
Author Topic: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition  (Read 828910 times)

Offline pilot00

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1335 on: May 21, 2015, 11:09:49 pm »
Also this would, indeed, make an impression that the pirate gals are dumb bitches who need help with everything.

Had a good laugh at that :D

Whoa whoa, dude, hold your horses there. There are some crucial tech you need Raiders for. The fact fighting their Raider ships doesn't shower you with endless loot? Yeah well, you don't have to fight them. While I agree they aren't meaty enough yet, you're asking the impossible. Not every ship has Nuclear Fuel, else you'll be swimming in it. You still do. Not every mission will pay off; it cannot else the game would run out of rewards to give really soon, and Piratez are meant to be a long campaign. Risk to reward assesment is your choice.

Dont be squimish :P He probably didnt get the memo, or probably didnt do the proper research :)

Also I dont think, raider ships are boring or not worth the loot. As I see it (and assuming RNG graces you right) they are your punching bags to train your gals. A few years in and they sport some tasty guns and become quite a danger if you are not carefull.

The only faction that hasnt impressed me so far, are the guys Ivan run on his LP. But then I havent met them in a Progom.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 11:13:14 pm by pilot00 »

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1336 on: May 21, 2015, 11:40:38 pm »
The only faction that hasnt impressed me so far, are the guys Ivan run on his LP. But then I havent met them in a Progom.

Well their own ships are meh. But on Pogroms, it's a cattle of an entirelly different color... them tanks, and them well-armed Stormtroopers who are almost as tough as Power Armor, much faster, more accurate, more numerous and have nigh-unbreakable morale. Well the high-TU, high-Agression, high-Reactions (if completely unarmored) dude who blown up Ivan's ship show they're not a pushover. Still they're even less finished as a faction than Raiders... and aren't the stars of the show either, to be frank.

Offline pilot00

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1337 on: May 21, 2015, 11:44:03 pm »
Since I find you here, I just finished a round of tests, deletes and reinstalls and I narrowed down my problem. Apparently all my crashes are caused by something concearning the traders. Everytime I enter a fight with them the game crashes. I made test runs in quick battle too, and its the only faction that causes me crashes.

Any ideas on what I might do to fix this? Replace files etc?

EDIT: Upped a save in case it helps.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 12:00:20 am by pilot00 »

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1338 on: May 22, 2015, 04:38:57 am »
@pilot: That's weird.. As far as I can tell traders work fine for me (although I haven't seen any in a little while, been fighting other people recently). Maybe later in their tech levels they have something that breaks the game? It's still early in mine..

Whoa whoa, dude, hold your horses there. There are some crucial tech you need Raiders for. The fact fighting their Raider ships doesn't shower you with endless loot? Yeah well, you don't have to fight them. While I agree they aren't meaty enough yet, you're asking the impossible. Not every ship has Nuclear Fuel, else you'll be swimming in it. You still do. Not every mission will pay off; it cannot else the game would run out of rewards to give really soon, and Piratez are meant to be a long campaign. Risk to reward assesment is your choice.
I was merely saying there doesn't seem to be much of a point to fighting them once you stop being impressed by boarding guns. I am not asking to be showered in loot :P

If you tell me there is a point and I missed it, then I did and will keep looking. It is just that the point is less obvious than for other factions which have good loot and/or good ransoms so I haven't found it. Thinking back, I think they gave me the tech and vibro blades, which are indeed well worth it, and maybe powered tools? Can't remember how I got that.

Piratez is a very complex mod and it is easy to miss lots of stuff on a first play through, or do things pretty wrong (ex.: get 15 brainers before you can support them, then "waste" all the research on interrogations for fluff pieces instead of going for tech, which is exactly what I did. I've corrected a few things and now see guns much more favourably for example).

Well yeah maybe, but once you starting to get slaves, you get them by the dozen. Also this would, indeed, make an impression that the pirate gals are dumb bitches who need help with everything. No. They are not. This would go against one of the axioms of the design here.

Fair enough! I suspect there is a lot more use for booty than I have right now (Raiders' for vibro blades, Traders' for metal armor, and Academy's for my new tech toys). Once booty becomes more relevant, slavery will too as a mean to get more of it.

