psionics + all the necessary research for the previous four tranformations).

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4741 on: October 14, 2022, 02:03:40 pm »
Is power armor from MAGMA a bit too easy? You only need elerium battery and terramite , the first one that you get once you have an improved laboratory online, and the second one I got from reptilians doing terraforming missions. I got power armor in april 1999 and it takes away all difficulty from my remaining human missions (which to be fair are hybrids and Cult of apo ) and make underwater missions significally easier as well.

Regarding that, I also get the feeling that difficulty curve is a bit strange. Hybrids for instance comes after taking out a cult base afaik and most of the missions the equipment carry is very low tier, with the higher tier missions stepping up. Same with the syndicate, although the syndicate offensive missions are a step up compare to the cults, armored vest +spiderwear , let alone if you bring tritanium vest which are going to be even harder to pierce. Finally Cyberweb Dimension X missions are hard (and that is good), but the earth missions feel surprisingly easy, specially taking the portal which can beeone with surprisisngly low numbers ( I think in this regard the lack of snap shot capacities really make dealing with then easier).

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4742 on: October 14, 2022, 03:10:29 pm »
Is power armor from MAGMA a bit too easy? You only need elerium battery and terramite , the first one that you get once you have an improved laboratory online, and the second one I got from reptilians doing terraforming missions. I got power armor in april 1999 and it takes away all difficulty from my remaining human missions (which to be fair are hybrids and Cult of apo ) and make underwater missions significally easier as well.

Yeah, maybe; balancing this is a nightmare and it's never just right.

Regarding that, I also get the feeling that difficulty curve is a bit strange. Hybrids for instance comes after taking out a cult base afaik and most of the missions the equipment carry is very low tier, with the higher tier missions stepping up. Same with the syndicate, although the syndicate offensive missions are a step up compare to the cults, armored vest +spiderwear , let alone if you bring tritanium vest which are going to be even harder to pierce. Finally Cyberweb Dimension X missions are hard (and that is good), but the earth missions feel surprisingly easy, specially taking the portal which can beeone with surprisisngly low numbers ( I think in this regard the lack of snap shot capacities really make dealing with then easier).

I generally agree, but I don't think Earth mission against the Cyberweb should be hard. They have killer robots and that's it.

Offline Jimboman

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4743 on: October 14, 2022, 04:52:00 pm »
Is power armor from MAGMA a bit too easy? You only need elerium battery and terramite , the first one that you get once you have an improved laboratory online, and the second one I got from reptilians doing terraforming missions. I got power armor in april 1999

I guess you were just lucky with RNG.  I'm in late 2000 and the only power armour I have is one or two I managed to capture from the MiB.  I can't even research elerium batteries yet.

As for missions...

Some are really difficult, like trying to take on an office block with 5 or 6 agents only armed with handguns against 20-plus bad guys (on the easiest level!).  Not to mention those Cult of Apocalypse missions with lots of bad guys, some of who have rocket launchers....  ....and my best craft is a Skyranger.  Using my Kitsune on one such mission was a slaughter fest because my agents got killed with a lucky rocket shot right into the troop-bay.

Offline termidor

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4744 on: October 14, 2022, 07:26:57 pm »
Yeah, maybe; balancing this is a nightmare and it's never just right.
For an idea, I think sharing the two techs could give you power armor squematcis which fullfil the power armor known prerequisite, and then have an event 3-4 months latter saying that M.A.G.M.A has started production of power armor and are avatible for sale (as really preparing the production line  would take time never the less) .

Also power armor gets default unharmed atatck, doesn't seem intended.

Also a different matter, are the council factions going to remain fluff or are plans regarding then? I think it was interesting to get more lore on the council and the council power struggle is probably one of the most interesting aspects beyond the MiB.
I guess you were just lucky with RNG.  I'm in late 2000 and the only power armour I have is one or two I managed to capture from the MiB.  I can't even research elerium batteries yet.

As for missions...

