
Author Topic: Faster "movement speed"and "Fire speed"  (Read 4323 times)

Offline Markus Ramikin

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Faster "movement speed"and "Fire speed"
« on: January 24, 2015, 10:44:10 am »
Could we by any chance get a higher max speed of soldier movement?

One thing I liked about the (otherwise annoying) "speed depends on CPU" bug making X-com superfast on modern computers was that that soldiers moved instantly, and moving 14 or 26 soldiers around was less of a chore. Would be cool if openxcom's fastest setting replicated that, or at least was much faster than it is now.

Same with shooting, actually.

On a somewhat related note, is there a way to speed up the Hidden Movement phase? When things are happening that I can't see, are they taking so long because sounds need to play out, or because the program is taking genuinely this long to calculate paths etc?

Offline volutar

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Re: Faster "movement speed"and "Fire speed"
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2015, 10:52:51 am »
Yeah. You can run OpenXcom on 20ghz CPU(for single core). It will make hidden movement faster. As any other "not that fast as dos" phase.

Seriously, you can't. Because a)it doesn't meant to be run insanely fast; b) algorithms and data structures are "modernized", multiplatform, thus slower.

Offline Markus Ramikin

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Re: Faster "movement speed"and "Fire speed"
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2015, 01:16:36 pm »
OK, so no dice on hidden movement.

But are you also saying that the highest setting for soldier movement is already at its possible maximum?

Offline volutar

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Re: Faster "movement speed"and "Fire speed"
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2015, 04:40:38 pm »
Pretty much. I think it's possible to increase frameSkip, but naturally it's not useful feature. Walking speed is already making the hilarious step noise. I only think of "instant" speed. But I think it's needed by only few people. Not too useful.

Offline shinr

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Re: Faster "movement speed"and "Fire speed"
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2015, 08:47:55 pm »
On the related note:

Unlike in vanilla, the projectile hitting/explosion animation speed is not tied to Fire Speed slider. To make them faster/slower, you have to add explosionSpeed: x (where x is -5 to 5) to each individual ammo entry (or weapons themselves in case of lasers) in the items.rul. And as far as I can see, this has no effect on the actual skull-shaped Explosions.

Is it possible to have a global explosionSpeed modifier, and make it work on Explosions?