Umm... gladiatorial pit would only produce a random survivor who is anything but loyal, and more likely than not a poor soldier, with no skill at team play and no courage  :) I was rather thinking, you know, about giving them the choice of freedom or brotherhood - to go back to work & worry, or joining the crew for guns & glory :)
Haha, I said gladiatorial but I should have said something similar to 40k space marine type recruitment, where most die but you get the best candidates (hopefully?). But I guess we don't have years of psycho-indoctrination to make them be good soldiers. Too bad it's not possible to "manufacture" soldiers, converting raiders or mutants from pogroms would be cool.

Sadly you lose these weapons... And really I prefer the "black box" HWP for the design reasons - so the focus is on the gals, and you customize the squad by getting certain types of Aux units, instead of arming them up. Well. Dogs work differently, a bit, but dogs be dogs :) And I didn't mean this as an absolute, either.

You're right, as cool as other stuff could be, the gals are the coolest!

Well, as Pilot said, the enemy vessels seem to be using... a generic some-sort of a plasma weapon or something. So adding primitive ammo as loot might raise questions. On the other hand, it cannot be like, everyone has plasma all the time. And loot is cool. Might be a thing to make, for example, Raider ships to be less boring...

Maybe raiders shoot laser beams instead of plasma beams? I can't tell, but if they're using black powder guns and flying ships that don't need nuclear fuel, they could be running charger lasers like when we start. Getting some components from them, which could be worth money and/or useful to make laser craft weapons (or laser guided craft weapons!) could be cool.

Also I didn't say raiders were boring, did I? I certainly didn't mean to! They are interesting to fight because knowing that they aren't worth ransoming, you can go all out and not worry about the ransom opportunity cost of killing them. This makes for a much faster paced encounter that still isn't easy because mutants are tough and a boarding gun shot to the face still hurts.

On another topic, I did tackle a gunship and figured out through much save scumming that I can take it down with HK with 25&30mm cannons, Bonny with 50mm and a charger laser (~50% odds), but only at the cost of the Bonny getting destroyed and the HK finishing it off.. Obviously not a good deal. With a few stingray launchers it would be different. I am also making a CRAB now for tanking purposes. I'm not sure what pilot meant by slow.. it is almost as fast as a HK and much faster than the Bonny. I am eager to try a 3v1 with some stingrays!

And I'll end with a question: Is there a legend somewhere where I can find out what the s, S, S+, $ stuff actually translates to for slaves? I expect it goes in that order by quality (and probably value)?

Thanks again! I hope you don't mind my spamming your thread.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1339 on: May 22, 2015, 06:30:14 am »
On another topic, I did tackle a gunship and figured out through much save scumming that I can take it down with HK with 25&30mm cannons, Bonny with 50mm and a charger laser (~50% odds), but only at the cost of the Bonny getting destroyed and the HK finishing it off.. Obviously not a good deal. With a few stingray launchers it would be different. I am also making a CRAB now for tanking purposes. I'm not sure what pilot meant by slow.. it is almost as fast as a HK and much faster than the Bonny. I am eager to try a 3v1 with some stingrays!

And I'll end with a question: Is there a legend somewhere where I can find out what the s, S, S+, $ stuff actually translates to for slaves? I expect it goes in that order by quality (and probably value)?

Thanks again! I hope you don't mind my spamming your thread.

Absolutely not! This keeps the thread alive and gives me valuable feedback. I'm making a mod I'd like to play myself, for sure, but it often turns out that I make stupid decisions after all. Many changes and improvements were introduced through such discussions.

As for the Space Marine training - yeahhh, you might have the human material, but exactly, it takes years and great training skills. Mortality alone is not enough :)

Pilot probably meant the Kraken which is kinda slow but also tougher than the Crab (and lower tech - generally, it all depends on your luck and order of researches - to get the Kraken, you need to get any warship plans, while for the Crab you need Trader Engineer).

