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Topics - Rangerh

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Help / help with the " Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete "
« on: November 15, 2024, 12:08:12 am »
Working on Rosigma, i would like to get rid of the following lonely entries in our .log as i don't like the look of the doomsday clock :D
Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete (to removed after year 2025) operation Missing main node at line 1388

scratching my head about it, i googled around and found only this that seemed relevant :

Easiest way to search for them is probably searching for string "- &", but check by eye too, maybe there are false positives.

Apparently we have a bit more than 330 of those  " - & " in 83 files in Rosigma, but i have no idea which one is wrong and trigger that .log entry

knowing the "Line 1388" from which file exactly amongst those 83 files would sure be helpful but the log does not give a hint to me.
A lot of Rosigma files are long enough to have a line 1388 , but after spending time to try to check every line 1388 of the .rul files that climbed up to there i didn't noticed something that looked "wrong"

So i'm rather puzzled, and it seems none of the Rosigma dev team know either.
Any help ?

Help / Temporary recruit ?
« on: October 31, 2024, 11:22:49 am »

I'm part of the Rosigma dev team and i designed an unit that will join the player base as a reward from completing a chain of missions.
Up to that it works so it's not the problem.

That unit is really strong, something that is intended as it makes sense lore wise , but my intention is that such unit will only join the player temporarly (as to not just break the whole campaign balance and progression), by example the unit could just join for a month and leave.

But my problem is then how to do that : how to remove the unit from the player roster after a specific amount of time ?


40k / [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« on: February 01, 2023, 06:47:24 pm »
This is a collection of several minimods i made to customize and tweak a bit the mega mod 40K and its mega expansion Rosigma, some minimods were posted here on the 40k Openxcom board and some were posted on the Rosigma Discord

Download :

List of minimods in this collection :
Improve the speed and allow AA weaponry on the 1st Company vehicle

Adds 19 commendations that can be earned by your troops

Allow to play without a care of the threat of negative end month score and budget leading to game over if happening 2 times in a row

Enable the player to choose the level of difficulty of his campaign

Heals troops faster so they spend a more reasonnable time in recovery

Force the bughunt feature to always trigger at Turn 15

Your bases radars can now detect enemy bases in their radar range

Lower the daily negative score impact on you by those quick multiplying enemy bases

lower amount of enemies by mission, made to be played through BrutalAI

Remove the dodging feature from Rosigma

Remove the enemy transforming feature from Rosigma

Resimplify Space Hulks mission from Rosigma

Each minimod archives contains the minimods related readme explaining the minimod effects and how to install them to your 40K + Rosigma

Note : for the Lowered Enemy for Brutal AI minimod, it is very recommended to get Brutal AI, as both the 1/2 or the 2/3 versions of it were designed for it :

As i noticed the leeroyjenkins-ed units simply don't do mindless charging at all in 40K Rosigma (using OXCE 7.7.3) , i made a mini test with this
unit (necrons i reconfigured as khorne berserkers, because i used a terror mission that popped up and hash necron inside as my test mission) :
  - type: STR_NECRON_WARRIOR #STR_NECRON_WARRIOR_ARMOR                        RANK 5 weapons done
    race: STR_NECRON
    isLeeroyJenkins: true
    spotter: -1 #this so they communicate to each other their enemy position lasting amount of turns = Intelligence
    sniper: 100 #this so they decide to always attack 100 percent of the time once they know position
      tu: 200
      stamina: 96
      health: 100
      bravery: 110
      reactions: 90 #increased this to see if it help reduce the possible hesitations
      firing: 74
      throwing: 80
      strength: 65
      psiStrength: 100
      psiSkill: 0
      melee: 85
    standHeight: 20
    kneelHeight: 15
    value: 50
    deathSound: [723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732]
    aggroSound: 808
    intelligence: 3 #upped slightly so they remember enemy location a bit more
    aggression: 8  #slight increase to see if it helps them go at it
    energyRecovery: 60
    livingWeapon: true
    canBeMindControlled: false
    moraleLossWhenKilled: 75 #expected to die
      - - STR_AXE
      - - STR_AXE
      - - STR_AXE
armor :
    visibilityAtDay: 40
    visibilityAtDark: 20
    heatVision: 30
    allowInv: true
    frontArmor: 110
    sideArmor: 100
    rearArmor: 70
    underArmor: 70
    drawingRoutine: 0
    spriteSheet: MUTON2.PCK
    spriteInv: CHBINV
    frontArmor: 100
    sideArmor: 80
    rearArmor: 70
    underArmor: 70
    drawingRoutine: 0
    damageModifier: #CHAOS ARMOR
      - 1.0 #none
      - 0.8 #AP
      - 0.8 #FLAMES
      - 1.0 #HE
      - 0.9 #LASCANON
      - 1.1 #PLASMA
      - 1.1 #STUN
      - 1.1 #MELEE
      - 1.0 #ACID
      - 0.0 #SMOKE
      - 1.0 #IMPACT
      - 1.2 #MELTA
    loftempsSet: [ 4 ]
(oops seems i doubled the armor front/side/etc.. entries, just noticed now after copy pasting , but quickly tested after removed the doubled entries and it made no difference in the problem at hands)

