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XPiratez / Tribute song
« Last post by ZoA on November 18, 2024, 02:30:59 pm »
Inspired by this awesome mod and  Solarius Scorch's song Hellerium Trails I decided to make a tribute to what I consider the best tactical RPG in the word.

Given that I'm talentless hack with no skills I made it using AI. Despite that it ended up surprisingly not terrible so ... enjoy.
OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: Converting OXCE to rapidyaml
« Last post by Delian on November 18, 2024, 01:20:24 pm »
The BOM gets included in the key of the first element.

So if my options.cfg has a BOM, after parsing, the key of first element is not going to be:
So loading options will quietly fail because it will look for a "mods" key, but won't find it.

It's great that the author started working on those issues. But until he releases version 0.7.3 of rapidyaml, there's not much to do. And even after it's release, that will only fix one of the incompatibilities. A major one for sure, but there's no need to hold your breath hehe.
OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: Converting OXCE to rapidyaml
« Last post by Meridian on November 18, 2024, 10:13:28 am »
There was a problem with parsing UTF-8 files with BOM. I had to make a workaround that skips the BOM if it encounters it. I guess it's a bug in rapidyaml. Issue reported! Anyway, X-Com Files seems to work fine now.

What was the issue exactly?
I tried removing your fix and load a file with BOM, but I didn't encounter any error.

PS: looks like ryml author started working on your reported issues
XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« Last post by shinr on November 18, 2024, 08:33:29 am »
A proposal for Increased Base Size, unfortunately, was rejected a long time ago.

Dio would implement hangar types/sizes only if it is a standard OXCE feature, the process of which hit the snag as no one can agree on how it should work under the hood, and Meridian is understandably averse to making comprehensive changes to existing systems without guarantees that it would not bite everyone in the ass down the road.

If that ever happens, then some existing buildings that could potentially hold vehicles: The lift and stores could hold Hunt Parties, Expeditions and Bikes and such.


On a different tangent:

Did anyone ever made a suggestion to be able to swap Crafts between occupied hangars instead needing a third empty hangar?

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.62)
« Last post by psavola on November 18, 2024, 07:56:06 am »
I have always obtained examination room first from a very large USO. It's a RNG thing when these will spawn at a reasonable location. Sometimes you get one already in June timeframe, sometimes you can go almost the whole year without one.

They might be available somewhere else as well, not sure. In particular I'd check Naga temple, Naga City, Alien Barge and Alien Lab. The latter two are likely very difficult at this point of the game due to all the MC, but there might be special tactics one could employ (e.g. 3 SWS).
Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.62)
« Last post by SineSwiper on November 18, 2024, 05:18:10 am »
All acid weapons causing damage to armor (before this armor is counted).
As for lobstermen, they have 90% resistance to acid, so yes, spawners and toxiguns almost completely useless against them.

Ha! One of the most armored thing in the game is resistant to the anti-armor tech.  Boo.

I did manage to clear it up, after something like eight hours of save puzzling, mostly with the Squeezers and Thermal Tazers.

Alas, no Examination Room.  I'm beginning to think something is bugged here.  Base (non-open) XCOM:TFTP didn't even have the exam room as a proper object, since it was subject to its own bug.  But, here, the Exam Room is the only path towards Advanced Bionics, according to the research tree.  And it's just plain missing everywhere.  None in alien dungeons, artifact levels, not even a carefully full-cleared alien base.

I mean, surely, mostly anything you need to get past mid-game bottlenecks would be in an alien base, right?

Where is this supposed to actually appear?  Am I running into this bug?  I can hack it in the my save file (STR_EXAMINATION_ROOM) and research it, but I can't find it in-game.
Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.62)
« Last post by Nord on November 18, 2024, 03:50:56 am »
All acid weapons causing damage to armor (before this armor is counted).
As for lobstermen, they have 90% resistance to acid, so yes, spawners and toxiguns almost completely useless against them.
XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« Last post by Blind Cedrick on November 18, 2024, 02:41:27 am »
I want a single cell hanger so much. XPiratez has so much bloat that bases are just too small. It could be relieved by expanding standard base size to 7x7. I don't want to see what happens if a battle map is that big. Main base defence is already too cumbersome. Alternately, we can have a single cell hanger for the small vehicles. A single bike in a 2x2 hanger isn't a queen, its an alter. At least the gnomes are happy?

I think a good solution would be to give vehicles a size and hangers provide space. Make the equation under the hood function like the gal loadout screen. The smallest vehicles, like a single bike would be size 1. The airbus and car would be 2. A necro fighter would be 4. A single cell of hanger would provide 4. each hanger would be a separate block. This can help to open the early game.

Its months before I get the ability to add a proper hanger to an expansion base. I might be able to start my first expansion in the second month. So, we provide a level 1 single cell hanger option from start: Open Cave. This is a large hole with surface access and only provides 2 vehicle slots. This can be paired with Open Cavern which would be 2x2 and offer 8 slots. Further down the tech tree, we get the Garage. 1 cell and 4 slots. Later, we get multi floor garage which would provide 2x4 slots.

This can also give extra life to some unused vehicles. As current, I have a necro fighter and no reason to develop the advanced necro fighter since I already have aircar. Necro fighter, in my idea, uses 4 hanger slots. A level 2 necro fighter could be one with folding wings and only need 2 slots.
Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.62)
« Last post by SineSwiper on November 18, 2024, 01:25:59 am »
I'm really not understanding acid damage.  I have a Breeder weapon here that is self-described as something that "chews through armor using highly corrosive venom".  It does zero damage to Lobstermen.  Zero.  No corrosive effects.  No damage.  I've seen similar results with the XCOM acid weapons, too.  It claims to be effective against armor, but doesn't actually do the thing it's advertised to do.

You know what's effective against Lobstermen?  The Squeezer.  One-shots them every time.  It's just plain melee damage.  It has more of a pre-damage multiplier than the Breeder, but I should not see a range of zero damage to all of the damage between a multiplier of 150% vs. 200%.

The XCOM Acid Gun doesn't even have that multiplier, even though the entry says it "instantly corrodes and damages armor".  Stats for Nerds says no.  There's nothing special about it, except that it causes Acid damage, and that doesn't seem special enough to cause a noticeable effect.

What is actually the point of acid weapons?

I'm running around in a game without an Examination Room (and thus no sonic), trying to full-clear an alien base to get one, stuck with three Squeezers, desperately trying to corral these super-top important VIPs with the only means to actually kill Lobstermen, because these stupid Breeders do no damage, and my Gauss Rifles only tickle them a little.

And sorry for the rant.  The rest of the modpack is excellent.  I really like the efforts to put in better in-between weapon/craft categories, and I make use of the surface-only equipment all the time.  But, I think acid needs a buff here.
XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Last post by termidor on November 18, 2024, 12:18:27 am »
On last version Aztek queen pedia resource is missing, crashing the game when ending the primal canny gal mission.
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