A short question on scripts:
Is it possible with them to define secondary explosions?
Example: A demolition pack is lying around and hit by a grenade. The grenade then triggers the demolition pack to explode with its normal strength.
This can be solved with a simple boolean switch, in fact the same one used for the bio-drone and cyberdisc. When it dies, it explodes. All the switch needs to do is be applicable to other items as well.
Also this reminds me of a Linked Attack, common mechanic in alot of rpg games for tricking out their equipment. Basically check to see if the attack does any damage/effect to the target at all. If so then the Linked Attack/Weapon is applied (or an entire chain of them if it has more than one), though in the case of OXC it should still apply armor to all of the linked attacks because modders can make armor effectiveness 0 against them if they wish.
For example: Chryssalid hits, main attack does normal damage but has a linked zombification weapon. If the attack does any damage (health) to the character, they get hit with the linked weapon and wouldnt you know, they turn into a zombie. But unless they can be hurt (stung) it doesnt do anything because the linked attack isnt triggered.
Same idea for a Harpoon Tranquilizer, can make it do 20 AP but the 50 Stun is a linked attack. If the target takes so much as 1 health damage from the dart they take the 50 stun damage roll (a kind modder can still give the armor some effectiveness against it, maybe 0.2, that way the dart gets stuck in but not deep enough to fully inject).
In a similar way I guess explosives could be attached to a package, or an incendiary, or a stun bomb, but unless some additional switch was present the secondaries wouldnt trigger unless the primary did damage (that be like alwaysLinked = true, then you're pretty much sticking a bunch of different things on the same projectile for hellish results, and for giggles the linked weapons also trigger linked weapons if they are likewise activated or have alwaysLinked).
Some things would always trigger though just because they cause an area of effect (HE and Inc). This would allow a true shaped charge - the explosive goes off, and then a linked AP shot hits also and can maybe divide armor by 2, the explosive could be small but the direct hit damage as a result could be high.
The best documentation, if a bit difficult to parse sometimes, is the OXC readme that comes with it and Piratez. There's a description of pretty much everything, including damage to terrain that is available no through damageAlter.
Thanks man, didnt even know it had that info.
Edit: also didnt know it was in YAML either