New version is up.
- Always fit "Ufopedia" label within the window boundaries
- Support for big neutral units on the minimap
- Ctrl+Cancel button in UfoDetected UI now has a proper separate label
- (nerf) TU and Energy cost for CQC
- (buff) CQC now considers all surrounding units, not just one
- Added info about armors you can wear on a mission
- Changed TTV cheat code
- Alien inventory works on own units again, with a correct paperdoll
- Fix fitting items into inventory slots
Download: 12 # TUs required to attempt CQC; unsuccessful attempt doesn't spend the TUs, successful does
closeQuartersEnergyCostGlobal: 8 # Energy required to attempt CQC; unsuccessful attempt doesn't spend the Energy, successful does
- type: en-US
STR_WHAT_CAN_I_WEAR: "What can I wear?"
STR_STARTING_CONDITION_ARMORS: "Yo! Yo momma so fat you can't take everything, Cap'n!{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}These suits fit tho: {0}"
PS: working on merging OXCE 3.8 now
PPS: the "Ability to block research topics/paths" feature is still in testing phase, I need more time for this beastie