
Author Topic: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)  (Read 24148 times)

Offline Yugian

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Hey, Im Yugian. Im a streamer. 'bout 2 years ago at this point, I was the absolute madlad that decided to Reject The Market. That was hell, but a damn fun challenge. And now that I've finished my most recent XCom-Files Run, I felt it a return to Piratez was fitting. But my viewers have been really hankering for some Catgirls. Class acts, those guys.

But I've come up a make things interesting. What if the Six Ubers Never Made it? What if the bus got impounded? And what if, in their infinite wisdom, the Shadowmasters pivoted to a bunch of outlaws, who tried to steal christmas from California?

What if Every Day, Was Caturday?

Rules Of The Challenge
1. Catgirls Only. (I was pathing this before Cat's 4 Life.) Im also allowing the Black Cat, as this was a fair question to be asked, and I felt it was fitting in the theme (And mostly inconsequential.)
2. Davy Johns Difficulty (Jack Sparrow is a pretty wildly different game and this is for fun. My Respect to JS players, I aint that hard.) To make up for this, we're tacking on Chaos Saint to the run.
3. This run will be streamed in 6-8 hour chunks. Viewers can buy rerolls and save their characters. I have a free Reroll, and one for my personal character running around. Thus, this run is not "Ironman." It should still be fairly lethal though.
4. I will try to write up some garbage fluff and post up a thematic Pin-Up that doesn't get me banned every update. No promises. Sauce will be provided.

I stream MON-WEN-FRI, but I plan to stream this on WEN-FRI. 2 PST/5 EST to 8 PST/11 EST
You can find me here. Feel free to throw in hats into the ring and see how you get splattered!

Thanks for Reading. Best of Luck everyone!

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-72 K-212, Zephyr1124 (B-76, K-207) ,Fleur Vert (B-53, K-123), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-81, K-150), Kiest (B-58, K-99), Xeoposer (B-73, K-211), Isdar (B-58, K-117), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-62, K-209), Tarmph (B-82, K-204), Mittens Leadpaw (B-43, K-62), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-78, K-141), DoctorRex (B-55, K-67), ArdriKrios (B-68, K-202), NinjaZombie0 (B-52, K-121), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-70, K-99), Mjolko (B-54, K-72), Talemgrandmaster (B-71, K-120) Shirajirajin (B-60, K-84), , Slegex (B-59, K-96), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-86, K-195), NictisOfTheMafia (B-62 K-87), Wabbon (B-43, K-103), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-58, K-99),  CGP (B-28, K-37) Krickraken (B-39, K-67) Curechan9 II (B-25, K-30), Rovlemhage (B-20, K-33), CaptainOrion (B-17, K-23), Psyentific1 (B-40, K-71), ZebraFinch (B-23, K-39), DJ Grom (B-20, K-33), Scotty297 (B-33, K-34), Atusid (B-35, K-81), GigaShogg (B-28, K-40), Das_Bystander (B-23, K-37), Kildarienhyton (B-24, K-32), VintageMedic (B-20, K-21), Xika (B-14, K-19)

shoGGofu (B-6. K-6. Spartan Ambush.)
The Little Bird (Act Of Ninja God)
Roush (B-27, K-40, Gave their life to save another sister. Got Robo-coped with Dragonbreath Rounds.),
Lucille (B-11, K-16, Tried to Match the Drifter with the Big Iron on his Hip.)
Curechan9 (B-17, K-12, The Winter Tower was a Trap.)
Jim3798 (B-5 K-8, FAT ZOMBIE WANTS A HUG.)
Das_Bystander (B-2 K-9, Splinter kicked her ass.)
Weed Base Crew x9
Claw Of The North Nyan (B-2 K-27, Half as long, but twice as bright...),
BoboBuffalo (B-8, K-10, Murder Mutts Ahoy!)
GigaShogg (B-29, K-44, Intercontinental Dog Missile Incoming.)
Engineering Crew x32

Some of this stuff is out of order. Turns out writing early game is like. 80 things at once. This will be updated with what should be read in what order.

So it hasnt saved all my Highlights, or informed me of my Highlights not saving. So some of this Recorded run is lost.
I've caught on, but July 2601 is where the Highlights are saved. Before that, the footage is dead. Which is... Early run. OTL
That really sucks. But, C'est La Vie or however thats spelled.