Observed ingame multiple time :

- a berserker will move toward its target for a few steps, stop, a few more steps, stop, it goes to another berserker that will then move, then it comes back to the original berserker that resume its move, and even when the turn is ended, there's no way it moved a distance up to the 200TU the berserker had, that's very odd

- a berserker will never ever move by itself through dangerous terrain to reach its target, i setup fire to the ground on large areas to see (flamer weapons) and no berserker ever tried to move through those tiles, it will instead choose to move all the way around the fire, even if it means it will never reach its target before 3 or 4 turns , while if he had moved through he would have reached target on its 1st turn

- at least once in contact to its target, it will attack even if it's from the front, so at least that part of leeroyjenkins seems to work.

So is there anything in the configuration i posted that would break :
Charge is mostly vanilla/OXCE, with the following differences:
 - ignore remaining TUs (charge even if not enough TUs to attack now)
 - ignore dangerous tiles (grenades? pfff!)

edit : another observation regarding burning tiles :
The leeroyjenkis can cross burning tiles to reach its target ONLY if there is absolutely no other way (like if you surround totally the target with rivers of fire)
But if there is a non burning/safe path to reach its target the leeroyjenkins will instead always choose it regardless of how many turns it will take instead of directly go and murder its target on the same turn.

40k / [minimods] Faster healing
« on: November 16, 2022, 03:03:06 am »

Important note :
This minimod will not be updated in this thread anymore, further updates will only be found in the minimod collection for 40k/Rosigma :,11058.0.html

40K and Rosigma have some units like the Space Marines that have a high amount of health points, when they're badly wounded (and they will be considering the amount of damage the enemies can do) it then means with the default settings it will take a very long time for them to be healed and back into action, more often than not i got some SM out of action for more than 65 days up to more than 70.

These 2 minimods are some ways to get in with the times, after all it's year 40000 you imagine there may have been some medical progress in term of first aid in a space marine base ;)

First minimod is adding secretly an additional healing factor to the entrance lifts, meaning any base will heal your troops faster.
May feel a bit cheaty, but that's year 40000 science so don't worry :D

Second minimod does not add that healing factor, but allow you to build a new 1x1 facility in your base at any time (i mean without having to research something more), a "Medical Unit" that will provide additional healing factor to the base that contain this facility. I think that may be the best way if you want this additional healing integrated as a gam mechanic : as an additional 1x1 building may then forceyou to make a choice as it's 1x1 slot in your base map that will be lost then and may become trouble once you research much later apothecary facilities that will add a bit to the healing but will require some map slot.

NOTE : you can edit the amount of healing by editing this line
    sickBayRelativeBonus: 5.0
to a lower or higher number (the higher, the faster it will heal)

How to Install
These minimods requires you to have installed the 40k megamod, it is compatible if you have installed Rosigma too.

Download and
that are attached to this post.

Open them, take and move the folders "HealerLift_40k" and"Medunit_40k"
to ...\OpenXCOMDirectory\User\mods\
or your

These minimod will be available to enable or disable in the main menu category "Mods".
Enable only one of them ( unless you really want things to be a cheat as units would heal too fast if you enable both) by setting it to "YES" if you want to use it.

