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XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn
« Last post by Tamren on Today at 04:10:56 am »
Dive slots would be a lot more useful if ground targets remain common into the midgame. Bandits will be a plague for the first year but I progressed to Boss rank pretty quickly and I only saw 2 couriers before my rank stopped them from spawning. For the same reason I only know ground convoys exist because of the codex entry.

I think "neutral" vehicles like the courier, military convoy and sand crawler should be be more common and persist across more ranks. These people are not your enemy strictly speaking so they wouldn't be cowed the same way bandits are when you get more powerful.
Resources / Re: Graphic Gallery
« Last post by ontherun on Today at 02:58:19 am »
Great that M12! Would you mind to draw an IMI uzi too?
XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Last post by ontherun on Today at 02:32:54 am »
Yeah I already knew about that, I'm just wondering why the bandage kit exists at all if it's not as useful as two bandages side by side. The description of the bandage kit even pokes fun at this fact, "surely it must be good for something right"? As it stands the only reason to use the bandage kit is on lighter soldier like gnomes and catgirls who may not have the weight capacity to carry a full medkit, but again, even in that niche situation it may still be useless if the soldier doesn't have any pockets.

This is why I made the suggestion. Making the bandage kit wearable in the body slot would turn it from incredibly niche to extremely useful all of the time because you could now wear it in the body slot and still have room for another 4x4 object like a canteen on most armours. I can't see any reason why this should not be the case, it's almost a joke item otherwise.

+1 from my side

Also would be nice to see a mig-25 as an early low tech plane, maybe "contact: ship junkyard" topic might be needed to purchase it?

Also, a mission to be unlocked after !bandit business! has been researched that requires to deal with a sectoweed pusher...
More Forks / Re: OXCE Lua/Vulkan
« Last post by Whispers on Today at 01:17:53 am »
I thought I'd give a bit more of an update now that I've returned from a short "break". Unfortunately, I've had to pay some bills these last few weeks so I wasn't able to make much progress, but while I was working on other things, I've been thinking about how to handle the Vulkan renderer moving forward.

When working on something like this, the main goal is just to get it to work and then iterate on it. Well, I managed to get it to work. Sortof...

It was mimicking the surface blitting from SDL with some fairly basic shaders. I even went so far as to make the texture coordinates as integers instead of floats, using a fixed sampler, and then I was able to pass in the same coordinates from before and it would render the text, windows, and so on. Palettes were handled by uniform buffers and the palette ID was passed in as part of the rendering pipeline. I even went so far as to fix the aspect ratio in the game surface to windows surface shader.

However, the structure of it all bothered me. It wasn't very flexible and it felt a little like I was cramming functions into objects just for one single thing. That's not good design!

So, I've started cutting it up into smaller and smaller bits. While I'm at it, I want to make it API agnostic as well. If you want to render using DirectX12, that is something someone else can handle, but it should be possible.

Why go through all this effort? Easy! In the process of creating the new renderer, I've created a handful of "managers". Under normal circumstances, I don't like calling things "Managers". The term itself is ubiquitous since technically everything you write in code manages something, but it actually makes things super easy to manage resources. I'll hold my disdain for calling things Managers for now, and I'll just tell myself it sounds better than calling it "System". However, I digress. So, with that out of the way, practically every resource gets it's own data type and manager. All the Windows, Buttons, Text Boxes, Images, Palettes, Fonts and more! When I get to Battlescape, I'll be repeating the same pattern.

For instance, the base game only had 3 fonts that I know of. There's the DOS font that you see at the startup of the game while Mod.cpp loads, then there's the two in-game fonts(Large and Small). Now, I've got a FontManager. You can register your own font, complete with multiple pages and unicode support if you need it. Using the Large or Small font is still there, but now they are explicitly used by their handles. Also, I've kept the "turn big font into small font if it doesn't fit onscreen" for now, but I'm seriously debating if I should keep it in. Anyway, I digress. With the FontManager, I can now tie that into the entity inspector and scripting to allow me to register and use my own font if I want to.

However, one thing that struck me while I was doing the Window Manager is that I can now allow modders to create their own custom frames. The old way of drawing the frames was to use FillRect with preset values. With Vulkan, that doesn't work so well. I mean, you CAN do it, but I didn't want to. Vulkan works best if you create resources and then upload them to the GPU once, and only once. Draing the frame using FillRect is possible, but since the frame itself is animated when popping up, I didn't want to have to push up images every frame when I could just pass up coordinates. I can just upload a texture, specify the 8 cardinal and diagonal directions, then render those at the window coordinates. Instead of hardcoding that 5x5 corners, and the 5x1 sides, and 1x5 top and bottom, I can just let the WindowManager create the frame and the WindowFrame can be driven by the data. Data, as you can probably guess, can be modified through mods.

