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Topics - Daev

Pages: [1]
OXCE Support / Changing Geoscape Button UI textures
« on: November 30, 2024, 01:36:44 am »
I am trying to change the Geoscape UI buttons, as UFOpadia does not work with my mod, as their is no aliens, but whenever i set the GEOBOARD texture, only the globe control portion will change and nothing else.

What am I missing here?

OXCE Suggestions DONE / [DONE][Suggestion] Repeatable Research Topics
« on: November 21, 2024, 11:23:16 pm »
In conjunction with my other request, in order to achieve this "mission select" style of research topic, I would want to have a topic that has no material or item requirements, that is also repeatable. So the same mission can be generated over and over, or even as a way to have scientist and research man hour be used to get items, as a tradeoff for research, or if there is nothing to research.

For example, If you have nothing to research, which will be quite possible in my TC, you could research "Community Outreach". Which would spawn an event with random rewards, or a random outcome. Almost like a clicker game, or similar to covert actions I guess.

If this is already doable, I apologize in advanced, but if not, is this something that is able to be implemented?

Hello, i am currently designing a TC mod that takes place in a Post-Apocalypse, the theme/feel is you emerging from a bunker (Base), and branching out to the local communities and establishing yourself to take care of an ultimate threat. Central to my theming is that you do not have any knowledge of the world above for the first month, you learn it as you play.

To me this means no UFOs or Site Missions, or even initial funding at the start. What I wanted to do for missions, is to have research topics, something like "Scouting Mission" or "Seach for Scavenging Sites" that once researched, would then in turn spawn an alien mission or site.

This would provide a level of choice at the start for the type of mission, and the rewards and assets you wish to focus on early. For example, maybe you do alot of scav missions for early materials to create a surplus of military grade weapons. Or maybe you do settlement defense missions for free recruits and base personnel, as the market really does not have anything in it until the mid-late game.

Hopefully this is relatively simple to do, but I think would be a very cool feature for other applications as well.

Thank you for your time.

OXCE Suggestions NEW / TFTD Based Hybrid options
« on: December 03, 2023, 09:29:01 pm »
In my mod "TFTD Vanilla Plus", I have used the fakeUnderwater tag as a "land" tag, this has worked very well for the most part. But upon further inspection, UFOs on land continue to use Depth and are not Airborne. other things such as this on globe and having to use "underwater" deployments can confuse people trying to develop land and underwater loadouts.

I was wondering if its possible to have the reverse option of fakeUnderwater, Like fakeSurface, that would denote all UFOs height to AIRBORNE, and would prevent certain xcom craft from engaging them and prevent Underwater only weapons from working on the "Surface:.

I am not sure how feasible it is to add both DEPTH and HEIGHT from both games, but that as well might add a some differentiation as well, requiring upgrades for higher altitudes and depths at the same time.

Released Mods / [TFTD][OXCE][Major] TFTD: Vanilla Plus
« on: November 19, 2023, 10:15:53 pm »


The main goal of the V+ project is to create a fun experience for TFTD, while keeping the original atmosphere and gameplay of the game. This is done through a variety of ways, all of them having the main goal of increasing variety, decreasing frustration, and providing interesting decisions to make. while some of my decisions can be controversial, such as removing some 2 stage missions, modifying alien bases, etc. This does not make the game easier, but makes the decision of doing a mission different. For Example, doing an alien base before getting DPL is usually a death sentence, due to the abundance of Tentaculate and the permanent darkness. By making alien bases closer to UFO, being a 1 stage complex with the race based on the mission that made it, allows for alien bases to be done earlier, while still being challenging, as you don't have a DPL to cheese with.

Some features are mainly to provide variety or lore building, such as the Hybrid Geoscape for surface USO activity, and new research topics and the like.

While I think the mod is in a good state and very close to my vision, DEVELOPMENT IS NOT DONE, and new features will be added in time, and balance is updated consistently

New Hybrid Globe and Lite Features, USOs can be shot down over land and recovered!

Tweaked balance, enemies will have hard counters, and lobstermen are no longer ball crushers.

Building system has been tweaked, empty rooms can be buit over, and rooms directly upgraded for faster construction times.

Alien Bases overhauled, starting out as small outposts that grow in size, alien race is no longer fixed on bases.

New weapons and tweaked tech tree, such as surface only lasers.

New Armors to provide stronger protection in exchange for stats.

New enemies to add variety and fill out rosters, less tentaculates as well.

New missions, provided by "Maps of the Deep", and Some missions are only 1 part.

New Base Facilites to provide a way to "Catch up" from mistakes, such as training pools and medbays.

New Crafts, Fighter and Troop Carrier, to bridge the gap between the new alien subs and you.

New Icons for Geoscape crafts and USOs, to provide diversity to the Geoscape.

Alien weapons cannot be used in any way, must be converted into their human counterparts, as well as a nerf in sale price, making a real choice between selling them or making weapons.

Tweaked Manufacturing Costs, making certain items harder or easier to get.

Many QOL mods, like status indicators, day or night indicators, enhacned solider previews, Armed Civilians and more.

BALANCE ISSUES WILL EXIST, I would love balance issues, comments, feedback, etc, as i will be expanding on this mod with time.