Hmm about the slave types, there is no legend so far as I wanted to keep this as a kind of surprise - for example, you might not even know that such a thing as an $-slave even exists, and whoa! This is something new! On the other hand, info is always good. Maybe I'll add a reference article once you have an access to all possible types of slaves? Or maybe - possiblity to research each slave type, once, for low cost, and get a fluff article with a nice picture and explanation, and a hefty point bonus? Maybe I'll even add some extra tech unlocked by having all the types of slaves researched - better vaults, some human-HWP, maybe the Mining Ship which is so popular? Pirate Queen's Palace? This one I want to do badly but have no idea what it could do - Extended options are still new to me.
Another option regarding human-HWPs would be - you only need a single slave, but some rare loot.

About the enemy ship weapons - well, consider that you are inferior in toughness, but much superior in firepower. It's not inconceivable these weaker crafts are using gunpowder projectile weapons or missiles, only Gunships and better actually using Laser, Plasma and Gauss (possibly tied to the type of weapon you can encounter...) hmm... this could work! Would require a lot of work on my part (and sadly they will all use generic firing anim), but it could work with enough fluff text, believable weapon stats and on-site evidence. Probably most of these weapons would prove to provide major suction compared to your own.

Let's take that Raider - Range 30, which is good; Power 30, yeah, not too bad; Reload - 17sec Accuracy is constant for all UFOs - 60% I think? This would give us a normalized DPS of 1.06. The 50mm Cannon has a normalized DPS of 1.2 - 1.5, depending on engagement tactics, although with a considerably lower range. The small Lascannon has a normalized DPS of 2. 30mm cannon - 1.25. As you can see, the Raider's weapon is kinda lightweight (and only a single one), although with a good range advantage (to kind of make account for the fact that in reality they would try to close the range if being outranged - I don't like one-sided engagements, at all...). Still it is much, much more dangerous than Cutters and other "Scout" types.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 06:32:37 am by Dioxine »

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1340 on: May 22, 2015, 07:02:22 am »

 Or maybe - possiblity to research each slave type, once, for low cost, and get a fluff article with a nice picture and explanation, and a hefty point bonus?

Yes, Yes, Please!! :D

Cheers, Ivan :D

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1341 on: May 22, 2015, 12:27:18 pm »
I'm not 100% sure, but I think OXCE allows for assigning accuracy to individual UFOs. And if it doesn't, should be easy to add.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1342 on: May 22, 2015, 12:33:33 pm »
I'm not 100% sure, but I think OXCE allows for assigning accuracy to individual UFOs. And if it doesn't, should be easy to add.

Allows for tweaking it, not setting per se, but it amounts for the same thing. I guess if I added Hit Bonus of -0.5 it'd reduce the acc to 30%? Anyways handling enemy Acc might not be neccessary - maybe it'd be complexity just for the sake of complexity? Maybe just 3 stats - power, range & reload would be enough? The player needs meaningful info, and needs to be able to assess the danger without making a spreadsheet. Then again, it'd make researching enemy vessels more rewarding... at least for a new player.

Excerpt from Ufopedia:

Actual interval between UFO attacks is calculated by subtracting 2 per difficulty level, and randomly increasing resulting value by 0 to 100%. For example, the Battleship on Superhuman will fire on average every 21 gs (14 to 28).

(in OXCom, the value is double of that, so Piratez' untweaked Cruiser is less effective than Gunship). That might also explain why dogfights get so hardcore in Piratez on high difficulty levels - BUT this rule is probably not enforced fully, or at all - else the Raider would fire 17-4*4 = 1, once every 1 second, which is obviously not the case...
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 12:41:55 pm by Dioxine »

Offline pilot00

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1343 on: May 22, 2015, 01:53:01 pm »
@pilot: That's weird.. As far as I can tell traders work fine for me (although I haven't seen any in a little while, been fighting other people recently). Maybe later in their tech levels they have something that breaks the game? It's still early in mine..

Well, I dont know...I assume its not that because there are a couple people who finished the game. I will attempt my 10+ delete and reinstall of the game.
In the maintime I was wondering where are the specific files regarding this faction and if I could replace them somehow? It throws no errors at me or anything.