Why this long-winded explanation? Well, it's because in the process of redoing all the Window stuff with the new Vulkan images, I realized that a dedicated modder could use this framework to simply replace the border texture by specifying a file and the coordinates, then they can have ornate frames around in-game windows. Cool, eh? (I know, not the "killer feature" for this branch, but I thought it was nifty)

I'm going to spend a little while longer on Vulkan, mainly because I still have a week or two of real work to pay the power bills, but also because I'm having a bit of fun with it. I really enjoy trying to make the interfaces as elegant and clear as possible, and being distracted by real work has given me the opportunity to really just slowly refine what I have into something much cooler!
OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: Converting OXCE to rapidyaml
« Last post by Yankes on Today at 12:56:24 am »


btw, for now we should keep all speedups to after deploy. Stash this change for later.
for now we need weed out all bugs that could linger in new version.

I planed today prepare new RC but I have very busy day and I did not find enough time to sit down and prepare all changes.
OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: Converting OXCE to rapidyaml
« Last post by Delian on December 02, 2024, 11:09:47 pm »
I made the faster node search that remembers the child iterator. It does make loading large saves about 10% faster.
There's just one issue. I had to do this:
const_cast<YamlNodeReader*>(this)->_nextChildId = ...
That's a no-go, right?
XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn
« Last post by Psyentific on December 02, 2024, 09:51:18 pm »
I actually kinda like the Tiger, at least in concept. It can use missiles, technically even if it doesn't get the good ones. The Tiger's real firepower is going to come from its Divebomb slots tho, which kinda fits in with the IRL tomcat's F-14B 'Bombcat' variant. The only killer is the 900 speed which is just, oof, oof.
XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« Last post by Psyentific on December 02, 2024, 09:47:18 pm »
How bad is it to have a nation leave?

I know there are researches dependent on it, so I assume its expected.
You might (or might not) feel the monthly funding hit, but I'm pretty sure you can still get the country's research topics (and Contacts: ** if applicable) if the country has pulled out of the monthly reviews. Patrol a craft over that country for a few geoscape ticks, there's probably a ninja base (several ninja bases?) in the country.
As always, you're not getting a Game Over until you're score-negative and/or cash-negative for two consecutive months.
XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn
« Last post by eharper256 on December 02, 2024, 09:36:19 pm »
Buckaroo is actually fairly easy to get (research wise) so long as you can find Necroplane Parts and Old Earth Books (usually not a problem before month 5), so I used it for a long time, I actually met the prereqs before I got Car Thieves. You do need to shoot down a couple of bombers for the parts which is another thing, but that's also usually doable. Pirate Radio can take a while after all.

But you are right in that if you do happen to find a 25mm from a Wasp Aircar, and can pop it on an early craft with an LT slot, it's going to be very good. Though it again suffers from needing [Cannon Munitions Preq.] for it's ammo, which is weirdly tied to just Light Cannon or Auto Cannon, VERY rare drops early on to the point where you want to save scum a Gun Almanac for it, but if you do you can make your 25mm rounds probably earlier than you can buy 14mm.

I'd actually be fine with Junkyard: Contacts being tied to Steam Power and Flintlocks & Bombs instead of Workshop, still nearly as many prerequisites: just missing the two BIG offenders of chance, Durathread and Guild Stapler.

Speaking of which, is it time to bring up that elephant in the room: the TIGER is an F-14 (the Macross version, even, in the XPedia picture) but can't use any missiles (lol).

Macross Missile Massacre
is a big anime meme lol. Almost as much as I can't stop seeing Illyasviel (Aurora) and wondering where Berserker is, lol. (double NSFW warnings for TVTropes and, not specifically for these links as they're safe, but... just in case you go exploring :P )
XPiratez / Re: XPiratez Information Compilation, Starter Guide & Weapon Spreadsheet
« Last post by Psyentific on December 02, 2024, 09:33:41 pm »
Hydra Laser is a mid-range auto shooter, same sort of niche as the Autogun and Tommy. I use it a lot when I'm bootstrapping myself into the midgame, it's not great (ex. Assault Laser does the same thing but better) but a bad autolaser is still better than no autolaser. As for how the Hydra Laser stacks up against other mid-tier autoshooters...meh? I'd run a gyro-stabilized autogun or a laser tommy over a hydra. Once you've got your choice of lasers and automatics the Hydra Laser falls off firmly into the "mook gun for enemies" category, but when you loot a Hydra off the first Humanist Instructor you kill it's the tightest shit.

For the infantry laser, what's already been said is accurate. Just like it says on the nameplate, it's a shitty lasgun for your infantry. Some laser is better than no laser, right? Same niche as the ol' rifle, hunting rifle and battle rifle, same 'tier' as the battle rifle. That is, a mostly-mobile single shooter for mid to long range that's equally good for kneel-and-aim or move-and-snap fighting styles. Just don't expect to get more than one shot downrange (2 snaps max) per turn.
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