Rereading what you wrote seems like you mean some sort of replay-mode. That would also help if it existed, I suppose but it would lack the explanatory elements of a narrated video.
Yeah, I believe so. The thing I kept in mind was definitely reply mode, and your comment towards narrative of actions is quite a thing we are always forgetting: no one can read the minds of other, we can only suggest what is real matter behind the words and actions.
I am thinking of making another playthrough when newest version of XCF or XPZ comes out, with time-to-time videomaking. It will mostly describe in-game logics and will be AI-centered.
Thank you for the newest releases!
Whow. Actually, things are getting more and more convenient and real.
Next step proposal for OpenXCOM community will be something like:
Thoughts regarding the balance preservation:I still think that very best solution for
super-immersive BAI gameplay is making manual adjustments for each unit.
- what do you think of some sort of interface (see below) that helps to operate with intelligence balancing?
It parses everything into one table, and able to modify .rul file regarding all intelligence, aggressiveness and other viable stuff. It doesn't need to be updated if new unit is added by modder, because it finds it automatically with each activation. When operator changes values and clicks apply button, interface modifies rule file.
- for balance issues, if most of the fraction becomes too weak according to unconscious behavior (or strong due to smartfullness), overall spawn amount can be set +1 or -1 on difficulty basis. For example, zombies, megascorpions and other wasteland creatures spawn at +1 or max cap difficulty amount.
- I still think that dogs/zombies etc. shouldn't be smart covering even on highest difficulties.
Difficulty multiplier already affects amounts of spawned creatures, but not only. Modders also include special negative geoscape events. Dioxine, for example, makes special painful experience events for Jack Sparrow users (like, base bombardments, fund&score loses, etc).
- zombies: stay always vanilla (intel 0 to 1)
- every other creature: for all diff, stable chance of aggression lvl 3/4 each turn can be applied to ensure they not roaming around and actually chase the target.