40k / [minimod] Simpler Space Hulks
« on: October 18, 2022, 08:19:11 pm »

Important note :
This minimod will not be updated in this thread anymore, further updates will only be found in the minimod collection for 40k/Rosigma :,11058.0.html

Starting with Rosigma 1.09C , the space hulks have been redesigned and have a different and more complex layouts for the first and second maps.
In case you prefered the simpler layouts of 40k and Rosigma 1.09B and previously, here's 2 minimods that restore it.

- "Simpler Hulk Destroy 40K" restore the Rosigma 1.09b style of "destroy the terminal device in the control center map to win it"
- "Simpler Hulk Purge 40K" restore the 40K style of "kill every enemies in the control center map to win it"

How to Install
You must have installed the 40K megamod (latest version) then the Rosigma expansion (latest version).

Download the file for the version of the minimod you prefer
that are attached to this post.
(you can download both, just make sure to not enable both at the same time)

Open them take and move the folders
"SimplerHulkDestroy40K" and "SimplerHulkPurge40K"

to ...\OpenXCOMDirectory\User\mods\
or your

The  minimods will be available to enable or disable in the 40k with Rosigma main menu "Mods".
You can disable or enable the minimod at any time as long as you're not inside of a space hulk mission to get back the Rosigma multiple complex Space Hulks layouts.
In case you previously installed the "SimplerHulk40K" minimod that was there before the 18 of November 2022 , make sure to delete it from your mods folder, it's bugged and would certainly conflict if you leave it accidentally enabled.

40k / [how to]Playing 40K with old xcom view and engagement ranges
« on: October 11, 2022, 01:53:10 am »
found a way to automate the whole thing thanks to Notepad++ macro functionality, refer to this post for the How To :,10806.msg152472.html#msg152472
and enjoy the rebalancing and more classic  xcom-isation of the view distance and focus on scouting and exploration for 40k 034 and Rosigma 2.0B

I was curious about changing the view distance and AI fighting to something closer to the original XCOM.
As there are way too many entries for me to waste my time into doing it manually as a mod just for a test, i decided to use the Notepad++ batch replacement system to do it super quick.

But in the end i was surprised to have actually a lot of fun, as it changes the gameplay when you don't see anymore where nearly every AI is on the map (and when the AI don't know where your troops are either), it adds more exploration element and level of tension.

If someone is interested by doing it to his own install, here's a "how to" tutorial :

FIRST backup your 40k and Rosigma_main folders so if you don't like the new (well old) view and engagement style you can go back easily to the normal 40K/Rosigma gameplay.

Now go to your ...\40k_033\Ruleset\ folder , for me it's
C:\OpenXcom WH40K\User\mods\40k_033\Ruleset

open the file difficulty_40k.rul and change
maxViewDistance: 60
maxViewDistance: 20

Then , make sure you have the always excellent Notepad++ ( )
Once done, open Notepad++ and either press CTRL+Shift+F or press Search -> Find in Files to open the Find in Files dialogue.
At the line "Find what", type
visibilityAtDay: \d+
and the line "Replace with", type
visibilityAtDay: 20

At "Directory", set it to your ...\40k_033\Ruleset  , by example for me it is
C:\OpenXcom WH40K\User\mods\40k_033\Ruleset

On the bottom of that Find in File dialogue, you'll need to tick "Regular expression" (as the \d+ is a "regular expression" that will allows notepad++ us to search for any number whatever it is for the visibilityAtDay to replace them all by 20)

Then after doing it, click on the button "Replace in Files"
Wait until done (there are lot of those entries through multiple ruleset files)
Once done, at "Directory" change it to your ...\Rosigma_main\Ruleset ,for me it is
C:\OpenXCOM WH40K\User\mods\ROSIGMA-main\Ruleset

Again, press the button "Replace in Files" and wait until it's done.

Now for "Find what", replace by
visibilityAtDark: \d+
and the line "Replace with", put
visibilityAtDark: 20

Then press "Replace in Files" again, then change the directory to your ...40k_033\Ruleset\ and press again "Replace in Files"

That's all for the Viewdistance to bring it to the old xcom level, try it you'll see how it changes the gameplay.

