You were asking on either episode 1 or 2 how to run, it's actually simple enough though it took me ages to work it out. First of all these screenshots are from my run through of hardmode on ufo but the principle is the same for TFTD. Make sure you have alternate movement methods enabled in advanced within options (picture one), then as you can see in picture two moving your unit without holding the ctrl button on the keyboard moves normally and with ctrl held (picture three) uses less time units. A word of warning though, your units use energy much faster when they're running all the time and can become exhausted and unable to move no matter how many tu's they have left as the amount of energy you recover each turn is the tu's your toop had when he was hired/3 rounding down ie the max energy recovery/turn that a veteran troop with 50 missions could have would be 20. Hope this helps.