Did my save worked  for you? Its saved before landing on an trader ship with the bony close by. (or if anybody could have a look for that matter).

EDIT: Used a new clean install and still traders crash.

Pilot probably meant the Kraken which is kinda slow but also tougher than the Crab (and lower tech - generally, it all depends on your luck and order of researches - to get the Kraken, you need to get any warship plans, while for the Crab you need Trader Engineer).

Yeah, I didnt actually used the crab, because I dislike the lightning and the fact that it uses only one weapon. The Kraken maybe slow as a snail but the damn thing can take punishment from multiple cruisers. It probably means a month in the repair bay but, at least it does its job. Probelm been for the Ufos to wait for it to catch them.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 02:19:04 pm by pilot00 »

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1344 on: May 22, 2015, 04:53:55 pm »
Pilot probably meant the Kraken which is kinda slow but also tougher than the Crab (and lower tech - generally, it all depends on your luck and order of researches - to get the Kraken, you need to get any warship plans, while for the Crab you need Trader Engineer).
Ah! Well, that's good to know.. I haven't encountered any landed warship so far.. Working on getting a squadron that can crash one now :D

Hmm about the slave types, there is no legend so far as I wanted to keep this as a kind of surprise - for example, you might not even know that such a thing as an $-slave even exists, and whoa! This is something new! On the other hand, info is always good. Maybe I'll add a reference article once you have an access to all possible types of slaves? Or maybe - possiblity to research each slave type, once, for low cost, and get a fluff article with a nice picture and explanation, and a hefty point bonus? Maybe I'll even add some extra tech unlocked by having all the types of slaves researched - better vaults, some human-HWP, maybe the Mining Ship which is so popular? Pirate Queen's Palace? This one I want to do badly but have no idea what it could do - Extended options are still new to me.
Another option regarding human-HWPs would be - you only need a single slave, but some rare loot.
What each slave does is a bit difficult to see at first. I think it stems from the slavery article which claims it increases the storage space. If instead you said that they pack stuff more efficiently and reduce taken up space, that might help.

Knowing what the slaves do would be cool, I second Ivan's support of researching each slave once. The flavour texts are a reward of their own. You've done a great job with them and finding out about the Piratez world is a draw of it's own, kind of like having to fight for every page of a novel. If you want to tie it to advances, improved 1x1 vaults or living quarters could be nice to have, based improvements in organization and housekeeping developed through slavery allowing you to cram more stuff or people into a given space, but at a higher maintenance cost to represent the labour? It would work well as something between the huge facilities that are hard to build, and the relatively inefficient starting barracks and vaults.

Re: Enemy craft weapons.
Tying it to the weapons used by the crews would be neat. Maybe weapons on non-military crafts are not great because they are not intended for craft combat, but as a defense from some animals? Flying monsters released by the aliens, which could be their latest experimentation on reapers/boomosaurus strains. Maybe even possible to encounter them with a funky interception image, generate a crash site with just a recoverable carcass to be studied for more fluff points.

Just throwing crazy ideas out there ;) I think even recovering just various cannon ammo for the more basic crafts would be welcome in the early game. Too bad there isn't a way to equip UFOs and have them engage at their operational ranges. It would remove some of the crazy range advantage too and would allow you to fire earlier, but not without retribution anymore.

@pilot: I'll  take a look at your save over the weekend.

I don't really like the lightning either (and I think it has an even smaller capacity in Piratez, which I won't really use). In vanilla games I have an alternate map and deployment for it that make it more useful.

Having done the test and been able to down some kind of military ship by losing the Bonny to tank makes me confident I could use the crab to take most of the punishment while the Bonny and HK do the job. The 1 weapon doesn't matter much since it has to disengage when too damaged any ways, so its contribution will be small, That'd be a good platform for a high dps, low max damage weapon since it only will be firing for a short period. The repair rate bonus should be handy though!