Note, you may be very often shot from way beyond your xcom-like line of sight, that is because of the spotter/sniper system :,5679.0.html
That is enabled in 40k/Rosigma and allow the AI to maphack a very lot (as just shooting a "spotter" and a lot of units have that role, will reveal your soldier to every enemies of the map.

Fortunately there's a way to disable this AI maphack cheat as while it works nice with 60 viewdistance, when playing on this kind of xcom-like engagement and view range 20 it will very quickly kill the fun of trying to setup your ambushes or walking into enemy lairs.

To remove this, you'll need to use the same "Replace in Files" functionality of Notepad++
MAKE SURE TO TICK "Match Case" for this, because you don't want SNIPER and sniper being considered the same in what will follow
At "Find what", replace by
spotter: \d+
and the line "Replace with", put
spotter: 0
that according to the documentation will disable the system.
Make sure to apply that for both 40K and Rosigma folders

To make sure to not screw up the many units with the sniper script, do the same with
At "Find what", replace by
sniper: \d+
and the line "Replace with", put
sniper: 0

Always make sure that "Regular expression" is ticked or the batch replacement would fail

Once you done, if you wish to batch replace -without- regular expression like that \d+ , make sure to tick "Normal" back instead of "Regular Expression"

40k / [minimod] Improved Radars for 40K
« on: October 09, 2022, 04:40:06 am »

Important note :
This minimod will not be updated in this thread anymore, further updates will only be found in the minimod collection for 40k/Rosigma :,11058.0.html

This minimod allows all the radar facilities to detect enemy bases (40% of chances to detect an enemy base each day).
The enemy base detection range is equal to the radar normal range itself (so the better radar facilities will also offer better detection range to spot an enemy base). 

Of course enemy bases that are built outside of your radar coverage will stay hidden until you send an aircraft on location then stop it to enable its patrolling function so it can use its base detection radar.

How to Install
You must have installed the 40K megamod (any version) , you can optionally install the Rosigma expansion, the minimod is compatible with both.

Download the file
that is attached to this post.

Open it, take and move the folder

to ...\OpenXCOMDirectory\User\mods\
or your

The  minimod will be available to enable or disable in the 40k (with or without Rosigma) main menu "Mods".

NOTE : you can tweak the base detection efficiency by editing (with any text editor) the file "ImprovedRadar_40k.rul"  and change the line
sightChance: 40
to any number you want (it's the percentage of chance to detect a base in range every day, by default it's set to 40 as you see)

40k / [minimod] Difficulty settings
« on: October 07, 2022, 02:22:12 am »

Important note :
This minimod will not be updated in this thread anymore, further updates will only be found in the minimod collection for 40k/Rosigma :,11058.0.html

the 40K megamod (with or without the Rosigma expansion) replace the difficulty selection by factions.
And by default set the difficulty to 0 (that is equal to Beginner difficulty)
But in the same time it will set the difficultyCoefficient for all difficulties to 2 , forcing then game to run on the Veteran difficulty coefficients

The difficulty coefficients are affecting these
Monthly rating threshold for losing the game (together with defeatScore) | (defeatScore) +100 points * difficultyCoefficient
UFO firing rate during dogfight | -2 gs * difficultyCoefficient
UFO escape countdown during dogfight | (100-200%) -30 gs * difficultyCoefficient
Retaliation odds after shooting down UFO | (4%) +4% * difficultyCoefficient
Odds of shootdown-triggered retaliation targeting xcom base region or not | (50%) +6% * difficultyCoefficient
Chance of aliens facing in the direction of the xcom craft at a start of a mission | 20% * difficultyCoefficient
Various AI decisions (in Battlescape)
judging explosive efficacy
limiting number of waypoints for blasters
deciding whether to spend extra TU to attack from behind in melee (OXCE only)
odds of making USE action on psi-amps (OXCE only)
Together with statGrowthMultipliers affects how alien stats change with difficulty level | + (statGrowthMultipliers/100) * difficultyCoefficient

So here are some minimods that allow you to change the difficulty level (setting both the coefficients and aim/armor multipliers to match the difficulty level of choice) in case you find 40K too easy or too hard.