Some are really difficult, like trying to take on an office block with 5 or 6 agents only armed with handguns against 20-plus bad guys (on the easiest level!).  Not to mention those Cult of Apocalypse missions with lots of bad guys, some of who have rocket launchers....  ....and my best craft is a Skyranger.  Using my Kitsune on one such mission was a slaughter fest because my agents got killed with a lucky rocket shot right into the troop-bay.
I love cult of Apocalypse missions ! They are a murder fest that makes crow control weapons really shine. But yes rng is a big factor, and infiltartion mission are usually harder than normal ones, but that is fine imo, as they aren't that common and offer some variety.

Offline Dadimus_Maximus

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4745 on: October 19, 2022, 05:17:23 am »
I think I may have realized a bit of cheese, though I doubt I'm the first.

The miniguns are really inaccurate, but manage to get a few hits per burst anyway through sheer weight of fire. This is obviously by design, and works well. However, I just had a mission where my minigun-toting agent scored quite a few kills, and walked away with several levels of the "lucky" commendation. Idk if commendations can only be leveled up once per mission, and I just hadn't noticed the previous ones, but he's getting at least one lucky commendation every mission. His accuracy is gonna go sky-high real fucking quick-like.

Offline Juku121

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4746 on: October 19, 2022, 08:34:46 am »
Even if your agent maxes that commendation in a few missions, that's +10 firing accuracy, once. Not quite sky-high, IMO.

Not that this isn't funny. ;D

Offline AmanitaVerna

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4747 on: October 20, 2022, 04:43:10 pm »
I'm in January 2000 and I've been using power armor for a while (I rushed elerium batteries in an attempt to get gauss weapons, but still haven't gotten any aliens to reveal the secrets of antimatter containment. Elerium battery's prereqs did get me mass drivers and lasers, though, which is nice). I don't really think power armor needs to be nerfed - at $750,000 a suit, you're spending a significant chunk of your budget to outfit entire squads with it, and it's destroyed completely when an agent wearing it dies, so you have to buy it all over again. Plasma weapons, such as even sectoids have in early 1999, have a fair chance to penetrate and deal fatal wounds or even outright kill agents. Power armor definitely helps protect your best agents, but it isn't a miracle armor, and by buying it you sacrifice whatever facilities you could have built with that money instead. Plus you also sacrifice the backpack slots too, which means you can't really carry multiple two handed weapons (and have to run back to the vehicle to swap to a different one), or much extra ammo for weapons with bulky ammo, like the taser cannon, which I'm still using in January 2000. And you can't crouch, so you lose the aim bonus and lowered chance to be shot from that.

Power armor has made all my underwater missions trivial, though, but I haven't progressed them very far - I've been more focused on the space aliens and shogg etc since they seem like greater threats. The sonic weapons I've seen so far just have a near-zero (but not quite zero, I've had agents take damage a few times from lucky shots) chance to do damage to someone in power armor. And gunpowder weapons also don't do anything against it. Maybe if syndicate had better ones. I haven't done the math but I wonder if the asuka 4000 could penetrate it. Gauss weapons can definitely penetrate it, but that's no surprise, given how powerful those are.

I'm willing to pay the premium for power armor because I'm trying to keep as many agents as possible alive, and because the council of funding nations has been throwing money at me hand over fist since mid-1999 or so. When I first got power armor, though, I couldn't afford more than one or two suits a month, and that used much of my budget at the time.

Oh, and as an experiment, earlier this year IRL, I tried sending power armored agents to try to melee a vampire knight. The vampire knight cuts through power armor like a hot chainsaw through butter. So project "capture a vampire knight with stun spears" was a no-go, lol.

Iirc I shut the cults down before I got power armor, except possibly for the one I left for last (the American one, EXALT), and I think I only had two or three suits of it on their final mission? I had most of my troops in heavy tactical suits or heavy tritanium suits for most of the cult campaigns, once I had the tech (I couldn't always afford to keep everyone outfitted with them).

But also I got lucky and captured a landed UFO in 1998, which provided a huge boost to my research efforts. And iirc I shut the cults down by December 1998, with the possible exception of EXALT. I don't remember if I finished them off in late December or early January.

