Actually, I suspect that most people are busy playing XCom:EU mods (XPiratez and some FMP/Redux) and not playing much TftD, especially modded.
I really like the research facility terrain you have, although I feel like it would be better being an underwater mission representing a science base that has been overwhelmed by aliens. Spawn a few dead civilian corpses, a few zombies in the alien deployment, maybe some civilians in a light diving suit getting murdered, maybe a landed USO and you have a cool underwater terror mission!
As to the above water city terrain, I feel like TftD's urban terrors were always its weakest part. EU feels much better with the urban stuff. TftD does better under water, in boats (those are painful, but very characterful) and least bad in ports where there is at least some water/nautical element. Unless it is for a hybrid game, I feel like more urban terrain isn't really adding much in keeping with the water character of the game.