Can both the weapons (ranged and melee) be "natural" (built in) weapons? For example if I want to make an alien that has claws and spits acid from the mouth?
The extra weapon for the tank.. is it fixed (built-in) like the turret?
Man I'm really falling behind 
In short: Yes, yes and yes.
The aliens can have as many built-in weapons as you want, but have brain capacity only for melee + ranged combo (2x ranged or 2x melee is too complex for them). However, built-in weapon takes the right hand, and the left hand is free to use for an alien, either to have a terror weapon or normal equipment.
The second tank weapon is fixed, yes. Both weapons can have separate ammo and will use it accordingly. Here's how it looks:
tu: 70
stamina: 100
health: 150
bravery: 110
reactions: 20
firing: 60
throwing: 0
strength: 60
psiStrength: 100
psiSkill: 0
melee: 70
standHeight: 16
kneelHeight: 16
value: 20
energyRecovery: 50
deathSound: 23
moveSound: 14
*This machinegun has unlimited ammo. To have a weapon with limited ammo, you need to add its ammo to the list of builtInWeapons as well.
*All other parts of HWP/Cannon remain unchanged. The standard tank weapon doesn't even have to be *used* but it is still needed to manufacture the tank / draw the correct turret / storage, sell, buy
And don't feel bad, Warboy wrote code for this just a couple of days ago

Shame he tied it to Units not Armor, though... else we could have X-Com Soldiers prancing around in 2x2 sized Metal Gear, sporting huge guns