If anyone is wondering my current tech level, as indicated by what equipment I'm bringing to missions: Depending on the mission, my agents use taser cannons, laser rifles, asuka 4000s, occasionally a couple var assault cannons, or stun spears (for syndicate, osiron, or the new ghosts). Also tritanium handcuffs, medi-kits, advanced healing sprays (for self-healing), emp grenades for indoors turrets. For really difficult things, I bring gauss rifles or pistols, but I haven't unlocked the techs to manufacture my own or to make more ammo for them, so I use them sparingly since I only have what I've captured. I've got Natasha's custom sniper rifle too, of course, which does an incredible amount of damage in the hands of an expert sharpshooter.

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4748 on: October 20, 2022, 06:27:50 pm »
You probably haven't meet yet Terror alien ships with lazer turrets outside. Juggernaut armor gets penetrated easy.

Offline Juku121

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4749 on: October 20, 2022, 06:31:27 pm »
I don't really think power armor needs to be nerfed - at $750,000 a suit, you're spending a significant chunk of your budget to outfit entire squads with it, and it's destroyed completely when an agent wearing it dies, so you have to buy it all over again.

Plus you also sacrifice the backpack slots too...

...can't crouch...
Fair points, though people do complain about getting showered with money after a while.

Plasma weapons, such as even sectoids have in early 1999, have a fair chance to penetrate and deal fatal wounds or even outright kill agents.
But this is not really true. A Plasma Pistol does 52 damage on average, using the Irwin-Hall(ish) (2d100/2) distribution that skews more towards the mean. Power Armor has a 120% Plasma modifier, so it's ~62 damage vs 70-100 armour. Your typical PP shot just bounces off the MAGMA product.

Even a Plasma Rifle at 80*1.2 = 96 will usually be shrugged off by the front and side plates. And most any agent should have more than even the ~16 damage they might get from being shot in the back. Random chance might screw things up and get instakills, of course. But the I-H distribution makes sure it's a lot rarer than usual.

It takes one of the big plasma weapons to start being genuinely threatened by single hits.

Of course, all plasma also eats away your armour so it's inadvisable to repeatedly try and tank plasma shots, but that goes for every single armour in the game.

Yet the original issue termidor raised was getting to faceroll human enemies, and kinetic damage is where PA is hands down the best personal armour in the game. HE (and sonics, which share the damage type with HE ??? ) to a lesser degree as well.

I haven't done the math but I wonder if the asuka 4000 could penetrate it.
60-70 kinetic damage with a high-reactions agent, 0-200% roll, so max of ~140*0.8 = 112 vs 80-100 armour (or 70 if you manage to walk right over an Asuka in ambush :) ). But for non-rear, non-under-armour hits, that only happens ~( 101/0.8 )/140 ~ 9% of the time, and mostly single-digit damage at that.

Gauss weapons can definitely penetrate it, but that's no surprise, given how powerful those are.
Really? In my experience, only Gauss Sniper (because all sniper weapons are triple-dipping and thus OP as hell on the damage front) and Heavy can do so reliably. Gauss Rifles are a roulette rigged against you and Gauss Pistols, well, you might as well not bother. Magma Power Armour is the reverse Power Suit, supreme against kinetic damage but much weaker against plasma.

The vampire knight cuts through power armor like a hot chainsaw through butter.
Eh, that's not unique to VKs. All the scaling melee weapons do a ton of damage. See here for agent w/big axe vs UFO.

Melee in XCF is a game of death tag due to dodge bonuses and damage scaling with stats. Solarius's position is that "It's the only way to have meaningful melee." :-\

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4750 on: October 22, 2022, 02:12:54 pm »
Haven't been active recently due to a nasty flu or whatever it is. I'm a bit better now, so I can type, but still in bed.

Also power armor gets default unharmed atatck, doesn't seem intended.

If you meant default unarmed attack", then no, it doesn't.

The discussion about Power Armor is interesting, I'll keep an eye on this.

Also a different matter, are the council factions going to remain fluff or are plans regarding then? I think it was interesting to get more lore on the council and the council power struggle is probably one of the most interesting aspects beyond the MiB. I love cult of Apocalypse missions ! They are a murder fest that makes crow control weapons really shine. But yes rng is a big factor, and infiltartion mission are usually harder than normal ones, but that is fine imo, as they aren't that common and offer some variety.

I hope to make them more directly present in the future, yes.

I think I may have realized a bit of cheese, though I doubt I'm the first.