How to Install
You must have installed the 40K megamod (any version) , you can optionally install the Rosigma expansion, the minimods are compatible with both.


that are attached to this post.

Open them, take and move the folders

to ...\OpenXCOMDirectory\User\mods\
or your

The 4 minimods will be available to enable or disable in the 40k (with or without Rosigma) main menu "Mods".

Enable your prefered one by setting it to "YES" (note : they're not incompatible if you enable both, but the one in last will be the one overriding them if for some reason you enable them all)

NOTE : if you find the game too hard or too easy after enabling one of those difficulty minimod, you can go back to the main menu, disable the minimod, enable another one harder or easier (or disable them all to revert to the default 40k setting that is Veteran).

OXCE Support / [Answered] time travelling idea
« on: August 20, 2022, 04:09:37 pm »
Looking around the saved games i noticed that they take track of time
Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]

I had read that monthsPassed: is used for for many weighted alien missions, alien base upgrades ...
So i was wondering if it could be possible to manipulate those values from the save game to incorporate time travel in some gameplay format.
An idea i had by example :
on year 2 of your playthrough by completing a specific mission you discover a document that after research will tell you that there was an undiscovered secret base that in the middle of year 1 that triggered a chain of event that would lead to an alien faction becoming nearly undefeatable.

from there you could continue on your game though that specific alien factions bases would be insanely hard to destroy.
Or you could think about time travel as this could then be a way to prevent this alien faction to get too strong, by doing a few specific missions you could get your hand on some time traveling tech/facility blueptrint and effectively trigger whatever will change the saved game time/monthpassed values to effectively bring you back to the "past" of your current run , spawning the secret base that did whatever would make a faction too strong, allowing you to destroy it and continue that now changed timeline in which that alien faction will then do not upgrade.

Can this kind of time manipulation be possible in OXCE ?

40k / [minimod] No dodging for Rosigma
« on: August 12, 2022, 01:05:52 pm »

Important note :
This minimod will not be updated in this thread anymore, further updates will only be found in the minimod collection for 40k/Rosigma :,11058.0.html

Rosigma starting with version 1.09 added a dodging feature that allows units to randomly dodges bullets/laser hitting them.
chances depend on the armor worn, works for both AI and player troops.

This minimod set the dodging chances of the armors to 0 , to get the gameplay back to how it was before the introduction of this feature for both you and the AI.

How to Install
These minimods requires you to have installed the Rosigma expansion for the 40k megamod.

If you want to remove every unit dodging :
Download attached to this post.

Open it, take and move the folder "NoDodgingRosigma"
to ...\OpenXCOMDirectory\User\mods\
or your

If you want to remove every unit dodging but have the Eldars still being able to dodge (though at lesser chance than in default Rosigma)
Download attached to this post.

Open it, take and move the folder "NoDodgingMinusEldar"
to ...\OpenXCOMDirectory\User\mods\
or your

The minimods will be available to enable or disable in the main menu category "Mods".
Enable it by setting it to "YES" if you want to use it.
Of course do NOT enable both at the same time.

Released Mods / [minimod] Defeator (cheat)
« on: August 11, 2022, 04:25:54 pm »
Sometime you may enjoy your current run so much that you may want to play it "forever", but you may have screwed up a couple of things and could be under the threat of having your " fun forever " ended by reaching the score or the budget conditions for a game over :
Spoilerxcom game over conditions:
- high budget debt with council warning you about it for 2 consecutive months
- very negative score (the exact number depending on difficulty level) for 2 consecutive months
- deciding to go for the Cydonia mission and failing it
- all your bases are destroyed/capture
with whatever megamod your're playing that tweak them a bit.

The 2 defeator minimods attached to this post are simple minimods (it will just increase enormously the defeatFunds and defeatScore that then just can't be virtually reached even if you try hard to screw up your run) that will allow you to ignore the budget and score game over condition and continue playing (until you reach the other 2 game over conditions that can still end your run)

Budget Defeator will allow you to continue playing despite having a horrible debt every months
Score Defeator will allow you to continue playing despite having very negative score every months (but important it will not prevent the nations from defecting or lowering their funding on a month getting negative score, it only allow you to continue to play)

How to Install
Both minimods are compatible with original xcom1/xcom2 and every megamods for them.

