I hate when someone starting "new" LP on a YouTube using OLD OpenXcom1.0.
I guess that is the hazard of releasing "milestones." Users (and LPers (guilty as charged, here)) test out a milestone before they will test out a nightly. The sense is that a Milestone is stable and fairly bug free. Modders chose to use milestones for the same purpose rather than trying to chase a moving target.
I understand that the overall OpenXcom development cycle is not complete. I understand that incorporating TftD into the mix is changing a lot of how the game is set up. I understand why nightlies are what they are, and these are great!
But one of the beauties of OpenXcom from a player's perspective is how moddable and expansive it is. It is so much easier to access the externalized values that it just begs to be modded. Many of the mod greatly enhance the player's experience.
I think that players having the capability to play OpenXcom modded or unmodded while the development cycle is still underway, keeps the interest and excitement up for the overall project. And I think that's a good thing.
(Just maybe a bit frustrating for the developers).