The miniguns are really inaccurate, but manage to get a few hits per burst anyway through sheer weight of fire. This is obviously by design, and works well. However, I just had a mission where my minigun-toting agent scored quite a few kills, and walked away with several levels of the "lucky" commendation. Idk if commendations can only be leveled up once per mission, and I just hadn't noticed the previous ones, but he's getting at least one lucky commendation every mission. His accuracy is gonna go sky-high real fucking quick-like.

It's true, but there isn't much I can do about it. That's how it works.

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4751 on: October 23, 2022, 01:45:41 pm »
I have been playing x-files for some time now and I am very impressed with storyline and presentation. It is really great and atmospheric. A lot of effort was put into this and it shows! However, there is imho unnecessary difficulty all over the place (e.g., too many manors turning the world into MiG alley and when you try to take out the manors there are enemy reinforcements spawning right next to your peeps killing them without any chance to react). Balancing seems off, because at the same time you get missions where you fight 1 (one) zombie. The only way to win this game seems to rush certain techs and huge amounts of grinding. This makes it very hard for the more casual gamer to enjoy the story and explore the game world.

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4752 on: October 23, 2022, 02:27:17 pm »
Thanks for the input. I am aware of the issue with too many manors and will probably do something about it when I'm back to the world of living from this flu.

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4753 on: October 23, 2022, 06:25:54 pm »
I came back to X-Com Files after a few years, and tried to start a new run on Beginner difficulty. I wanted to try how survivable the game is on easiest mode when you play casually.
I start losing points to two or three random events before the first mission shows up. Ok.
I go for my first apprehension, and I start exploring the place with my two agents (equipped with Glock and stun baton). With playing casually I mean that I'm not employing any advanced tactics, but I'm not making my agents run around like headless chickens either. Rng has one of them sniped from halfway across the map, from the side he wasn't looking at; the other one reaches the cultist and attacks twice with the baton, hitting once - not enough, the bad guy turns around and shivs her to death.
One save-scum later, the cultist is safely arrested and I go on: I interrogate him, arrest several more, get a van, all in all I'm starting to make a little progress, until I get hit by two -300 events about the cults still being elusive. Then, between days 15 and 21 of the first month, such events fire two more times, with three additional negative score hits from different happenings (the missed crop circles, the CIA, and I can't remember which other); I haven't counted how many events I got in total, but my score is below -1500 since my missions can't even remotely compensate, and research is only slightly making up for those random losses.
I can definitely survive, progress with my investigations and stop the score leaks; missions will get easier when appropriate equipment will be unlocked (most of them, at least), but I still haven't faced manors with their dreaded reinforcements. I feel that my casual playthrough test has already gathered enough data.

Now, I get wanting a difficult game, that's perfectly ok. But there are five difficulty levels, and in my opinion they shouldn't be "Very hard", "Very very hard", "Extremely hard", "Almost impossible" and "Totally impossible". I see a difficulty level labeled "Beginner" as something that a beginner, indeed, should be able to go through, getting slapped only if they mess up badly; my impression instead is that it still requires a lot of skill both on the tactical and strategical layers - if you don't optimize your playing, it mercilessly makes you fall more and more behind.

What do you think?

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« Reply #4754 on: October 23, 2022, 10:03:23 pm »
I have been playing x-files for some time now and I am very impressed with storyline and presentation. It is really great and atmospheric. A lot of effort was put into this and it shows! However, there is imho unnecessary difficulty all over the place (e.g., too many manors turning the world into MiG alley and when you try to take out the manors there are enemy reinforcements spawning right next to your peeps killing them without any chance to react). Balancing seems off, because at the same time you get missions where you fight 1 (one) zombie. The only way to win this game seems to rush certain techs and huge amounts of grinding. This makes it very hard for the more casual gamer to enjoy the story and explore the game world.

Here is a dirty trick, the reinforcements spawning is completely RNG, just save at the end of your each turn and save scum your way through it. I dont mind the concept of reinforcements but this early it feels really cheap to have squad of soldiers randomly spawning behind your squads and shooting them in the back. The missions are already dauting for early game.
If like reinforcements came every eight or tenth turn, then it would be atleast better in a way you know when its time to position your soldiers with walls behind them.