Download and attached to this post.

Open them, take and move the folders "BudgetDefeator" and "ScoreDefeator"
to ...\OpenXCOMDirectory\User\mods\
or your

Both minimods will be available to enable or disable in the main menu category "Mods".
Enable your prefered one by setting it to "YES" (note : you can enable both if you wish without problems).

40k / [minimod]change or remove the Rosigma unit spawn on death feature
« on: August 05, 2022, 04:06:19 pm »

Important note :
This minimod will not be updated in this thread anymore, further updates will only be found in the minimod collection for 40k/Rosigma :,11058.0.html

In battles, a lot of Rosigma enemy units, when you manage to kill them will immediately spawn another enemy unit, and sometime that enemy unit will also spawn another enemy unit when (re-killed) etc...
Some people may like this feature of Rosigma, some may not.

I thought about 2 possible alternatives:

The first one is i called the "No spawning units on death for 40k" (Zerotransform) minimod
What it does is that it simply remove the "unit spawn on death" ( spawnUnit: "" ) ability of all the units, exception for the Necrons as their gimmick revive mechanic is based on this.
Meaning that if you run into one of the many disguised units and manage to kill that enemy, it is dead as expected.

The second alternative is the "Transform replacer 40k" (TransformReplacer) minimod.
This minimod does not remove the "unit spawn on death" feature but replace all the units that have the "spawn another unit on death" by their final transformation/real appearance in their transformation line.
Meaning that there's in fact no disguised enemy on the battlefiled, you can imagine this as your detection system having already blown their cover.
Something that makes sense considering the disguised units always appeared as hostile on your radar/minimap anyways.

How to Install
Obviously require you to have installed the Rosigma expansion for the 40k megamod

Download and attached to this post.

Open them, take and move the folders "Zerotransform" and "TransformReplacer"
to ...\OpenXCOMDirectory\User\mods\
or your

Both minimods will be available to enable or disable in the 40k+Rosigma main menu "Mods".
Enable your prefered one by setting it to "YES" (note : they're not incompatible if you enable both, but the TransformReplacer will be the one having the priority and actual effect if you enable both).

40k / [Soundpack] Two Steps from WH40K
« on: July 27, 2022, 05:46:38 pm »
"Two Steps from WH40K" is a soundpack that will replace all the 40K (and also the Rosigma expansion if you have it) geoscape and battlescape musics (along several other) by musics created and owned by Two Steps from Hell

To install, put the "2SFH_40K" folder into

Then once you launch the game and you are at the 40k or Rosigma menu, click on "Mods" and set "Two Steps from WH40K" to YES
And press "OK", OpenXcom/OXCE will reload and the sound pack will now be in effect.

In the 40k or Rosigma Options -> Advanced, if you set "Extended Links" to YES you will have a button Extended in Geoscape and in the Battlescape that has a "Select Track" function, allowing you to choose your music if the one currently playing isn't to your taste.

Download :
or for the new facelift :

Music copyright and all rights reserved to Two Steps from Hell.

NOTE : That soundpack can be made compatible with any other Openxcom megamods by opening the file "metadata.yml" located in the "2SFH_40K" folder with a text editor
Then change
master: "40k"
master: "*"

40k / [minimod] Daytime Only
« on: June 23, 2022, 11:44:40 am »
This is a port of the "XcomUtil_Always_Daytime" from OpenXcom that is edited to also include all the 40k missions

Similarly to the original openxcom one when enabled this minimod will force every missions to takes place in daytime.

To install, download the attached file
Then extract the folder named :

And drop this folder into your

Then in the 40k main menu, go to Mods and set "Daytime Only for 40K" to YES to enable it
Note : i added the missions i noticed in the Rosigma rules, so hopefully it really work for every 40K missions and Rosigma ones if i didn't missed any.
I'm still in early game on my run and so far it seems to work, but in case you are more advanced and notice a mission still forcing you to go NVG, please report.

update V2 , added some missions i had missed (from Rosigma)
update V3 : include Rosigma 1.08 new missions

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