Current ideas for next update, coming in ~2 weeks.
1. Make corresponding tanks require certain craft weapons. (Gauss Tank requires Craft Gauss Cannon, Laser Tank requires Craft Laser Cannon.) Make it compatible with Moriarity's Plasma Cannon mod, so people using said mod can still use Tank/Plasma Cannons without their mods conflicting.
2. Divide rulesets so that you can take out Gauss Mod, Minigun Mod, or both, if you do not wish to use said mod.
3. Adjust manufacturing prices.
4. Adjust Plasma and Fusion tanks so that I can add Roxis's L5A3 Laser Tank, along with the Elerium Lasers mod.
5. Fix Tank/Artillery and Tank/Grenade Launcher since Hovertank/Artillery is still the grenade launcher

6. Adjust Minigun tank - too weak now.
7. Adjust prices for tanks. Including the scout tanks.
8. Clean up code and fix powersuit drone code, with help from smexyvami
9. Tweak TU values and accuracy values, maybe damage values.
10. Screw it, I'll add the Acid Shotgun tank. With this, I might as well just make a Plasma Blaster tank as well, meaning I'll have to make another ruleset for compatible AAE. And then one with Gauss/AAE and Minigun/AAE...more work. Yay.
11. Make test ruleset for Alloy tanks, get sprites later.
12. Test ruleset where you manufacture HWP from the beginning, requiring research as you go along. EX. Mobile support research, and then most of the HWP are manufactured instead of purchased. Just an idea.