Addendum: No. actually. The entire first year, *Save* July is gone. I dont get... Why. But welp.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 04:12:12 pm by Yugian »

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2024, 12:07:46 am »
Captains Log #1
January 6th 2601 (Convinced to use local notary)

Well, Turns out those Cali-Bastards have hands.

Turns out trying to steal the Holidays from them was a terrible idea. Even if we had months to prepare the perfect heist (Two is enough, right?), they were prepared for us to try a fast one. If she was still alive, Miriam would be having a hell of a laugh right now. Now as it stands, there's eight of us left. Its a little under half of us that survived the raid. Not only that, but they've compounded our ship and SOLD IT (We didn't find it on the lot when we busted out)- the Evidence locker was bereft our equipment and the only reason we're alive is that Hubbies happen to pack away enough High Explosive to level a block.

Or, when it comes to Plastasteel Torture Dungeons- half the building. Still, let it never be said we didn't appreciate a magnificent explosion.

Good news, we're alive. Bad news, we're out of prison. Hell, Fleur managed to hotwire an Airbus on the way out: Bit of a tight fit for eight, but some of the other kits didn't mind sitting on each others laps. Think we spent half the flight arguing who got the damn window seats and who got to squeeze who. Good fuel mileage on this thing too- but we had to land somewhere local, and fast. Luckily- someone looted a Geiger counter and we were getting some noise over the desert. Might of saved all our lives, really.

Now, the kits weren't exactly Happy to head into an irradiated base, but that Usually suggested some manner of facility. Not my first rodeo on Earth- Humans had an odd propensity to build things underground. Either we'll find somewhere to charge the cars battery and catch some Z's (we were all REALLY tired at this point), or we scoot along and not eat the Rads. Either a choice by bullets, or a choice by mild sickness. We can correct the later, the former is Much harder- depending on where you get tagged. Though, The choice was made for us for a minute- We couldn't get the damn vault door open at all. All it had was a slot for some kind of circular key- and that's not the kind of lock you can pick. All hope lost for a second, Zephyr managed to find something under the seat.

Something about looking for snacks or booze they stashed before the ride over. But they found our key. Yes. Really. Turns out after we stripped the car later, we weren't the first ones to use this thing: We were just luckier then they were. But one of their parting gifts before they tried to leave Cali-Republic themselves was The Bloody Key. I don't like coincidences like that. But, we needed in- and some divine intervention was seeing us in the door. So, we cranked the key (Looks like a drill for some odd reason), and the base just spurred to life. Half digging itself out of the ground, it almost looked... military, to me.

But, Home is home. All that's left to do is take inventory and figure out where to go from here- and who's capable of fighting. Soylent tastes like ass, and we're not going to get back to the stars just lazing about here. Thankfully, only the bottom layer of the facility is flooded with 115. If we're careful, we wont even come near the stuff. Considering seeing if i cant outsource some labor to locals who would relish being in that gunk.

Oh. Yes, for you whom may be reading this. It should be fairly obvious, but I was voted Captain. I was the highest ranking officer of the crew before everything fell apart- and given that the previous captain is now Very dead, it seemed only fitting. Now I have to watch myself. The kits are on edge, terrified out of their minds, hurt and we're without any good equipment. Somehow, I have to make that work. For others, that would be incredibly daunting. For me, I merely have to fall back on the ways of trounce- I personally subscribe to the way of the missed strike. But to quote a passage:

'Be not unlike water. A drop in an ocean shall ripple outwards like a Typhoon. Misfortune is merely opportunity to strike'.

Still. 'Captain'. I think I'm coming to enjoy being called that. Despite all, I think this will be quite fun.

-Gwynevere Bennett

Stream is over!

Post Mortem

Hired: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-14 K-23), Zephyr1124 (B-15, K-23), Gentlefood (B-11, K-16), Kiest (B-13, K-30), Xeoposter (B-14, K-16), Roush (B-14, K-20), Isdar (B-13, K-10), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (B-10, K-15), Tarmph (B-16, K-30), NebTheSquid (B-3, K-10), Catvy (B-12, K-19), Fleur Vert (B-14, K-23), Doctor Rex (B-8, K-4), ArdriKrios (B-4, K-15), NinjaZombie0 (B-4, K-12), SquirrelWizard (B-3, K-3) Curechain9 (B-4, K-0), Mjolko (B-5, K-3), Talemgrandmaster (B-5, K-7) Shirajirajin (B-5, K-3), shoGGofu (New Hire!), Slegex (New hire!)