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1345 on: May 22, 2015, 05:38:46 pm »
That was my reasoning - you can engage with up to 4 craft at once, so the game must present you with enemy ships that absolutely require such a squadron to be taken down.
And to get the warship plans, you don't need to shoot down one to get them - blueprints do not present any additional advantages over craft articles gained from interrogations. They're just faster to research, that's it.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1346 on: May 22, 2015, 05:40:21 pm »
I totally dig flying Overspawn creatures. :)

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1347 on: May 22, 2015, 07:21:09 pm »
@Solarius: The steampunk series I was reading had those and they make a colorful addition. Kind of the "sea monsters" of the pirate times. They could have pretty high damage but super short range, making engaging them in the early with crappy weapons game dangerous. And maybe their spawn latches onto them and you fight them at the crash site? :D

Some progress on the interception side: I just unlocked the Kraken, but I think I am happier with the Crab. The speed actually matters a lot when it comes to catching stuff, and 500hp is either enough, or even 900 wouldn't be. Especially with the crab getting repaired 50% faster so you can get more use out of it.

Just encountered my first terror ship: Crab w/ 30mm cannon + HK w/ 2x Stingrays took it down. Crab tanked like a champ and actually finished it off after the HK swooped in, unloaded all its missiles and disengaged again. The Bonny is on its way to the crash site (failed to reach the dogfight, too slow :().

I discovered the Lancer and added it to the spreadsheet. Nice range but the stingray looks better. Not sure what I'd deploy it on.. Maybe the crab if it can't last long enough but that seems ok for now.

I also changed the cost of nuclear fuel and plastasteel to the selling cost (since you're realistically only going to use looted ones). Makes the stingray look like even more of a good value. And the slave AI + Academy Booty requirements work in preventing me from spamming them. I think they will work well on flimsy, fast, "engage, unload, run" crafts like the HK, which can scramble and reach shipping easily to tip the balance when needed.

Offline pilot00

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1348 on: May 22, 2015, 10:24:09 pm »
Well Stingrays became the staple choice for me for the second mount. The first got a railgun as soon as I discovred them. But now I  am phazing them both out in favour of oblitorators. However building 12 of them reguires 2 months :P

0Some progress on the interception side: I just unlocked the Kraken, but I think I am happier with the Crab. The speed actually matters a lot when it comes to catching stuff, and 500hp is either enough, or even 900 wouldn't be. Especially with the crab getting repaired 50% faster so you can get more use out of it.

Depends on how and against what you want to use it. When a certain faction starts the equilevant of infiltration missions and you must absolutely destroy most of their vessels, the Hull durability does make a huge difference because it has to tank multiple interceptions. In fact that was the only thing that convinced me not to sell it prior to getting the Dragons.

@pilot: I'll  take a look at your save over the weekend.
. Thanks man, appreciate it. I have no idea of coding/debugging to find out what the heck is wrong.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 10:28:50 pm by pilot00 »

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition
« Reply #1349 on: May 23, 2015, 05:41:41 pm »
After kicking back on Piratez after a few months, I was (again) struck by how amazingly fun and complex it is. Dioxine, you rule.

Just a couple thingies on the Bootypaedia: one, in the Eurosyndicate page, at the beginning of the first sentence, could the article "the" preceding "Europe" be a mistake?  Two, at the end of the eighth line of the Dark Dominion page, there are some odd pixels which could have something to do with the sentence in that line feeling disconnected from the ninth line).

Plus, a couple general questions and suggestions probably more aimed at Piratez Extended: one, would it be possible to get different enemy bases, as the ones from the original game feels like a bunch of rooms thrown together, without any cohesion or usefulness or anything, as opposed to your own bases). Maybe making them more "logical" or adding new textures and models? Also, would it be possible to get different bases between factions?

Then, could we get, as a basic, early-game fire weapon, a spray/aerosol can and lighter set? (I've been playing too much Blood recently) With the newer fire mechanics, maybe it would fit in? And what on more "magical" weapons, depending on Voodoo?

As a last thing, would it be possible to get exact armor numbers (and damage resistances) for units not listed? As in, for example, Provost, Guildmaster, Elite Govt and such getting a short string of numbers at the bottom of their entries (or whole new armor entries)? It is annoying to determine which weapons can hurt some units by having to initiate New Battle, finding one, and using a Mind Probe on them!