

Do we need the possibility to build a base even bigger than 6x6?

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18 (54.5%)
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15 (45.5%)

Total Members Voted: 32

Author Topic: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL  (Read 24654 times)

Offline The_Janitor

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Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2014, 02:51:11 pm »
Is there a coding limitation why this couldn't be a downloadable mod rather than a built-in toggle feature?

And if it has a light, clean code, I don't see why it couldn't be introduced as an option once it's been tested thoroughly as a mod. I'm sure a lot of mods could benefit from something like this being a basegame option available in the advanced options list or the mods list sitting beside the UFOExtender options.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 03:02:03 pm by The_Janitor »

Offline Mr. Quiet

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Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2014, 09:24:02 pm »
I'm sure there isn't anything we can do to bring FenyƵ back. He has to make that decision himself. People always say things they don't really mean when they're upset. I can understand that. So if he comes back, we'll delete this thread. How about it :-)

I voted yes I want this feature in without even thinking of the consequences. Very human of me. This would be an awesome feature if it wasn't for Base defense missions. You'd be fighting in some huge underground city with no end. Unless you set your facilities in a straight line hahahaha. Would make for a weird base though.

Offline Muukalainen

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Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2014, 10:52:59 pm »
Light and clean code :)

You people should try and write a simple tetris game. Then you should write that kind of option that allows infinite area and a way to scroll that area.

You don't really have to even write the game. Just read the tutorials how to make a tetris game. After that take a look on the Openxcom code. You can read the source files even with windows notepad.

I am not against this mod. It would fit very well some of my mod ideas. But I totally understand if the devs don't want to bloat the code more.

We can have it as it is. As a fork. Bon appetit :)

And well, nothing is stopping somebody to combine all these forks and make that huge new Openxcom branch that has it all in it. Nothing else than the thing that it would actually be huge amount of work.

Offline redv

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Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2014, 03:37:52 pm »
Light and clean code :)

You people should try and write a simple tetris game. Then you should write that kind of option that allows infinite area and a way to scroll that area.

You don't really have to even write the game. Just read the tutorials how to make a tetris game. After that take a look on the Openxcom code. You can read the source files even with windows notepad.

My first tetris i wrote long time ago. Write programs not so difficult. Exists much more difficult tasks than programming.

The code is not light and not clean, because was rewritten many times. For example: what does this code
Is the code right? How much time did it take you to read and understand this code?

I want to say, do not blame people if they do not write programs.

Offline Falko

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Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2014, 04:00:11 pm »
The code is not light and not clean, because was rewritten many times. For example: what does this code
Is the code right? How much time did it take you to read and understand this code?
its a bit unnecessary convoluted
Code: [Select]
double tier = 4.0;
if (exp <= 2) {
  tier = 1.0;
else if (exp <= 5) {
  tier = 2.0;
else if (exp <= 10) {
  tier = 3.0;
uses one line more
or if you want convoluted why not just do "double tier = exp > 2 ? (exp > 5 ? (exp > 10 ? 4.0 : 3.0) : 2.0) : 1.0;"

Offline redv

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Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2014, 04:10:49 pm »
It is just example of not light and not clean code. Not more.

Offline Roujin

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Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2014, 02:21:07 am »
Funny that you mention that piece of code of all things.

I changed exactly that piece of code (toward more clean/understandable code, as far as I'm concerned) in this patch of mine which aims to make the whole stat gain logic accessible via ruleset.

Unfortunately the devs seem not to be fond of my patch either.
Of course, it's their codebase to maintain. I can understand that. They don't want every crappy piece of code someone contributed in their codebase.
But on the other hand I can understand that people are turned off to contribute if there is such a reluctance to merge in some new feature - or added flexibility for modders - only on grounds that it would be one more thing to maintain.

Offline wollow

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Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2014, 04:38:22 pm »
How about "infinite" terrain size? It would feel more real if one could wander "endlessy" into any direction. Alien movement could still be roughly restricted to the same old terrain size so mission complexity/length would not change much.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2014, 04:15:03 am »

How about "infinite" terrain size? It would feel more real if one could wander "endlessy" into any direction. Alien movement could still be roughly restricted to the same old terrain size so mission complexity/length would not change much.

wollow - Ive thought of the same thing, for another game similar to xcom and the conclusion I reached was that in Real Time Strategy thats feasible but in Turn Based its a hassle. Also there are mechanical limitations after awhile.

As for the Base Size . . . yeah it should be  bigger.
But the one I was thinking of also included Multiple Floors as well . . . different levels of the base structure that had basically facilities stacked on top of facilities (but I am not suggesting that for openxcom).

What I propose is the ability to INCREASE the Size Limits of things but NOT make them infinite.

Lets just say for now . . . up to 2 times the size allowed in both axes, for Base Development, and for Battlescape. (and in a way I think the two would have to be linked as well, since increasing base size would dictate a potential increase in battlescape).

And I think normal Battlescape missions should start out standard size, but if any of the player's controlled characters LOOK to a place which is off the map (say within 10 tiles of them) it extends the map by another line of map pieces. Same goes if someone Throws something near the edge of the map and because of inaccuracy it would get tossed off the map - put a Map Piece there to catch it (then after it lands, conjure up the other Map Pieces on that X/Y grid line)

That way it only extends the map on demand if it has to.