You may know the PEASANTS, those hirable all female village people. At the moment this submod improves basic graphics of the soldier type in question. Hope you like a polished look!
📁Google Drive:
X-Peasantz is no longer downloadable! Thanks to Dioxine for incorporating it into the main mod.👍
https://xpiratez-stuffiez.blogspot.com/search/label/XPeasantz [NSFW]I won’t attach any images here, because of tits, tits and tits tits tits.
Version: LEAKED_NUDES.4 (Aug 14, 2022)
- [New] MAID /PEA redesigned spritesheet’s limbs + a modified floor corpse
- [New] MUD custom spritesheet w/ spriteFaceColor (corpses missing = reuses nudes)
- [New] CAMO /PEA upper body copy-pasted to same as Mud’s + modified corpses
- [New] GLADIATRIX remodeled spritesheet + a modified floor corpse
- Updated NUDE /PEA armor with Dioxine’s fixed paperdolls set
- All sprites use now dgoodpal_normal.pal palette (+ lightened details)
Version: LEAKED_NUDES.3 (May 8, 2022)
- [New] HUNTER heavily modified spritesheet and corpses
- [New] SWIMSUIT (+SEA) spritesheet (modified limbs with fixes)
- Fixed previously released spritesheets (maybe even too much
) - Nudes’ floor corpse modified to differ from the mutants’ corpses
- SEA and DREAMWALKER uses the new nude spritesheet from now on
- Minor adjustment to some NUDE paperdolls (mostly contrast)
Version: LEAKED_NUDES.2 (April 30, 2022)
- [New] NUDE /PEA custom-made spritesheet/animation added
- [New] SHEPHERD spritesheet’s arms (copy-pasted/fixed to thinner ones)
- Heads have now more dem XPZ-original pixels and shape
- NUDE /PEA has new color schemes and couple edited models from the originals
- Details removed, but most custom-made items are still there
- Body models corrected to match originals
Version: LEAKED_NUDES.1 (Apri 28, 2022)
- Heads and hairs
- NUDE /PEA armor
- Personal items
- Custom-made personal items
- NUDE /PEA and SHEPHERD armor layers script
Thanks for viewing. Bye, have a great time!