
Author Topic: Some newbie Qs  (Read 3117 times)

Offline BDoubleDs

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Some newbie Qs
« on: September 16, 2022, 07:52:51 am »
So im a few hours in around Jun 1997 and im finding my progress getting a little stuck.   I haven't been able to progress any on the cult stuff.  None of the tier 2 enemies for research are showing up that i can see (Red Dawn Lad etc.)

Ive watched some videos on youtube and im seeing people waaaay farther progressed than I am by this point.  With labs and such.  I don't feel im even close.

I'm also noticing I'm getting 4-5 missions every few days.   Am I really expected to do ALL of these missions?  after my 10 hours of play so far its getting really really tedius to still be fighting cult missions with just 2 guys (although now theres sometimes 4-5). 

Am I missing something here?  Did I miss some major tech thats suppose to progress me out of this?  I have the fast 2 man car, the researched 'Shotgun' with its 3 ammo types.  Pretty solid squad of agents and kevlar.  2 vans,, and the Xenobiologist, my first of the 4 required researchers.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2022, 07:54:22 am by BDoubleDs »

Offline Juku121

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Re: Some newbie Qs
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2022, 11:04:22 am »
Have you researched cult networks? The Lads and other fellas need to be tracked down first.

4-5 missions every few days sounds like hyperbole. I checked a July save of mine (6 months) and mission IDs totaled under a hundred, so very roughly 15 per month. Unless your 'few days' are about 10 or so, or you count lingering missions, or the RNG gods hate you with a burning passion, I don't see how it's possible.

You aren't expected to do everything, but you largely are expected to do all you can handle. Or you'll start falling behind and can even get a score death. Running from impossible missions (spawning in the middle of an enemy pack, mostly) and those way beyond your current capabilities (a bunch of Chupacabras staring you in the face, Zombie apocalypse vs 2 agents, etc) is fine.

The 2-4-5 guys missions go away once you interrogate them and progress to safehouses and outposts. I think what you're missing here is that this mod is really big on capturing enemies. Not the first person to do so, either.

Fast car doesn't really cut it any more (except for the deep cover missions like the League, industrial, lab, etc missions). Get yourself at least a helicopter ASAP.

Shotgun is relatively okay on a high-accuracy soldier. You really want something with more long-range oomph, though. Kevlar is kinda like the original Personal Armour, of marginal use and mainly to stop your agents from getting one-shot. Vests with shields and full-body armour suits is where it's at, at least against Earth-based enemies.

The Xenobiologist is perhaps the most useless of the four people you need for the next promotion. :(

Offline BDoubleDs

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Re: Some newbie Qs
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2022, 05:30:26 pm »
I don't have the cult networks yet because I can't seem to find any of the Lads and other guys.  Are they different graphically?  So far I haven't noticed anyone look any visually different in the missions.  I started just capturing literally everyone once i realized i wasn't finding the Lads assuming they visually look exactly the same like Vanilla Xcom, but this hasn't produced any results in the 2-3 missions ive done this for.

And 4-5 missions every few days is pretty spot on.  It looks like theres a mission cap at 3 missions at a time(at least so far).  I've tested this spamming the 1 day timer.  3 missions will pop instantly about once per day then stop.  those will stay until they start to despawn, once they do, theres ~1 day gap, then each day another mission spawns until i have 3 again.  rinse repeat.

it looks like regardless if i complete the missions instead of simply letting them expire the gap before the next mission starts is still the same.

for example.  a mission starts and i instantly complete it, the replacement doesnt show up for 2 days.  however if i let it expire over those 2 days as soon as it expires the next one appears.  (the numbers are just example). 

This totally may not be how it works, but its how in my very limited testing, it appears to be working.  All of this is beside the point though, lol.  it looks like the expectation is that all missions be completed with the few exceptions of bad spawns or just simply failed.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2022, 05:32:16 pm by BDoubleDs »

Offline Juku121

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Re: Some newbie Qs
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2022, 06:32:51 pm »
Okay, I misremembered. You don't need networks (although networks are indeed what kills off the apprehensions and such), just the basic cult info which you get from any random cultist. This gives you safehouses, which provide you with the next level of cultists, Lads and Disciples and ninjas and everything.

This totally may not be how it works...
This totally is not how it works. Missions are generated monthly, and added to the queue with fixed spawn times. That's why 'the next mission starts is still the same', and also why your 'spamming the 1 day timer' means you're just repeating the same sequence of events over and over, and drawing conclusions from it as if it was random sampling.

All this stuff about mission caps and whatever is just your pattern-seeking brain doing overtime. :)

And 4-5 missions every few days... If 'few' is even 5, that'd mean at least a mission per day on average. I have never seen this, at least not without the alien invasion going full swing and manors spawning missions on top). I just tested a new game and got 20 missions from both December and January. This is not happening. Not in the first six months. You may be under the impression that it is, but if you stop and actually count the missions, it's not.

As to mission completion rate, it's been a long-standing feature of the mod that you get spammed with somewhat repetitive missions, especially during the early game. And not doing them puts you behind the curve, sometimes fatally so. If you're experienced enough, I suppose you can pick your battles to a greater degree, but you still can't ignore most missions without already being relatively dominant.

Are they different graphically?
Of course. A Lad looks like this:
« Last Edit: September 16, 2022, 06:36:14 pm by Juku121 »

Offline CaptainVietnam

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Re: Some newbie Qs
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2022, 10:10:58 am »
I can make a post with pictures latter for now. a bit fuzy on details but here we go.

Capture one of each member to unlock (Very early missions) (easy no need for explanation)

black lotus - guy wearing all white
exalt -guy wearing ski mask
red dawn -tshirt bald head
church of dagon -dress shirt blue pants

once you research them and the cults you unlock intelligent center build it.

Then you capture

Exalt - Guy with shades and body armor
Red dawn - Guy with little green beret white shirt
Black lotus - Guy with armor and straw hat
church of dagon - Guy dressed in all green robe hood combo pointy hood head

After unlocking networks you capture

Red dawn - Guy with striped shirt
Exalt - Guy wearing black suit and hat
black lotus - girl in red business woman dress
church of dagon - Guy wearing a blu colored robe (there is 2 of them look almost alike but they are different)

After that you get the hq

Exalt- Old dude with suit and pimp cane
red dawn- dude in trench coat and glasses
Black lotus- Floating avatar lady naked (shoot her with small arms then hit her with grenade launcher baton rounds to ko her. it can kill her carefull)
church of dagon- Cauthlu face looking green alien robe dude lmao.

Offline Jimboman

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Re: Some newbie Qs
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2022, 04:06:14 pm »
What difficulty are you playing on?  Coming to the mod for the first time it's best to play on easiest until you learn all the ins and outs.  You get less missions, and those that you do get are (sometimes!) easy.  Of course you can still get 20 zombies with just two agents to deal with them!

Offline SBBurzmali

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Re: Some newbie Qs
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2022, 09:35:51 pm »
I'll say that 4-6 hours between missions showing up on the map was about what I saw early in my current run. It tended to happen for about a week or so a month during a few months straight and then petered off. I figure I had just researched in a weird order unlocking a ton of mission types without doing the research to close others. Roughly, I had "Strange Creature", "Cattle Mutilation", "Crop Circles", "Cult Activity", "Cult Outpost" and "Holiday something or other" (the one with snow and Order of Dagon) all pop in the same day with more Outposts, Activities and Creatures popping as fast as I could close them. But I don't think that blitz ever lasted more than one week a month though.