« on: July 19, 2023, 03:40:43 pm »
Saw a video about it recently so why not a lunge mine? Exclusive to the Peasant tree (because it is a suicide weapon); in effect, it is an RPG HEAT round on a stick. Run up to an enemy and jab them. Fatal consequences for the user and, hopefully, the target. Unlocked with shaped charges.
Anyway, Xenonauts 2 came out. Has a bunch of cool new alien graphics and a 1x1 UGV with lots of weapon options. While it is a 3D game now, it pretends not to be, so the camera perspective will be right to capture 8-directional images of the units. To be honest I'm not sure any of them would be that great to port over, but I do like the dinky tripod sentry gun you can build for base defense; I'd like to be able to deploy some of those. They are mobile but cannot be taken on missions. Seems much more useful than the rocket sentry in game right now. If anyone is interested I can try to adapt the graphics for OpenXCOM.