
Author Topic: Most fun difficulty?  (Read 176 times)

Offline Mkok

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Most fun difficulty?
« on: July 26, 2024, 04:06:43 pm »
I was wondering which difficulty is the most fun one? Either in the concept of what you enjoy more, or in the concept of how many features the difficulty has that are disabled on other difficulty leves.

One of the new player guides for xpiratez said that there is basically either JS or "the else" and they said the mod was designed with JS difficulty in mind. But some other post claimed xpiratez was designed with the 3rd difficulty in mind. I also found claims that lower difficulties have some features of the mod disabled.

So far I started a run on 2nd difficulty, made it to cca 2 in-game years, then I started a new run on JS, 6 months in and I already encountered quite a lot of new content I never encountered on the previous run.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2024, 04:22:59 pm by Mkok »

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Most fun difficulty?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2024, 08:17:29 pm »
Jack Sparrow has some unique content, as well as early/midgame difficulty spikes (see: missile strikes). Jack Sparrow is the almost-impossible meme difficulty, not the intended experience. It's aimed at experienced players using some powergamer stratz; for example if you don't get base defenses online within a few months the aforementioned missile strikes will quickly put your run into a deathspiral.

I usually play on Blackbeard, I find it's pretty fairly balanced. The easiest difficulty, Capn' Kidd, has the Wasteland Sorceress event disabled which locks you out of voodoo content. John Silver, between them, is good for noobs and I use it for messing around and casual runs. If you're looking for a challenge without the meme difficulty then Davy Jones is good.

The difficulty levels increase the number of enemies spawned in missions, as well as the percentage of enemies which start facing your landing zone. It also decreases the cash you get from selling items, so the profitability of loot is decreased and the viability of various manufacturing-for-profit changes.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2024, 08:19:45 pm by Psyentific »

Offline Delian

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Re: Most fun difficulty?
« Reply #2 on: Today at 12:49:18 am »
Jack Sparrow is the almost-impossible meme difficulty
Jack Sparrow is so easy that I had to add armorMultipliers: [0.75, 1.0, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5] to Piratez_Globals.rul, just so that enemies don't die too fast. Also, that forces me to actually use chem weapons vs high armored enemies.

if you don't get base defenses online within a few months the aforementioned missile strikes will quickly put your run into a deathspiral
You'd have to play extremely badly to not have defenses up in time. Basically, this is something that will catch a first-time JS player once and that's it. And even if the missiles hit you, it's just a bit of money wasted to repair whatever got hit.

I'd say that JS is for experienced players, while Davy Jones is ok for everyone else. Difficulty doesn't have much effect on the game because once you survive a year or two, you'll be rolling in cash no matter what and it becomes impossible to die.