Still - after playing with your feature (on setting #2) for some time, I realized that it is really powerful. In January it is very similar to 'graph mining' but later in the game it brings way more value than
Setting 2 is for super punctual players. I introduced it just because one of such asked me to.
Setting 1 is for normal people and it has granularity 10. Meaning triggering popup only when UFO is 5 hours in the area. This is pretty much designed way: give player some generic insight without pixel precise knowledge.
If you think 2 is too abusive - play with 1. That is what I do. And if you think 1 is too abusive - just not use it!
I mean, with your feature one can play the game with zero radar coverage and still catch most of the UFOs.
No offense, but have you actually tried to play to this to support your statement?. 😉
Radar coverage is definitely better. That is why people keep building bases together with tracking graphs.
Detecting UFO with craft radar requires craft which has multiple disadvantages:
- Information delay. UFO may leave region at the time player knows about it and craft reaches it.
- Discovery chance could be really low especially for combing large regions like pacific.
- All this flying here and there takes your craft out of service for days and makes them unavailable for interception when you need them.
- First couple of months is fine but then player needs more interceptors just to search hidden UFOs. Keeping interceptors just for that, you know, costs much more than few radars.
- Besides, it becomes pretty plain annoying very soon. Again - try it and you'll see.