Author Topic: rss sprites, the legend continues  (Read 14747 times)

Offline RSSwizard

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rss sprites, the legend continues
« on: January 10, 2024, 09:57:54 pm »
Here are some new things.

Dynamite Package - dynamite that does 130 damage, weight 15, size 2x2
made from 4 packs of dynamite, can be disassembled back into dynamite (mostly a good use for spare dynamite and alternative to satchel charges before you get them, so you can really blow that lokknar barn up)

Repeating Musket - a musket with six barrels which is roughly equivalent to a flintlock pistol but fast to reload (tu 12). Like a clockwork gun but it can shoot one at a time or do a double tap for almost twice the time.

Bullet sparks replacement, suitable to be shortened to 4 frames or less, inspired by tiny bullet puffs such as the ones in Blood and Quake 2.

Shotgun bullet impact for my mod that removes shotgun pellets from most shotguns (consolidated damage, high health damage alter, loses power over distance to simulate spread, mostly i did this so shotguns only do as much shield damage as high powered rifles and wont blow through multiple walls).

Ol Carbine that looks more like a brass-clad version, and with a longer barrel.

Snubby from before that looks more blued/black.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2024, 10:11:00 pm by RSSwizard »

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2024, 10:01:18 pm »
Bonaventura (Green Codex) with more shading and improved shadow.
edit 1/12/24 - superior version uploaded

And Thunderhorse which looks more like the color of its bootypedia entry.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2024, 05:04:01 am by RSSwizard »

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2024, 10:07:33 pm »
Part of the shotgun mod gives the Heavy Shotgun only 6 shells and increases its strength a little, and gives 7 shells to standard shotguns. These are their respective sprites.

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2024, 05:09:59 am »
Bonaventura sprite updated (more shine)

Blaster sorta thing that was made out of underwater weapons, on its way to being turned into a bulky looking charger laspistol (that one that does 22 damage).

Fixed the Force Blade.

Zapper with a woodgrain housing, or at least more subdued colors.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2024, 02:18:36 pm »
Very nice.
But the last 3 colours seem off - looks like a minor palette issue. (I haven't tested if it's visible in the actual game.)

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2024, 05:20:44 am »
As standard I use a modified palette these days and this is the one I arrived at, with modified cold and hot ones too. But that shouldn't affect the sprite quality much. The force blade purple is unmodified.
This is a screenshot of what it tends to do to the appearance.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2024, 06:55:20 am by RSSwizard »

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2024, 01:46:14 am »
Two quality of life items.
These should be completely compatible.
Metal armor (located in resources\armors\gals\metal) which doesn't have a gaping hole in the belly to be shot through, always has irked me.

Also im a heavy alcoholic when it comes to Solmine Sake, and as colors for the game changed over the years the sprite for it was not updated or tweaked to compensate. For a long time its had what looks like purple worms floating in it. This one fixes that, mostly to the brightness and colors it used to have.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2024, 01:48:13 am by RSSwizard »

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2024, 11:34:54 am »
An update on the beefy gauss strength nuclear lasers from the blasters mod. Even more stronk body vaporizing lasers like youd expect from an instagib match.

The premise was blasters (low grade plasma guns that don't use mass-effect to accelerate particles) were the entry level energy weapon, plasma guns were the high temperature energy weapons that were the refinement on them, and weaponized lasers were an inefficient tech that wasn't too effective without a dedicated platform to operate them - you see them as built in weapons on drones and spacecraft but only elite equivalents like the eurosyndicate or the secret x-com weapons could manage anything worthwhile out of lasers as personal arms. But using hellerium vaporization for the power source and forcefields to harness and focus the photons rather than optics it could generate one hell of a beam, and then you get these like body blasting 70s and 80s quality sci-fi lasers. Replaces gauss weapons, each does armor piercing damage type and only causes two thirds hp loss (damage values of 96, 125, 204, no full auto). The airborne gauss cannon is a laser cannon that uses ammo, the airbourne lascannon is a high velocity turbo blaster, their stats are basically flipped but the laser ammo cells only provide x10 per item.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2024, 11:52:32 am by RSSwizard »

Offline ontherun

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2024, 11:44:00 am »
Two quality of life items.
These should be completely compatible.
Metal armor (located in resources\armors\gals\metal) which doesn't have a gaping hole in the belly to be shot through, always has irked me.

Hey great job! :) But actually it makes sense since that outfit grants some agility and energy recovery so i think it's a nice compromise.

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2024, 07:37:56 am »
Thanks man, I want to do the same with the durathread armor, but, well, it doesn't actually provide much armor, so maybe missing spots makes sense. Here's an alternate belly plate for the metal armor im using now that I think is better. Gals wear a belt (overlay) over it automatically too.