Died: No one!

Deus Ex Machinas: 16 (16 Total)
We had some Ass Spawns. Camo is a Hell of a Drug though. For the most part, it was condensed, rather then constant.

The Good: No One Died! Thats a totally strong start That totally wasnt paid for!

The Bad: Turns out 23 cats are as expensive as the Entire Brainer Crew. Having 1.94M in Maint Costs with only 450k in Income is going to suck. And I still have 6 Brainers to get.

The Funny: My Mod accidently gave people a Tax Refund on Channel Points. Needless to say, people got to spend on DEM's for a lot of little things.
Thats bound to change.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 05:58:19 am by Yugian »

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2024, 02:54:57 pm »
I stumbled across this from the forum thread and had a lot of fun watching along. I've always thought Piratez would be great fodder for a Lets Play so I'm excited to see where you take this all.

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2024, 11:32:13 pm »
Hey, Glad you enjoyed Psyentific! Yeah, im hoping it stays fun- and that we find some wacky stuff along the way. Its not my first rodeo, but realizing a few things (no Dr.X Storyline, No Late-game tanks, our first armor is going to take a hot minute), its definately changing the mindset of how the game is played.

I never realized for example how *Silly* Camo could be at times. 9-7 at night is just. So good.

If folks have questions That don't spoil anything, Happy to answer!

Offline Gremlion

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2024, 11:08:46 am »
I've watched the VOD, and I have an urge to give a tip - you are not using the base to the fullest. You can spam burrows, which will provide a)living space; b)speed increase on new buildings built above burrows. If you would do burrows, you can hire more runts which will help you immensely with the maintenance costs. Iirc, your current amount of runts could do ~600k/month and you can hire 1.5 times more than that. This alone would've covered your expenses.

edit: another moment - you can use hammer to remove seats in your airbus for a safer dance near the door - more space, less visibility from windows.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 01:23:11 pm by Gremlion »

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2024, 06:23:59 pm »
I've watched the VOD, and I have an urge to give a tip - you are not using the base to the fullest. You can spam burrows, which will provide a)living space; b)speed increase on new buildings built above burrows. If you would do burrows, you can hire more runts which will help you immensely with the maintenance costs. Iirc, your current amount of runts could do ~600k/month and you can hire 1.5 times more than that. This alone would've covered your expenses.

edit: another moment - you can use hammer to remove seats in your airbus for a safer dance near the door - more space, less visibility from windows.

Honestly, thank you for that advice. I was planning to pivot around to upping the runt count, just kind of lost the forest for the trees there for a second in trying to get bodies into the run.

I think the rubbles turn into burrows? If i start cleaning those up, we *Should* be able to effectively achieve the same result, whilst cleaning up weak spots in the base.

And much like never realizing molotovs Murder Academy drones, Never figured using the hammer to clean up the bus. I just need to commit that to memory. And habit.

Offline Gremlion

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2024, 09:09:55 pm »
What I meant with the burrow spam, see attachment - the same base within a month or two. When you build a burrow (or the corridor in my case), after it finishes, you can expand from it. And after you start expansion you can build on top of the corridor(or burrow), which 1. doesn't cancel already started project. 2. speeds up construction.
As a result, if you want to have 3 libraries close to each other, you don't need to wait 40 days until first one finishes, then start second, and in 40 more days finally start third library, you can start them almost simultaneously on prebuilt corridors/burrows.

I spam burrows in the main because it needs more living space "right here, right now", and corridors everywhere else.
It would help you when you get a workshop - you will be able to expand without waiting for a month until it finishes and you will have living space to fill it up.
PS: You don't need workshop for the tiny drill, you need space to start the project. You can achieve it by building more extractors, and then filling them with runts = money!
PPS: You can redecorate not only your airbus, but buildings on the map too. For example, a lot of buildings in ratman rodeo are paper thin. breaking wall can save you not only turns, but lives too - enemies face the door often since they try to use it, but they might never face the wall with no windows.