See Github for experimental changes:

Incorporated mods/Credits:

All my previous mods:
Expanded Arsenal, Human Sonic Weapons, Alien Rank Variants, Expanded Aliens

Parts of XCOM Visual Upgrade by Xross

Easier TFTD by Reaver

Hybrid Globe by Luke83

Better Small Torpedoes by Starving_Poet

Maps of the Deep by TheMartian

Enhanced Sub Reskin by Roxis231

Various sprites and mods by TheMartian

Various old mods (Moray, Training Pool, Large QTRS, ETC) by Authors


OXCE Suggestions Archive / [SUGGESTION] Global Variable for Research Cost
« on: February 18, 2023, 11:50:49 pm »
Would it be possible to add a global variable that multiplies the cost of research items by the global variable? one that you can define per difficulty?

For example

Beginner COST*.75
Experienced COST*.8
Veteran COST*1
Genius COST*1.5
Superhuman COST*2

Would allow for difficulty to also scale game length dynamically

Resources / Daev's Tide Pool
« on: February 14, 2023, 03:56:56 am »

Hello! i am dumping sprites here as i make them, as i want these assets to be able to be used freely by all to make more content for TFTD. Please, make mods for TFTD.

Anyway, For starters, we have the naked Triscene, a big pinky. Drwaing Routine 20

Secondly, we have a recolor, a red and white Xarquid, aka a nautilus. Drwaing Routine 21

And finally for this post, we have an edit of one of Nord's Sprites. A recolored hellcrab with eye stalks. Drwaing Routine 20

I will be dumping my weapon sprites once I finalize the handObs, I'm not happy with them yet, you can use them from the uploaded mods if you'd like.

Feel free to use with or without permission, expect for recolors, please credit the original.

Help / Armor recovery RUL not working
« on: February 13, 2023, 04:32:08 am »
So i am trying to convert this mod to TFTD

I have taken the code that works perfectly for UFO and swapped the values and strings for the TFTD equivalent and it does not work properly, with the item being recovered the actual corpsebattle item and not the corpsegeo item.
i tested using the BATTLE mod on both mods, and only the UFO version seemed to work.

Please let me know if I am missing somthing, or if it has to be setup differently for TFTD

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_ION_ARMOR_UC


    listOrder: 2705
    category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR
    space: 12
    time: 500
    cost: 12000
    listOrder: 2805
    category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR
    space: 10
    time: 600
    cost: 27000
      STR_ZRBITE: 2
      STR_ION_ARMOR: 1
    listOrder: 2905
    category: STR_PERSONAL_ARMOR
    space: 16
    time: 750
    cost: 38000
      STR_ZRBITE: 10

    listOrder: 10605
    size: 0.8
    costSell: 12000
    recoveryPoints: 0
    battleType: 11
    recover: true
    listOrder: 10705
    size: 0.8
    costSell: 51500
    recoveryPoints: 0
    battleType: 11
    recover: true
    listOrder: 10805
    size: 0.8
    costSell: 60125
    recoveryPoints: 0
    battleType: 11
    recover: true
    battleType: 11
    recover: true
  - type: STR_CORPSE_ION
    battleType: 11
    recover: true

 - type: en-US
    STR_WRECKED_PLASTIC_ARMOR: "Aqua Plastic Armor (Damaged)"
    STR_WRECKED_ION_ARMOR: "Ion Armor (Damaged)"
    STR_WRECKED_MAG_ARMOR: "Magnetic Ion Armor (Damaged)"
    STR_PLASTIC_AQUA_ARMOR_REPAIR: "Aqua Plastic Armor (Repair)"
    STR_ION_ARMOR_REPAIR: "Ion Armor (Repair)"
    STR_MAGNETIC_ION_ARMOR_REPAIR: "Magnetic Ion Armor (Repair)"

Released Mods / [TFTD] Old Mods Collection
« on: February 10, 2023, 04:04:13 pm »
Hello! This is where i will host the released mods for my current series of "Vanilla+" style mods for TFTD.

Expanded Arsenal

Adds Surface only ballistic weapons, Human Sonic weapons, gauss side grades, armor repair and finally displacer armor and ion weapons.
Also includes Zrbite Flare mod, and an Armor Repair mod.

Human Sonic Weaponry

It adds Human Versions of Sonic Weapons that are identical to the Alien Versions, this mod as of this time is mainly just to stop you from rushing sonic weapons and skipping gauss entirely, to accomplish this, i have made both heavy gauss clip a prerequisite to research the sonic pistol, and the pistol is the requisite for the rifle, etc. i have also reduced the prices of the alien versions as to not allow your sonic cannons to bank roll you as much in the late game

This should make upgrading to sonic a more resource intensive option, and should keep you on gauss for a longer period.

Alien Rank Variants

A cosmetic mod that adds subtle and not-so-subtle appearance variations for aliens of different ranks, for some flavor, or to save on the hassle of using MC-Readers.

Feel free to use any assets, with or without credit.

Help / Unique Sprites Sheets per Rank
« on: February 08, 2023, 10:32:42 pm »
So i have crated unique sprites for TFTD aliens, i am trying to implement them in the cleanest way possible. It seems on OXCE there is no real way to override the "Armor" of an alien based on its rank, so it seems i will need to modify the "RACES" rule and "ALIENS" rule to create new aliens for each rank, assign them each the armor corresponding to their rank and then assign each unique alien as a rank in the races rul?

I know i can use RefNodes to clean up the list, but i want to make sure im not missing something here.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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