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2024, 02:05:57 pm »
You're welcome! Hey, in the spirit of the reskin thread may i ask for a blackmarch smg new sorite more like an h&kmp5a5, but with no folding stock?


and since ol' revolver and six shooter are pratically nearly identical each other might i also asko for a new sprite for the former, something more like an old navy 1852 revolver?

(if some more detail is possible, of course)

edit: or a colt paterson or a dragoon one
« Last Edit: February 06, 2024, 06:22:46 pm by ontherun »

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2024, 04:30:29 am »
Personally I think the Six Shooter item/gun should actually be Removed from the game entirely. Maybe the Ol Revolver stats just get averaged between the two. I don't really like there being a police revolver either, but I guess its like a snub nose version. There should be some kind of Revolver Carbine instead because for a short time the Zip Gun used revolver ammunition (several different kinds) and now it just uses Ol Rifle stripper clips. There should be something that shoots Revolver ammo at a higher accuracy in exchange for being a two hander.

(...I think there should also be some kind of machinegun that fires 5 shot bursts with OlRifle stripper clips, similar to the Japanese machinegun from ww2.)

Indeed I would like an improved MP5 smg sprite for the blackmarch because ive increased its rate of fire as well as the ES smg and made the gun thus more relevant and useful. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I made the mp5 shoot x2 snap and x4 auto, and the ES shoots x2, x4, x10 but does pdw damage with 30%ap (actually a fantastic weapon for captures on raiders). Im like... these are smgs and other smgs are firing like 5, 6, 8 shot bursts, while these dont even have a quickburst. So i fixed that, and now they're more useful and not just auto-sell items.

Im posting another paperdoll armor for Juggernaut this time, its imperfect but its supposed to be a shinier version to go along with the modified walking sprite that has a better shine to it. Also got rid of that horn on the foot since the armor already has gauntlets, the horn would represent a super gauntlet and it just don't have one. I have alot more work to do with it.

I removed all the "green" pixels from it.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2024, 04:39:35 am by RSSwizard »

Offline Psyentific

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2024, 03:01:43 pm »
Personally I think the Six Shooter item/gun should actually be Removed from the game entirely. Maybe the Ol Revolver stats just get averaged between the two. I don't really like there being a police revolver either, but I guess its like a snub nose version. There should be some kind of Revolver Carbine instead because for a short time the Zip Gun used revolver ammunition (several different kinds) and now it just uses Ol Rifle stripper clips. There should be something that shoots Revolver ammo at a higher accuracy in exchange for being a two hander.

...I think there should also be some kind of machinegun that fires 5 shot bursts with OlRifle stripper clips, similar to the Japanese machinegun from ww2.
Ol' Machinegun:
Ammo is Ol' Rifle Clips, shooting is slightly worse than Assault Machinegun, can only shoot in 5-round bursts (Auto and Snap) so it has to reload after each shot. Maybe something like Auto 5 with 40% accuracy and Snap 5 with 30% accuracy, costing 40% and 30% of TUs respectively with a fairly fast reload because your Gal is just jamming a clipazine in the top. Ideally one wants to capture the feeling of reloading your Super Sawed-Off after every doubletap, but with an MG.

A lot of the revolvers and handguns can be cleared out imo. I agree that the Ol' Revolver and Six Shooter should be merged; i never use them because the autopistols are strictly better.

Offline ontherun

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2024, 01:24:21 am »
Personally I think the Six Shooter item/gun should actually be Removed from the game entirely. Maybe the Ol Revolver stats just get averaged between the two. I don't really like there being a police revolver either, but I guess its like a snub nose version. There should be some kind of Revolver Carbine instead because for a short time the Zip Gun used revolver ammunition (several different kinds) and now it just uses Ol Rifle stripper clips. There should be something that shoots Revolver ammo at a higher accuracy in exchange for being a two hander.

(...I think there should also be some kind of machinegun that fires 5 shot bursts with OlRifle stripper clips, similar to the Japanese machinegun from ww2.)

A lot of the revolvers and handguns can be cleared out imo. I agree that the Ol' Revolver and Six Shooter should be merged; i never use them because the autopistols are strictly better.

Well i actually would keep what have been done, more over with some more work the ol revolver i think might be turned into a more distinct sprite.

As for the revolving rifle, the Colt's one (here) might be a fine example for drawing, while for the ol' machinegun with the above mentioned features there are the bren machine gun or the japanese type 92, these are quite similar

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Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2024, 12:57:30 am »
You're welcome! Hey, in the spirit of the reskin thread may i ask for a blackmarch smg new sorite more like an h&kmp5a5, but with no folding stock?

Be careful what you wish for. Although there's still something off about it. This one has a collapsible stock, pattered after an SD model. Blackmarch smg always had the barrel in the wrong place too.

Also here are darkened glossy (AWESOME) reskins of the Advanced Rifle and the Magneto Plasma Gun. Bringing it up to the Messer in quality. This thing looks like a lean mean humanist-made mutant butchering machine.