I've already asked you multiple times to not post your suggestions in this thread, only bugreports. I will not explain myself.
Thanks for checking out these other bug reports of mine. As I previously mentioned, everything I post in this thread I consider a "possible bug", despite the wording I might use (for suggestions I use a
different thread). In case a report is not a bug, then you simply need to say that the specific reported feature is "By Design" and the problem is solved, no explanation needed. But I'd still like to apologize because, like every human being, I make mistakes, and it's sometimes impossible to tell whether a feature is a bug or not. In that case, isn't it still better to make a report instead of staying quiet? Please don't take these bug reports as personal attacks, I'm not trying to troll you or anything.
You are in error:
1. That attack uses Daze damage which has ToStun 1.0 by default;
2. These armors have NV=9 which, again, is default.
Ah, sorry, my bad. I missed those defaults. On the topic of NV, I guess I was confused because, all armors, except those two, have visibilityAtDark defined, even when the value is 9.
I've fixed that wall, also found one flight of broken stairs on that map, but without screenshots I can't do much more - it's searching for a needle in a haystack. The map has around 3000 tiles. Please document map bugs.
Thanks! I'll be on the lookout for any bugs the next time the map comes up during my gameplay.