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2024, 09:16:54 pm »
What I meant with the burrow spam, see attachment - the same base within a month or two. When you build a burrow (or the corridor in my case), after it finishes, you can expand from it. And after you start expansion you can build on top of the corridor(or burrow), which 1. doesn't cancel already started project. 2. speeds up construction.
As a result, if you want to have 3 libraries close to each other, you don't need to wait 40 days until first one finishes, then start second, and in 40 more days finally start third library, you can start them almost simultaneously on prebuilt corridors/burrows.
You don't need to build out Burrows (or Security Corridors etc.) to open more accessible tiles for building. Go to Options, click Advanced button, scroll down to Geoscape header, and check the Allow Building Queue setting. It's still very useful to clear out the rubble (ie turn it into burrows) and build more burrows/extractors though. The burrows especially because almost everything can be built on top of a burrow.

And much like never realizing molotovs Murder Academy drones, Never figured using the hammer to clean up the bus. I just need to commit that to memory. And habit.
It works because burn damage (and the fire effect) bypasses armor to damage HP directly, and because robots as an enemy category tend to have lots of armor and very little health. Same reason lasers are great against terminators. Stuff like this is what I love about Piratez; no matter how gud you git, somehow there's always room for more.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 09:18:34 pm by Psyentific »

Offline Fugazza

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2024, 03:38:59 am »
Hey, you had some custom music during the stream.... What Mod was it? Also, it was entertaining! I wasn't on during the entire thing, tho.

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2024, 02:40:53 am »
Hey, you had some custom music during the stream.... What Mod was it? Also, it was entertaining! I wasn't on during the entire thing, tho.

Hey, im a service, not an obligation! Happy to have had you for a time! Also, Got the Hook up for you:

You don't need to build out Burrows (or Security Corridors etc.) to open more accessible tiles for building. Go to Options, click Advanced button, scroll down to Geoscape header, and check the Allow Building Queue setting. It's still very useful to clear out the rubble (ie turn it into burrows) and build more burrows/extractors though. The burrows especially because almost everything can be built on top of a burrow.

Honestly, Yeah. later in the game when I tried to update/get rid of old buildings, it was annoying to figure out what i could actually build over.  :-\
Burrow spam is actually something i wanna try now though.
It would help you when you get a workshop - you will be able to expand without waiting for a month until it finishes and you will have living space to fill it up.
honestly the main advantage here. Build over is great. All of my hate for buildings that take a month + change to build.
PS: You don't need workshop for the tiny drill, you need space to start the project. You can achieve it by building more extractors, and then filling them with runts = money!
I actually do remember this from my first run! I think I did extractor cheese for the space, because I was a brainlet at the time. Good times, but also not a bad idea. Im debating when I want to get Red, given its not Direly Important for Cats... But I Also know nowadays that
Its no longer just turn the key and activate. Its got an event sequence now.
Might Prioritize trying to slice up corpses and sell food for once. Never tried to be a Kitchen before.

PPS: You can redecorate not only your airbus, but buildings on the map too. For example, a lot of buildings in ratman rodeo are paper thin. breaking wall can save you not only turns, but lives too - enemies face the door often since they try to use it, but they might never face the wall with no windows.
Oh yeah. Taken full advantage of this before. I think I used slashing weapons or just Auto Guns into the side of walls? I remember a 'Blade Damage' can destroy walls, just that Hammers do it better. When TU's are at a Premium... But Hammers do tend to do it in one, yeah.

I've only ever really used a hammer for mining purposes and
Killing 25mm on bandit ships with Ubers. That sucked. If I remember right, they overwatch. Hurtie.

Offline Gremlion

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2024, 09:58:07 am »
Personally, I love the mace over the hammer. It can destroy terrain, it can damage armor, and isn't affected by cqc like hammer does. It was a part of my default loadout.

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2024, 12:26:31 pm »
Interlude #1
January 21st, 2601

"This document is silly, and you know it."

"What makes it so silly Comeownder?"

"First- Call me that again and I'll have your tail. Second, your asking me to sign a Proclaimation that declares that we're Corsairs."

"Its *Just* a Letter of Meowrk! It Leginyamizes the business Come-Capnyan!"

I groan sharply, Catvy gets away with exact wording this time. I lean over to read the paperwork that we've been sent - given that our communication dish is of limited functionality they had to send parchment. Luckily, I happen to know Terran Domestic, so I can read this.

"Greetings, Captain-

You have somehow stumbled upon and activated an ancient military structure of significant importance. Normally I would write this off to fortuitous circumstance, but this seems too well planned for you to have merely done so by accident."

