Author Topic: Soldier names  (Read 107846 times)

Offline Diego21ARG

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Re: Soldier names
« Reply #90 on: November 04, 2019, 04:34:42 pm »
I added the Argentina.nam file into github and the pull request was already merged into the main branch, so I guess that means it was accepted to be in the game!
I'll share it over here, too, just in case somebody wants to add it to the game manually

Kudos for a great game, I enjoy it very much and recommend it to everyone whenever I discuss retro games, or just games in gral, actually  ;D

Offline Kissaki

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Re: Soldier names
« Reply #91 on: October 23, 2021, 03:33:44 pm »
Is there a list containing only the original EU/TFtD names? Not to disparage the current list, but it would be nice to be able to choose "original names" for those who want to get as close to the original feel of the games as possible.

But while I'm here I may as well point out, as a Norwegian, that the Norwegian list contains a few errors. The most glaring of which is the fact that you have "Quisling" listed as a surname. This name no longer exists in Norway, and hasn't since the end of the war. It's just as much an eyesore to a Norwegian as "Hitler" would be in the German list, and just as unthinkable - for the exact same reasons.

Another one is that "Inge" is listed as a female name. It's female in Germany and Denmark, but in Norway it's male (just like "Janne" is female in Norwegian but male in Finnish).

Offline Meridian

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Re: Soldier names
« Reply #92 on: October 23, 2021, 06:51:06 pm »

  - Austin
  - Calvin
  - Carl
  - Clarence
  - Donald
  - Dwight
  - Ed
  - Kevin
  - Lester
  - Mark
  - Oscar
  - Samuel
  - Spencer
  - Tom
  - Virgil
  - Barbara
  - Catherine
  - Evelyn
  - Patricia
  - Sigourney
  - Bradley
  - Bryant
  - Carr
  - Crossett
  - Dodge
  - Gallagher
  - Homburger
  - Horton
  - Hudson
  - Johnson
  - Kemp
  - King
  - McNeil
  - Miller
  - Mitchell
  - Nash
  - Stephens
  - Stoddard
  - Thompson
  - Webb


  - Adam
  - Alan
  - Arthur
  - Brett
  - Damien
  - David
  - Frank
  - James
  - John
  - Michael
  - Neil
  - Patrick
  - Paul
  - Robert
  - Scott
  - Andrea
  - Helen
  - Jane
  - Maria
  - Sarah
  - Bailey
  - Blake
  - Davies
  - Day
  - Evans
  - Hill
  - Jones
  - Jonlan
  - Martin
  - Parker
  - Pearce
  - Reynolds
  - Robinson
  - Sharpe
  - Smith
  - Stewart
  - Taylor
  - Watson
  - White
  - Wright


  - Armand
  - Bernard
  - Claude
  - Emile
  - Gaston
  - Gerard
  - Henri
  - Jacques
  - Jean
  - Leon
  - Louis
  - Marc
  - Marcel
  - Pierre
  - Rene
  - Danielle
  - Jacqueline
  - Marielle
  - Micheline
  - Sylvie
  - Bouissou
  - Bouton
  - Buchard
  - Coicard
  - Collignon
  - Cuvelier
  - Dagallier
  - Dreyfus
  - Dujardin
  - Gaudin
  - Gautier
  - Gressier
  - Guerin
  - Laroyenne
  - Lecointe
  - Lefevre
  - Luget
  - Marcelle
  - Pecheux
  - Revenu


  - Dieter
  - Franz
  - Gerhard
  - Gunter
  - Hans
  - Jurgen
  - Klaus
  - Manfred
  - Matthias
  - Otto
  - Rudi
  - Siegfried
  - Stefan
  - Werner
  - Wolfgang
  - Christel
  - Gudrun
  - Helga
  - Karin
  - Uta
  - Berger
  - Brehme
  - Esser
  - Faerber
  - Geisler
  - Gunkel
  - Hafner
  - Heinsch
  - Keller
  - Krause
  - Mederow
  - Meyer
  - Richter
  - Schultz
  - Seidler
  - Steinbach
  - Ulbricht
  - Unger
  - Vogel
  - Zander


  - Akinori
  - Isao
  - Jungo
  - Kenji
  - Masaharu
  - Masanori
  - Naohiro
  - Shigeo
  - Shigeru
  - Shuji
  - Tatsuo
  - Toshio
  - Yasuaki
  - Yataka
  - Yuzo
  - Mariko
  - Michiko
  - Sata
  - Sumie
  - Yoko
  - Akira
  - Fujimoto
  - Ishii
  - Iwahara
  - Iwasaki
  - Kojima
  - Koyama
  - Matsumara
  - Morita
  - Noguchi
  - Okabe
  - Okamoto
  - Sato
  - Shimaoka
  - Shoji
  - Tanida
  - Tanikawa
  - Yamanaka
  - Yamashita
  - Yamazaki


  - Anatoly
  - Andrei
  - Boris
  - Dmitriy
  - Gennadi
  - Grigoriy
  - Igor
  - Ivan
  - Leonid
  - Mikhail
  - Nikolai
  - Sergei
  - Victor
  - Vladimir
  - Yuri
  - Astra
  - Galina
  - Lyudmila
  - Olga
  - Tatyana
  - Andianov
  - Belov
  - Chukarin
  - Gorokhova
  - Kolotov
  - Korkia
  - Likhachev
  - Maleev
  - Mikhailov
  - Petrov
  - Ragulin
  - Romanov
  - Samusenko
  - Scharov
  - Shadrin
  - Shalimov
  - Torban
  - Voronin
  - Yakubik
  - Zhdanovich

Offline Kissaki

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Re: Soldier names
« Reply #93 on: October 25, 2021, 10:18:05 pm »
Thank you very big!

Offline NiceMicro

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Re: Soldier names
« Reply #94 on: November 07, 2021, 01:20:59 pm »
Is it possible to override the name lists in a mod?

Offline Meridian

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Re: Soldier names
« Reply #95 on: November 07, 2021, 01:22:07 pm »
Is it possible to override the name lists in a mod?


Offline Meridian

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Re: Soldier names
« Reply #96 on: November 24, 2021, 11:31:14 pm »
But while I'm here I may as well point out, as a Norwegian, that the Norwegian list contains a few errors. The most glaring of which is the fact that you have "Quisling" listed as a surname. This name no longer exists in Norway, and hasn't since the end of the war. It's just as much an eyesore to a Norwegian as "Hitler" would be in the German list, and just as unthinkable - for the exact same reasons.

Another one is that "Inge" is listed as a female name. It's female in Germany and Denmark, but in Norway it's male (just like "Janne" is female in Norwegian but male in Finnish).
