I have already mentioned the flaws/bugs in Daishiva software to him and he was going to work on a Openxcom version because ( going off your previous comments) were sticking to the same format.
Only limitation i have found so far was with UFOs. For the small UFOs i wanted to allow doors on the back 2 sides as well, this causes a few issues with triggering the door correctly and sprites walking through walls. This is the only limitation that has really stopped me. I started experimenting with this again the other night and i found a work around.
Since i was only going to do rotated UFO for the 3 small ufo sets , i can create a separate Tileset just for them. Here is a picture of my work in progress.
Introducing my SMALL UFO tileset, All back walls are now WALLS and the front 2 walls sets are now OBJECTS ( basically reversed from the originals).
The sprites DONT walk through any walls, the door trigger correctly and as far as i can tell everything works. Best of all my door is still 3D ( has the outer Hull radius on the back)
Still a work in progress , if anyone has any things that will cause it to crash and burn please let me know
The thing about using the old format is it has been around for ever and there are plenty of maps floating around the internet you could try so why change it. I understand long term this may be on the agenda but currently i am not seeing any major reasons to make the change.