"Hah. We won't correct him on that one." "Correct him on what?" "Nothing."

"In recognition of this and the build-up of military assets, We would know of your intentions. If they align with our own, we might even be willing to offer a deal. However do bear in mind that failure to reply to this documentation will be seen as a declaration of war upon the provincial governments, and we will of course report your locations to the Factions."


"Alternatively, despite your being Nekomimi agents, we could have use for your unique skills and abilities. If you are for hire we would sign a contract with you - renewable monthly - tasking you with disrupting Faction assets however you see fit. Kill them, maim them, rob them, it is all the same to us in the end. The more damage you do in a month, the bigger bonus we'll pay you. Should this deal interest you, send a reply and we will arrange a meeting... Think about it, Captain. There's enough scum, villains, and tragedy on this planet already. The factions don't care for these people: but you could be heroes. And you could get paid handsomely for it.

For your consideration
- The Chairman

"Don't you see how COOL this could be?!" Catvy gushes once more, her energy infectious enough to be a miniature sun as both her hands and tail flail excitedly. Unfortunately, my tone shatters the illusion as I slam my hand onto the table, and for a moment I am quite thankful for my privacy - my 'cynical' viewpoint would surely be unpopular with the crew. "Did you only read the last paragraph?! Is your head as full of fluff as your ears?! We'll be playing politics with the governments! We'll be entangled in local affairs! We're trying to get off the planet, not build an empire!"

"But how are we going to get any Meowwwny to do sooo?" Catvy whines by way of reply however, and I am forced to relent, because goddamnit she had a point. Grumbling quietly, I look over a Data-Pad and access my terminal to check the financials... It's looking like the Hacan just pulled out of the market.

Looking between the terminal and the kit, my gaze narrows. I know I'm bested, and despite myself even I'm sold on the romance of it all, but in this moment I must maintain my authority, so I wave her away and pull out my quill pen. This proves to be the second mistake I make this evening though, as once dismissed, she bursts out of my office with a resounding echo of delight and holds her hands up as she starts screaming that we're going to be pirates. All too soon after I hear a reverberating chant in return from the crew: "Pirates! Pirates!"

Sighing sharply. I prepare my first address for the evening.

"To the Good Chairman, I have received your message..."

Declaration Felonious Corsair
By the Decree of the Captain, We stand united under the banner of the Starlit Skull!
Though our dream may be to the return to the stars, We must first fight through the worst this planet has to offer us! They have stolen our ship, taken our dignity and left us with nothing but scrap and metal! But this is not where the crew of the Starlight dies! It is where we embrace our destiny, and form a new warrior house! This planet is ripe with opportunity; To Plunder, to steal from and to kill the sworn enemies of our people: The Ethereals, and their thralls! They see us as nothing but Corsairs- Mercenary Felines and Scoundrels; Let us embrace their fear! Let us declare ourselves Pirates, and scour them! We shall laugh at their unjust property laws, have adventures in style, and gather wealth to rival even the Emirates! But we shall fight as a true warrior house: With Honor, without fear of death and for our freedom! Upstarts we may be- but in time, even the great warrior houses shall acknowledge us!

By exercising Violence, shall we earn our right to exist! By the tenacity of our efforts, shall we embrace our survival! By guile and wit, shall we trounce our foes with vicious Cunning! And by embracing what is new, Weird and strange: Shall we discover the weakness of the damnable Ethereals!

Come with me my Claw-Sisters! We number only eight, but our numbers shall swell! We are not the only Nekomimi upon this world- Looking for opportunity! By proving ourselves, we shall-

...Why the hell did something explode outside?

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2024, 06:52:49 pm »
begun, the cat-puns have...

Offline Kamivax

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2024, 08:55:14 pm »
Let's see what today's stream will bring to our garbage lore/fluff/headcannon

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2024, 10:27:45 pm »
begun, the cat-puns have...

They began months before I got Caturday started. I am only giving them power now. Woe be upon my soul, for I have fallen low.  :-\

Let's see what today's stream will bring to our garbage lore/fluff/headcannon

Death. Pain. And Debt. Mostly Debt.

Personally, I love the mace over the hammer. It can destroy terrain, it can damage armor, and isn't affected by cqc like hammer does. It was a part of my default loadout.

Absolute lad here. Maces are awesome.