Author Topic: [EU and TFTD] Bughunt turn 15 for OXCE  (Read 6591 times)

Offline Rangerh

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[EU and TFTD] Bughunt turn 15 for OXCE
« on: December 05, 2019, 08:00:52 pm »
As when playing some of the most convulated maps in some mods like xpiratez i was always having absolutely no fun in trying to find the last couple of enemy stuck somewhere with the bug hunt nearly never triggering. Thanks to some people on the Bay12 board i finally understood how to edit the rul files to force the bughunt to trigger when i wanted.

Decided to translate this rul edits into basic minimods for the original games : forcing the bughunt to trigger at turn 15 (you can easily edit the simple .rul file to change which turn you prefer to force it).

Most default "enemy unknown" and "terror from the deep" maps are simple enough to not really need such a thing, but for some modded maps it's just must have for me, so i imagine some people may be interested by such minimod too

I play with OXCE (in which they work both for the campaign and for quick battle) no idea if those will work in original openxcom

To install, download the attached files
The extract the folders

And drop them into your
...\OXCE directory\user\mods\
if you're on window10 , sorry no idea for other OS.

EDIT : here are versions of that minimod for the following mods :


X-Com Files,10525.0.html

« Last Edit: June 22, 2022, 06:22:04 pm by Rangerh »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: [EU and TFTD] Bughunt turn 15 for OXCE
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2019, 09:15:03 pm »
Heh, I bumped up my bughunt to turn 25 because it kept triggering before I had even finished exploring the whole map, and that's on vanilla-sized maps. I imagine an X-Piratez map could take 30+ turns to explore easily, that is if your mutants could stay awake that long.

Offline Countdown

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Re: [EU and TFTD] Bughunt turn 15 for OXCE
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2020, 03:04:46 am »
Wish this was an option with OXC, but pretty sure it is only OXCE. I had a base defense mission the other day in TFTD and I had killed all the aliens except 1 that I could not find (I have a big base that is not setup optimally with choke points). I was looking everywhere for many turns. Then finally I went up into one of the upper rooms and on the next turn the Calcinite found and killed my soldier, leaving his squadmate to kill it on my next turn.

What pissed me off though was that I went into debug mode to see what it had been doing up there and there was basically no realistic scenario where I could get to this Calcinite without it killing one of my guys. It was stuck in an endless loop where it would go out a door on the upper floor and then back in again. Even if I waited until after turn 20, it would not come after me unless I had entered that particular chamber. But the problem was there was no way I had enough TUs to get into that upper room and open the door and kill it all in one turn. So even if I had cheated and reloaded, knowing it was there (which I did just for testing purposes), I was forced to sacrifice a man to kill it. Exactly the kind of unfair bs I expect from XCOM though.  ::)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 03:08:30 am by Countdown »

Offline R1dO

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Re: [EU and TFTD] Bughunt turn 15 for OXCE
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2020, 07:02:53 pm »
Sounds like a pretty smart Calcinite to me  ;)

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: [EU and TFTD] Bughunt turn 15 for OXCE
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2020, 08:22:29 am »
What pissed me off though was that I went into debug mode to see what it had been doing up there and there was basically no realistic scenario where I could get to this Calcinite without it killing one of my guys.

Same thing happened to me with a sectoid camping out in the radar. The issue happens when the aliens run out of alien spawn points and start using the civilian spawn points. Base defense maps should exclusively use x-com and alien spawn nodes, but there are actually SEVERAL civilian spawn nodes in the vanilla maps.

Offline Meridian

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Re: [EU and TFTD] Bughunt turn 15 for OXCE
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2020, 10:33:15 am »
Same thing happened to me with a sectoid camping out in the radar. The issue happens when the aliens run out of alien spawn points and start using the civilian spawn points. Base defense maps should exclusively use x-com and alien spawn nodes, but there are actually SEVERAL civilian spawn nodes in the vanilla maps.

Technically, there are no civilian spawn nodes in the game.

Civilians spawn on nodes with rank 0 (zero), which are alien spawn nodes designed for aliens that spawn outside of the UFO. Civilians just "misuse" these alien nodes.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: [EU and TFTD] Bughunt turn 15 for OXCE
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2020, 12:20:17 pm »
MapView refers to rank 0 spawn nodes as Civ-scout nodes, which is fitting.

Regardless, the base defense maps have several rank 0 spawn nodes that should have been rank 1. Rank 0 nodes should only occur where it is okay for either an alien or a soldier to spawn. All X-Com-only nodes should be rank 1, and all alien-only nodes should be ranks 2 or higher.

Offline Meridian

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Re: [EU and TFTD] Bughunt turn 15 for OXCE
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2020, 12:41:29 pm »
MapView refers to rank 0 spawn nodes as Civ-scout nodes, which is fitting.

Just to refine the description, it is "an alien scout or a civilian".

Rank 0 nodes should only occur where it is okay for either an alien or a soldier to spawn.

Xcom soldiers don't spawn on rank 0 nodes.