Author Topic: Feels like enemies are more difficult. MYSTERY SOLVED - Warboy is a meanie  (Read 32087 times)

Offline Arthanor

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No, I use smoke most of the time, which mitigates against this change. I chose my tone carefully, to match the irritatingly self-satisfied original.

It's a bs change because one of the stated goals of this project is to be similar to the original out of the box. This isn't similar; it's just a stupid trap for the unwary. If it were a switch you had to throw, it wouldn't bother me.

Devs who want to be treated respectfully need to treat others respectfully.
My comment about losing soldiers was a joke, aimed at how angry your tone seemed to be. If you tell me you did that knowingly, that's not better... I am certain that Warboy doesn't care one way or another about our soldiers, so it seems likely that his comment was also a joke, aimed at how some people like to make him responsible for all their woes.

As far as I am concerned, after coding the alien AI Warboy can certainly be satisfied of himself. That's a huge amount of work and it works really well. You don't like part of it? That's ok. Play on a lower difficulty level if you don't want to get shot up. You can even make yourself a mod that boosts alien stats and deployments back to whichever difficulty level you want if the low difficulty needed to not get shot up is not otherwise difficult enough. The AI is stated to be different from the original, so it's not a trap, it is to be expected.

And don't tell me playing on a lower difficulty and modding things back is too much work. That's nowhere near the amount of work many of us have put into mods and certainly nowhere near the amount of work the devs have put it. You can also just use a tank to take the shots. Or use one of the attack dog or drone mods to lose easily replaceable units instead of valuable soldiers. Or put 2 rookies first, since OpenXCom allows you to reorder them.

There's no reason to disrespect the devs, and that small thing is especially far from being one. Appreciate all that OpenXCom gives you to work with, or if you don't think that's enough, then the original is there for you.

Offline Warboy1982

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it's also a two-year old thread. things have changed in the last 24 months, believe it or not.

in fact, if you'd read beyond the first page, you'd already know that.,1193.msg12046.html#msg12046
« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 06:46:39 am by Warboy1982 »

Offline adam

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OK, my bad, I apologize.

Arthanor: Sure, it's an impressive achievement. But "jokes" on message boards are often misread; being flip carries that risk. It annoys me to see others' complaints treated that way. Don't like it? Whatever.

Offline Warboy1982

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I reserve the right to have a sense of humour, and risk or no, I shall continue to be jovial, whether it annoys you or not.
I mean, for goodness' sake, look at the thread title, he's calling me a "meanie", how am I supposed to respond to that WITHOUT being glib?
lighten up dude. life's too short.

locking the thread, because this has gotten WAY off topic, and there's nothing of value being added to this ancient discussion.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 07:38:33 am by Warboy1982 »